THE EXPERIMENT IS ON YOU! ~ Part Two Begins on Page 5

Discussion in 'Φ v.1THE COCKNEY TRANSLATER!' started by Rose, Apr 26, 2015.

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  1. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Last edited: May 3, 2015
  2. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Part 2 - The Sociopathy Experiment is On You, Charles!

    (Lesson One: Does Anyone Know How Many LIES Are contained in this "Rulers of the World" video?)

  3. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Q 371. --- clarifications from Atticus ---

    Ideas for the future of the senate and the 18. Thanks

    The age limit is final it's a legal issue debating this is a waste of time. Thanks

    If you wish to debate a particular idea do it in the message system. Provided. Thanks.

    Again all is going to be reviewed , take no notice of my point here and you can be sure your sins will

    find you on vote day.

    Thanks everyone

    Don't take offence just keep going with the real concerns about the opportunity in hand.


    Q 372. --- update from Atticus ---

    I wonder if any have noticed ?

    You are changing things , I will do this with you.

    It will happen , there are so many interested I couldn't be stopped

    Someone asked me what made me happy.....this does.

    Don't answer just carry on.....I couldn't help but point it out.

    Your all great....I new you were ....I did.


    Q 373. jc71: This is just a random thought, but I was on a course once where about 30

    high-powered business men and women were brought together to learn managerial


    Most turned up in their Porsches, Ferraris, Jaguars, Aston Martins.

    What was very interesting was that the format of the course was almost to have no format....

    This set up an interesting dynamic where the loudest and most confident people started to

    say "this group needs to be shaped and I am the person to do it". And one by one they were

    pulled back into the group.

    What happened over the course of 6 days was the the quieter but more competent people

    gradually shone through, and became the most respected members of the group.

    Just sharing my experience. I wonder if it might apply to this group... Just a thought. Maybe

    there is a time element (even though I know that will provoke comments about "time").



    And the video recorders running now , so to speak .

    I say again it will be reviewed .

    When you get to the right point , we will take stock of your opinions and move on again from there ,

    with a place marker.

    Thanks for the insight,it didn't go unnoticed by anyone.

    This is just a pointer .

    I will be back on line soon.


    Q 374. --- update from Atticus about the 18 group ---

    So just to book mark again....

    The 18 are a think tank to help structure the enviorament in the new site.

    They are not going to change the world.

    We need to start somewhere and soon would be good , we must not go round the merry go round to


    The catagoreys seem to bring little problem.

    We can't interveiw everyone and a natural process is preferred.


    Starting somewhere.......

    Everyone who has the time to assist in the 18 should thank this post.........

    Whitehaze" trust "

    let's take that one step further ......

    If you wish to put your name forward ..........ask yourself in the mirror "why".

    If you feel any doubt honest for everyones and your sake and sit down......there will be a vote

    and a say for you anyway and lots to read and do , just taking part.


    time , inclination , trust in the intuition .

    Good start there.

    Remember everything will remain fluid , relax we will adapt and change all as we go .

    So that being said ......

    Be careful what you wish for and spend a moment thinking about your ego. Then look at a picture of

    a loved one , be honest to yourself first.

    Start helping right there....I hope that made some sense to you ...if it didn't , sit down.


    Q 375. Dennis: Thanks for clearing that up Atticus.

    What will be the primary method of discussion/brainstorming? The forum, chat, skype, all of

    the above, something im not thinking of?

    It is current thinking they can go in a shell of the new site and use it privately at first etc.

    That is just the current thought , but will consult accordingly.


    Q 376. Isostool:

    How do we choose?

    1. We put forward our nominations. We let Aubrey OR Atticus choose a set of 18. We say if we

    like it or not.

    2. We nominate. We let Atticus and Aubrey choose the 18. We say if we approve or not.

    Perhaps they can call up St Germain for advice, but I reckon he might have other

    engagements. Perhaps Atticus might like to ask a group of external experts for advice on it.

    3. We put forward our nominations. Those that are nominated and approved by vetting, vote

    for a set of 18, choosing from amongst themselves.

    4. We put forward nominations, we vote for sets of 18, each person in the greater pool having

    a vote in it.

    5. We allow some kind of organic process to FORM an 18 - right in front of our eyes....

    Option 5 is quite something to consider... Should we truly allow it to manifest, like an organic living thing having a strange kind of birth?

    I would say that option 3 has good argument, other than 5, that is. Why? Because the 18 will be working with each other. They are more aware of their own alchemy and the group that they might be a part of, than people who are not. They will have a closer feeling of what alchemy will and will not work, in regards to the people in the nominated pool and themselves. Not necessarily, but in the majority, this is so, I think. I would like more information on this point, but leaving it purely to 'the machine' or Aubrey might encounter the problem of 'that's what got us into this mess in the first place'. The Machine is likely not able to incorporate multidimensional equations as well as WE can. Sorry Machine. I love you [I do]. Please, feel free to edumacate me if I am ignorant of your brilliance....

