Yes, that is interesting George... So your post provoked me to amuse myself at an odd moment... by combining radio and tesla whilst lost in "wondering mixomania" after not speaking all day... Which then led me to fond memories of my Hudson RC sailboat: Which led you to (link to study):
that is interesting ! lol a study by kahneman and tversky from 1981 concerning ' FRAMING ' crossed my mind a moment ago. unrelated, completely.
In 1898, Tesla demonstrated a radio-controlled boat (U.S. Patent 613,809 Method of an Apparatus for Controlling Mechanism of Moving Vehicle or Vehicles).
Here an interesting product, I'm involved . And you can send a school package to a school for a set price, I suggest we do that to some places .... Where they wouldn't ever see such a thing.. [] link Back door straight to product.
I have had a non-selectively perceptive affect heuristic omission bias reversal eureka moment. This "ingredient" has paved a way for what might otherwise be considered a "miracle".