    And the question of leaks of information if one of the 18 leaves?

    Well, other than doing a "Daniel Lazaar" to them, with their reiki Qualifications [OMG I'm joking!], I will say that it is that Atticus, Aubrey and St Germain, will have to invest in the 18 that most ancient of agreements: trust. The flaws in this agreement are known already. But in creating this whole thing, the 'contract' is one written with our spirit/soul/body. If someone leaves and tells, then it is not an unforseen circumstance, and A, A and SG enter into this whole affair in the full knowing of this possibility, as do we. The repercussions of this shall have to be understood personally by each member, felt inside them. We shall have to invest trust in them [the 18... oh and also A, A and SG!!], that they are mature enough to handle information with respect to all life.


    From the bottom of Atticus' post:

    1. The Following 33 Users Say Thank You to Atticus For This Useful Post:

    000 (Today), 72MAV27 (Today), 777 (Today), Amenjo (Today), Belle (Today), billyji (Today),

    Céline (Today), Cottage Rose (Today), DeDukshyn (Today), Dennis (Today), Ernest (Today),

    fopa (Today), galilava (Today), GoldenYears (Today), Isostool (Today), ItsAllCreated (Today),

    JDM (Today), jorr lundstrom (Today), leelah (Today), Lifesong (Today), magicmanx (Today),

    Maria Stade (Today), mattymoto (Today), moais (Today), NinjaPhil (Today), Peta Babkama

    Luruba Anaku (Today), quench (Today), Real Intent (Today), Sebastion (Today), SKAWF

    (Today), slvrfx (Today), thunder24 (Today), Whitehaze (Today)


    I don't think this quite worked - I know there are people who thanked this who are not

    interested in being a member of the 18, but perhaps took it to mean that they would assist in

    its creation? Atticus did you mean time to assist as in 'want to be a part of it' specifically?

    Yes I did , iffy not to go to far with my text as it leads to more questions , but yes that was bait vague.

    It will take time to be in another sight paying attention to help set the structure it's going to be busy for

    a few weeks at least.

    I would not like to take a guess , but if needs be I will , 2hrs a day at least for all the 18.

    Big undertaking for a few weeks , families ,duarte etc.

    Thank you for pointing me at that issue.There are many more.

    But I am after a initial few to get some good solid answers to these practical questions.

    This is intent based at the moment..

    To get it rolling.



  4. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Last edited: Jun 6, 2015
  5. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Q 361. manny: may i ask a disrespect intended.

    have you discussed this with bill ,Atticus.

    after all you are setting up your own site and seem to be recruiting people from avalon.

    your main intention was to split bill and kerry.

    hmm makes me wonder.

    can,t help it these thoughts come in to my head and i feel the need to ask.

    Set up another thread manny , ideas here not your questions.

    But yes I spoke to bill and others Friday I think maybe Saturday .

    And members can decide for there selves whether to apply or not surely.

    No disrespect taken.


    Moving on

    Q 362. Calz_Avaretard: So this has nothing to do with the top-down "approaching" of the

    "offending" corporations?

    Or is everything on the table?

    Does this go back to concepts first put forward in PA1 with the "groundcrews"?

    Already covered, but yes any subject legally approached.

    No not ground crews

    Q 363. --- update from Atticus ---

    This is discussion of your ideas.

    Put forward your view.

    All is considered.

    By all.

    Q 364. Cottage Rose: Hypothetically, would you be able to provide protection for an

    organization such as Wikileaks and take actions on provided information?

    No to protection of other sites.

    But if info is public domain it can be covered.

    Q 365. 3optic: I'll use a quote Bill loves to use.

    "No problem can be solved at the same level of consciousness at which it was created"


    Maybe this could be a thematic rallying cry. This could be a vehicle for conscious evolution. It

    should be free of the greed, ego, and mixed motives that drag projects like this down..

    I'll see to it, I assure you.

    Fair and free , to create new thought.

    Chaotic and fluid.

    Q 366. Cottage Rose:

    And the spiritual group, would they be involved with the key you hold for the pyramid?

    Lol , rushing ahead.

    Not involved but the 18 will know all I know first.

    Then decide what's reasonable to publish to the new members.

    Q 367. bluestflame: yes responsible way to release info that can be very challenging to the

    average joe and joeline

    no point triggering mass behaviourally reactive "issues"

    some means of getting feedback on the effects of each information release "packet" to assess

    what the public are ready for next

    I guess this can be through the website?

    I can help there, Aubrey's on board , public statistics abound.

    Q 368. bashi: Hi Atticus, i got an idea.

    Should i hold on for now, in order to let others express themselves?

    Absolutely not , I want all , but did just want to encourage some new posters.

    I did not wish to stifle the foundation people.

    Please just go for it.

    It will all be reviewed

    Q 369. leelah: I always worry when people are put into positions of power….

    From my short experience here at Avalon there are so far only a handful of people I would

    choose to represent me. They tend to be the ones who have something special shining

    through them. They are not necessarily the ones with the loudest voices; they speak carefully

    and do not get into arguments or ego battles. They know how to admit when they are wrong

    and they understand what it means to be a loving and responsible member of society. Choose

    carefully, a lot of damage could be done by electing the wrong people!

    Furthermore, I would like as much transparency as possible, it’s the only way a true

    democracy can work, if at all.

    To put it bluntly , that's what I'm for , there will be NO grandstanding I assure you.

    All voices will be heard.

    Remember the 18 are constructing the shell of a senate system for voting...

    That's all.

    They will only have one vote in the finished arena , as everyone else.

    The threads put up in the senate for consideration can be put together by any member.

    The threads will have to formatted for understanding , the 18 will design a format for this.

    Most of all you have assurance from them by there involvement , I'm not being a dictator or doing

    anything unfair :).

    Thank you for this good point.

    Q 370. Sarlic: Its good to see this plan being put into action and theres some really good

    ideas being put forward by members

    But one thing that worries me is theres been no mention of peoples security and safety

    I mean if your going to set up a group to take on the evils of this world surely your going to

    need some sort of protection.

    Sorry to sound negative but i do have a background in security and one of my tasks is looking

    after groups of people in

    some really tricky locations in London so i know how challenging this can be and before

    anyone says im not trying to put myself

    forward for this as i dont think i can provide the time or the expertise needed for this group.

    Saying that though i think Atticus has must likely got this area covered so i wish you all the

    luck in the world in making this work.

    Lifesong: Sarlic raises a good point, and one that has crossed my mind more than once.

    Many have families to think about as well.

    For myself, I feel good reason to believe that as long as we don't do anything completely

    stupid or reckless, we are well secure in the hands of Atticus and his wonderful team.

    As a matter of fact, I count on it. (training wheels, isn't it? lol) :)

    You decide , I take the heat , it's why I'm here.

    So you guys get to concentrate without distraction.

    If anyone does anything to interfere we will use there system against them legally , and with popular

    support and a million watt search light on them while we do it.

    Cameras are very effective as a defence . I have experience of this.

    No no danger for you guys.

    But you have to be strong , obviously and if you feel it's to much then it's an easy decision to walk....

    Thanks , good point.
  6. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  7. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Q 351. Adaiahsshadow: My question is that several people would qualify in several different

    areas, so how would you address that?

    Pick the best to seek in the field for expert advice to present for the rest of the subjects

    Q 352. 3optic: As an artist myself, I would love to see a beautiful design that reflects the

    content somehow. Your logo would be an interesting starting point but we shouldn't restrict

    ourselves too early ;)

    Our logo.

    Not picking , thank you for making the point.

    Everybody's site

    Q 353. jimbojp View Post

    So the 18 nominate themselves? and then everyone votes for their choice?

    No we will check credentials of the applicants with due diligence experience aptitude , if it's over our

    heads we will get professional advice.

    This is the current thinking anyway.......your thoughts

    Q 354. ItsAllCreated: Man this is gonna be a tuff one to pull off

    iiiii LIKE IT!!!!!

    Nesesaty is the mother of all invention

    Q 355. --- update on the 18 selection ---

    All the 18s decisions will be made public , if there is a split that will be voted on via external pole

    Q 356. 72MAV27: i was curious about this too. how do we nominate people who we have

    never met before? it would be nice if somehow everyone could meet face to face and actually

    talk. i know it's not really possible. or do we screen everyone mentally

    and have faith that the right people will be chosen for the right job?

    Audio recording to browse thread ?

    Q 357. jimbojp: It may be difficult for people to make an application for what is a BIG job.

    Wouldn't they need a lot of confidence in themselves?

    Good point.

    If you want it SHOULD you get it ,mmm

    Or is confidence a good thing , don't you think it depends on the individual in question?

    I would like some confident people personally , but that's just my vote.

    Q 358. Cottage Rose: Could you please clarify exactly what you are wanting to achieve with

    the website and the 18? Or, direct me to where I might find that information?

    They will decide what route we take , I will make it happen.

    All completely legal and non violent.

    The rest is to be decided.

    We will have a senate of all of you.

    Subjects will be put before you and the senate will vote on what move to make.

    This will be made available in detail when we get that far.

    Age limit for the site.

    Three strikes gone for good. "debate all disrespect none"

    Your thoughts cottage ?

    Q 359. chiquetet View Post

    It makes perfect sense to have people who tend to see things in a spiritual way balanced with

    intellectuals and scientists. That mix should provide for a serrnsible workflow. Journalists

    reads like simple down to earth people who can relate issues among all kinds of people, that's

    obviously always necessary. Technicians are always useful.

    But the big question is, what are they supposed to do? It makes little sense to shape a key

    when you don't know the lock. But if that circumstance cannot be avoided, it seems like a

    good mix in general to me.

    I support the call for intuitives. And there should be people in this group, who know how to

    identify and act upon "energetic" - for the lack of a better term, I'm referring to auric fields,

    entities, etc. - issues.

    Some examples

    Tell a camera crew where to film.

    Decide on publications to endorse.

    Bring in cases for investigation.

    Respond to all issues environmental (publicise)

    Corporate watch

    Just for debate , but along these lines

    Oh land maybe end weight to other websites

    And the odd party ... ;)

    Q 360. Adaiahsshadow: O.k. I have a really tricky question. Lets say someone excells in a

    spiritual/ religous area and can provide tons of references, however those references don't

    want to discuss what the individual actually did for them. This would pose a problem because

    then they could have a bunch of friends say yeah they are perfect for the job, without actually

    doing anything. How would such an issue be dealt with?

    Unlucky next...
  8. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  9. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Q 341. --- misquoting ---

    Misquoting gone mad, this is misleading you.

    Christian Indianapolis is misquoting 5 out of the 6 were not even my answers they were someone

    Waste of time and effort.....

    Q 342. --- Atticus/Atticus replies to leaving Avalonian ---

    I am considering moving to a private website so please don't be hasty,I will only be here for a little longer really.

    If bill wishes me to move quicker and go now do the rest somewhere else no prob.

    Also I really don't know forums , and actually thought they could put it all in another box somewhere

    out of the way for those that want I'm sure they will find it.

    No resistance from me about anything you have said.

    Sorry you are leaving,do you think you could discuss what I've said and find away around the move.

    All the best


    --- clarifications ---

    Just to avoid misunderstanding I will set up a private site,and any avalonian will get a pass no

    problem of course , but this will help with this problem I thought,or as I said ,can we box it up out of

    the way to stop any upset for this site.

    As I said a suggestion , I realy don't like the idea of peole moving at all, I have had no control over

    the site , I would not have the first clue about the forum.

    All the best

    --- clarifications ---

    It's a solution to a few problems,slowing the sight down etc.

    Also no big deal we can copy across threads etc.

    And probably tidy up as we go,it's a suggestion think about it , it's inevitable anyway in the long run.

    Please don't start any arguments about this it is meant to do the opposite.

    Thank you

    Q 343. --- statement from Atticus - New site created ---


    Hold everyone..........

    There are aspects of this you are not aware of, and one of those is the subject of synchronising effort,

    or as you would put it, timing (although it has little to do with time).

    It was done thru me as a leader of a team of horses. I was lead horse pulling the others in the right direction.

    This kind of push is low level and cannot harm anyone. In fact, the type of effect that one Avalonian

    had was indeed as worse as I've ever been told, (as that person said - not that bad).

    that's the worst effect.

    I believe There was a number of headaches around the world that had nothing to do with us, I think

    you get my point. "let's get realistic" we went no where near anything dangerous as it could never be

    I was shown these things by professional trainers who showed me over a three year period. These

    people used written knowledge left in various books and physical teachings (handed first hand to

    them by succession, (professional, not one them under the age of 70).

    All the other books and teachings you're talking of are several thousand years old .

    Some are spread in various restricted libraries around the world and these teachings are

    cohoberated in turn by each other to the letter. This is where the other texts get their inspiration.

    This technique and power can do nothing to physically harm someone. It deludes and confuses at

    worst for short periods,that's it.

    This was taught to me to aid exit in stressful times by preoccupying people that would otherwise have

    apprehended me on exit, or we used it to gain access.


    As I got older and was not needed personally anymore, and was requested to gain access to a

    building etc I would go. I'd go to the front desk for example, and talk to the person while asking about

    the toilet etc. I would use this technique to preoccupy them and therefore the others would walk past

    and in, no fuss.

    If I was in a sticky situation and needed to walk away before it got worse, again I would preoccupy

    the person in my way and simply walk past them.

    That's as much as any of this can do. So I'm afraid anything else is imagination. Imagination is of

    course a powerful thing, how else would a placebo work!.

    If you do not have "your feet on the ground" so to speak (a very active imagination) do not take part, simple.

    But remember, it's not harmful anyway so this energy itself can't harm you.

    Anyone who thinks they can harm someone with their mind is deluded.

    The phsycic attacks experienced before by Bill and some other key people were mechanised

    amplification of this energy.

    But this can only be done by at most, three people at once with equipment.

    I myself had 7 of the best amplified by the equipment, taking shifts in "putting me in the soup".

    This was just to make it hard for me to converse with Bill. It even happened during the video interview
    we did.

    I'm not sure if Bill edited it out tho, I only proof watched it so can't remember .

    I said something about it during the interview, something like "like the trouble we are having now" or

    something like that.

    As to the healing, it pre occupied the part of the individual in questions mind which was making her

    stressed, which in turn, gave her chance go and let go of it. This would help with fatigue, that's all.

    Bill in a conversation last night on skype informed me that the website was open to minors, which in

    itself is not a problem as far as this is concerned. However, I am concerned about this in another

    aspect. The material we discuss here should be over 18 in my opinion and stupidly I had no idea it

    was not, (big lapse on the research side - our fault).

    So as a result, I will not be discussing this material on this site anymore for fear of minors being

    frightened, (plenty of time to be a kid is important).

    With this in mind and of course the synchronistic way of the world, strangely I have purchased a

    website which was actualy the subject of our conversation last night.(Bill, Dale and Atticus).

    So this solves all the issues for me and Bill with regards to the disruption on Avalon.

    We were going to make a statement but I saw you all deciding to dabble in things which need

    direction, and I cannot do this all the time obviously.

    Modwiz, I am glad your sister in law is stable, and thank you for your insight recently by skype.

    Well that's all I have for the moment, anyone wishing to join the worksite which I am in the process of

    setting up with some wonderful Avalonians, (thank you), please pm me with your request and I will

    furnish you with your access info.

    Thank you all, for some of the most stimulating discourse I have ever come across from the salt of the earth.



    Dictated by Atticus

    Could people please post this where needed.

    Thanks girl Friday

    Re: Atticus' Abilities

    Please pm me once and I cannot reply it clogs the Response time and gets confusing.

    The list will be copied.

    For return of access.

    ¤=[Post Update]=¤

    For people who cannot pm me , we are making arrangements on the new worksite.

    Q 344. rs50: Hello Atticus,

    I would highly appreciate your answer to a few simple questions:

    - which experience made you cry?

    - what makes your heart leap?

    - anything that makes you dance for joy?

    ....still in amazement about the impact you have on Avalon (ians)

    Thank you for your efforts,


    I wouldn't say I cry exactly ....ahem.... But I have had some events recently which have brought a

    very manly lump to my throat....

    I have worked with most of my tight crew for over 10 years, I have made them wealthy in there own

    right along the way,but I am a hard person to deal with on a daily basis(as I think I'm right a

    lot).recently I have had major financial difficulties and I had to let everyone go.....the twins wouldn't

    nor would girl Friday , and a few days after they all went girl Friday sheepishly came up to me with a

    bank statement her face and demeanour I thought here we go more bad news...

    Everyone I had let go had all chipped in with some substantial amounts respectively to there income

    and put it into my personal account......I reacted oddly I told her to go as I had some private phone

    calls to make quite rudely...she smiled and walked away.....then I had a brief moment , to myself.

    Seeing people stick up for there self in the face of overwhelming odds , and pull it of.

    I was standing outside a bank in Liverpool street London....huge traffic , there was a building site next

    to where I was standing,a pick up truck was turning right into the site.

    The driver opened his door to get out for some reason...just as he did that a cycle courier flew at high

    speed straight into the door. He went flying.the guy who got out the truck was about 5ft tall...the

    courier was well over six foot and obviously liked weights...

    The pickup truck driver was beside himself with these events and tried to pick the big guy up dust him

    off , saying sorry and is he alright etc , some guys from the site picked the bike up and were helping

    also along with a woman in a very smart suit .they all were trying to help.

    The cycle courier was fine and the bike was useable , but he got very angry and pushed the little

    driver on the floor , the woman in the suit said something like hang on he said sorry and has

    excepted responsibility there's no need for violence , with that the big guy punched her in the face

    and knocked her down.

    Quick as a flash the little guy jump round in front of this huge fit cycle courier and squared up and let

    leash with one of the best combinations I have ever seen , the big was out before he hit the

    ground...the police came and the little guy waited patiently with them while about thirty people stood

    with him and the police giving statements...for once everyone "saw something"......I stood there for 30

    mins watching it made me very late for something important , it was worth it.

    Seeing people who have nothing laughing at there situation.they have more than anyone and they

    know it.

    One more thing and I won't answer anymore like this please.

    A delinquent kid who has been around us after latching on some time ago with the nickname of

    "swimsuit"he's a body builder poses in competition so we call him "swimsuit" as we went once to

    cheer him on , he had done well one year , he came on stage with an electric blue thong , it was very

    very funny.

    He don't say much...about anything he is a good minder and is with me a lot when the twins can't could say I'm hard on him , I'm not , he has never said I am , but maybe I am. I'd not know.

    He monitors this site for me often , this entails typing my messages into another machine , he is not a

    typist and was told just to relay the info and not get involved as it causes confusion , he made a

    mistake and did , he then had a short conversation with the person who was messaging me ,I was

    furious and told him. I apologised to the avalonian he conversed with and she told me he said after

    questioning "he thought of me as his father"

    Alone time again.

    Thanks no more of these please.

    Q 345. jasonzwsa: Hello Atticus,

    I just have one question. What was the point of hiding your face if those who know you would

    recognise you anyway?



    To stop me dealing with all the have a go heroes who think they can.

    know one that knows me would do anything.

    Obvious really , and answered already buy bill.


    So what happened to telling us all our real history?

    What happened to revealing where we all really come from?

    What happened to the full disclosure that was promised from Atticus and his Master?

    What happened to all the other things that were going to be disclosed at the right time?

    Do people not deserve better than this?

    Do people not feel cheated of all the hours and hours of time invested in "the Atticus material"


    I totally agree with your questions HURRITT ENYETO and yes we have been cheated and

    made to run around in circles for a long time here on this forum.

    We were led to believe by Bill, that we were going to learn material that had never been

    released before... important information that could empower us and expose the elite and their

    plans, so where is it?

    These elite have held knowledge for thousands of years, which has given them power over us.

    Atticus has witnessed artefacts, seen ancient scrolls and has acquired some of that 'secret'

    knowledge and probably knows much of our real history. He is taking great risks, but he came

    here with ideas and plans to either beat them or create a fair playing field.

    WE have waited for this moment.

    WE are here now, ready to act.

    WE know this is our final hour.

    I would say this to Bill, YOU have let us ALL down. I believe you had a real opportunity to

    strike when the iron was hot, but you did not see the importance, you were content and you

    allowed it to get cold and frustration set in.

    Leaders take risks, they don't sit by and watch events from a safe perspective, they know they

    have to act and manage.

    I have moved on to find people who have guts and speak out openly without fear of

    humiliation, to expose the Truth.

    I welcome anyone who agrees with my points, to join me here

    Bill pokes me very often , and has personal info , and I call him a freind.

    He puts this to one side......and pokes. He has not let you down and is still not letting you....

    Most people that talk to me want something , they try all sorts of tactics....all sorts.

    Usually ending up with the old favourite badgering , which is funny because straight up people start

    with this up front "what does that tell you"...

    However, I find it easy to put up with , second's all the time.....

    Bill got further than anyone because he draws you out very slowly and asks honest straight questions

    in the mix , it took me a few days to realise he had got more in two days than I've ever said to anyone

    in my made me smile.

    Let's just say I was going to bet him money on a chess game eventually when we had

    time...............I'm not gonna bet the money I don't bet!

    Had to answer , this obviously.

    Thanks for all those videos and things tho ...all good for debate..


    Q 347. manny View Post

    Atticus stated that the 33 had split and that he personally gave chase to 3 of them.

    now the question i was thinking was,if Atticus is a danger to the 33,of which the 33 surley

    would know Atticus identity.

    1 why have they not retaliated against him.

    2 why have they not tried to debunk him,here on this site or reveal his identity.

    exposing him would have made his life difficult and theres easier.

    just curious.thanks

    ps or have you Atticus done your deed for the 33 by letting humanity,know the rules of the game?

    As it's you manny.

    They do obviously.

    1)because I will return fire and it's stalemate at the moment (this was discussed somewhere).

    2)they are all the time , and I come back with a fact every time , q/a.....if they revealed mine our any

    thing like that I will do it to them's a an old rule it screws everyone if you do that.........and then

    no one we stick to the game.

    Curious , yeah alright lol


    Q 348. --- picking up the 18 ---

    Suggestions on picking the 18

    We need 3 spiritual/religious 3 science/logic 3 intellectual 3 technical 6 journalist/geographically spread

    This is a scaffold idea we can move it about chaotic but fluid.flexible to adapt.

    Assistance now for next week on line interview. examples of work /experience etc




    We will have a shell of a site to work in after 18 are voted for and installed.

    Then they will construct basis for the senate and declaration

    Then we vote everything to fill the room.

    Ideas please.

    No arguing just debate please , give the mods a break for once guys please.

    If your not interested just don't post , in fact start another thread for that , simple.

    Thank you


    Q 349. Jake: 3,3,3, and 6. I am curious as to what falls in the 'technical' catagory.

    We could change the line up , it's just a kickstart for discussion .

    Tell me what you think the spread of people should be.

    Q 350. ItsAllCreated: I feel there should be an age requirement of some type.

    It would be too easy for a young one to read some info and get scared, confused, &


    Misinformation is the last thing we want spreading around the hallways of schools (thats

    worse than no info at all).

    Covered and in place.
  10. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  11. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Q 331. Belle: Atticus, what are the "elites"? They are like us, but seem to function/view the world differently.

    Yeah they do , they look through money goggles from a great height, and spit quite a lot.

    Q 332. Bosswagon: Atticus, I have committed myself to serve humanity through playing

    music. Earlier you said, forgive my paraphrasing, that music was like a subject of its own and

    "creates feelings like nothing else".

    Can you elaborate on this?

    Yeah when I have a day to talk to you.

    Q 333. Céline: So now we are going to debate whether a decision was correct or not?

    This group is better then that...really.

    Atticus, have you made alot of friends here?

    Not for me to answer.

    Q 334. viking: Hi Atticus...

    And who chooses the 18?

    Well as they are going to speak your words I thought you guys would , seems prudent don't you think.

    Q 335. take: Atticus, not being a historian, thank you so much for taking the time to dig that

    information and presenting it here. A simple push of a button was not enough.

    Q: The skills/expertise that we are looking for, are they skills in leading, rebuilding, spiritual

    advance, or all of them, or something completely different?

    Or is it up to us to decide once we get a bigger picture of the bigger picture..?

    I think the second one don't you,but someone has to help initially of course ,help bill so on......

    Q 336. baggywrinkle: What are the areas of expertise?

    What are the objectives?

    All are utilised when needed, or a way is found to make use of what we have.

    Multinational corporations that harm first ....

    When we have there attention and the banks start to help , the banks.

    Then I think you can pretty much fire at will.

    Q 337. stegosaur: If reptiles evolved first and then humans came along, this raises a few questions:

    1) If humans are a long term ET experiment, what are the reptiles' origin? A natural

    consequence of Earth's natural selection mechanisms? Or, another long term genetic

    experiment conducted by ETs?

    2) How did the 33 lead the insurgency against the reptiles then gain information from the

    faction of humans (priests) who remained loyal to the reptiles?

    3) Are practices such as geoengineering designed to cool the Earth to keep the climate

    inhospitable to the reptiles?

    1) life itself here was the experiment ,it just went that way.

    2)don't know the details ,will find out tho.personally I think it was a bit of a free for all but that's me ,

    they don't like my attitude in this subject.

    3)not as far as I know.

    Q 338. learninglight: Hello Atticus / Atticus

    Considering 'woman' is the key, why hasn't Kerry from Project Camelot been brought into the equation?

    Much love

    In what context?

    I don't get the question do you mean because she's a woman or what.

    Surely she has the same rights as every other woman.

    Not sure what you mean.

    I have nothing against her being involved.

    Everyone has a say don't they.

    Q 339. Shairia: Atticus,

    How can the 18 be chosen democratically if we do not know the exact threat we all face. Isn't it

    time to delve into that area to determine how to best confront it? You said you have a plan

    and I can respect that you cannot reveal that plan at this time in order for it to work, however, I

    can't see the 18 having an impact unless they understand what they are facing. Have they

    been chosen and told the threat?

    There's more to sort out than objectives etc

    How about how it's going to work , you guys have trouble agreeing on text size and aviators.

    I think starting with process would be a good thing , then communications etc.

    Start there.

    Q 340. chrstian_indianapolis: Methinks, perhaps, the ticks doth protest too much. But we

    don't have to be ticks. The first step is to stop thinking in terms of 'ownership', and think more

    in terms of 'stewardship'.

    I never said that,I am so fed up with being misquoted,at least do the work before posting,I don't even

    talk like that,this is fast becoming pointless....

    You got one ,one quote was correct,I won't tell you which , do some work to satisfy your curiosity.

    I won't even read the rest of your post...

  12. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  13. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Q 321. quench: I have a question for Atticus:

    Can you, personally, interact with and understand animals (the same way as you see a

    humans 'energy')?


    Do you know anything about did all animals evolve naturally, as in Atticus Darwin's theory, or

    were some of them part of an experiment too?


    Yes I can see a bit off lifes glimpse in anything mostly.

    Every things part of it everything.

    Q 322. Cyaneyed: I have a few questions, and I will say now, my questions are probably a

    little 'fantastical' (if we can use such terms when dealing with this material), but your answers

    here and in the interview with Bill rang distant bells to things I have always had a fascination

    with, but never seen taken especially seriously. I get the impression you're a man of answers

    to many things people may not consider asking so I hope my questions aren't too left-field here.

    1. Count De St. Germain. Myth of an incredibly influential man who spanned centuries,

    'believed' not to have been sighted since the early 1900's. I literally thought of him

    immediately when you mentioned 5,000 years. Was/is he a real figure, and does he/has he had

    any bearing on events of today?

    2. Another thought leading on from mentions of your master. I'll just ask in an obscure way;

    does the name 'Waite' mean anything to you?

    3. Can we find fingerprints of the 33 if we look hard enough? Should we be looking at all the

    major historic events in the last 5000 years, or more specific areas?

    4. Just what is Iapetus, is it connected to the same pyramid 'machine' infrastructure you've mentioned?

    5. You said the pyramids are machines for transport; do you mean this literally, or are you

    talking about a 'higher' kind of transport?

    6. Were you in the ICF?

    1)yes he does exist,I was speaking with him yesterday.yes he does.


    3)they are not like him,good luck with the fingerprints.

    4)don't know

    5)literally but mostly power,they use the earths mantle it's why they are not he biggest land masses

    or types of geology.


    Q 323. take: Hello Atticus and hi everybody.

    Thank you very much for your answers, highly appreciated.

    Also the jokes lol

    Do excuse me for skipping some of the questions... If my questions have been already asked,

    feel free to skip these.

    1) Are the reptiles, who allegedly initiated this wonderful mistake that we are, coming back?


    A. Were the reptiles originally from this planet, like dinosaurs? (just wondering where they

    came from then)

    B. Was the climate change that chased them away the ice age or whatever it was that killed

    the dinosaurs?

    ( Sorry, I know you are not a historian but I feel it's still worth asking)

    3) When you talk about the becoming "powers struggles and their ramifications", are you

    referring to (world) wars, or the (possibly) coming false flag ET attack, or both?

    Thanks again.

    Take care.

    1)they didn't initiate it,and I sincerely ****ing hope not,that's why imwill destroy the artifact.


    A yes

    B No not totally.they had other problems namely us.

    3)no world wars , other things financial controlling and pretty **** all round .

    Q 324. saudiman:

    Hi Atticus,

    In regards to the reptiles: I found an website/article a few years ago this not being the original off

    course. The original was at which has been turned into

    some sort of "information" portal of bull crap.

    In this article/website there is mention of reptiles (as reported by the locals).

    Q1. Is these reptiles of the same decent as the ones you mention?

    Q2. Do/did you know of them?

    Q1 in my opinion, I seriously doubt it.

    Q2 not exactly,I no about why you see them.

    Q 325. Annacarl:

    Are people without psychic abilities helpful to your cause?

    I understand I have them but they are not exactly "up and running"


    All are essential in different ways,everyone , not just psychics.

    Q 326. TigerLilly: Hello Atticus

    I will post this now while the thread is quiet, in anticipation of your return.

    Returning to the question of money ( which caused such an uproar), was your purpose in

    proposing the help to see if we were ready and willing to work as a group for the general good?

    To see if we were ready to become an active global community working in unity?

    Do you think that if we become more active, ( with meetings and safe houses) that we will

    quickly grow in numbers and reach the magic number of 40 000?

    Thanks, and happy birthday.

    Doesn't matter how,but I know you do.

    Q 327. Unified Serenity: Re: Not abandoning the sinking ship issue:

    I understand what you are saying, but let's say the fire is in a building not a ship. You have

    600 of the best trained people to deal with fires, but in ten seconds the building is coming

    down. Is it wise to keep them all in the building hoping to save ten people or pull them out

    thus saving them to help in a later situation?

    Depends is Bruce Willis there?


    Q 328. Realeyes: Hello Atticus – Here’s a quick question I would love to know.

    Did your Master achieve his longevity through alchemy himself or was he given the ‘red lion’

    ‘elixir of life’ by other masters? Y/N


    He's different,and I'm of his blood for purpose.

    Q 329. ace: The games not over till the fat lady sings.

    it's working,

    Q-Atticus Is it true you were only looking for blue and green eyed people.

    Q-Atticus This is all going just as you thought. Y/N

    Q-Atticus Their has been references made that refear too what is being done here by you

    to the film V? what is your response, feelings on this?

    you have sead none will be left behind, feels like you have rode off in to the sun set.



    1)the eye thing was an old trick to draw attention to your composure,however there is something I

    can tell from peoples eyes which is not involved with colour exactly(and it's not racial before the

    blogging starts sigh).

    2)more or less yes.

    3)I don't watch tv , but yeah that's very funny .....I think! Yeah yeah that's funny.

    Not yet. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

    Q 330. panopticon: G'day Atticus,

    This may be old hat, however I shall ask anyway...

    It is said that a fish can not see the water in which it swims because water is the basis of its reality.

    It is also said that 'there is no way of escaping the power of any one discourse, except by

    moving into another'.


    Right and wrong, good and evil are social constructs.

    Are you trying to challenge these (and other) artificial dichotomies within this group?

    If so, then how's that working out for you?

    Kind Regards,


    I am trying.

    As more or less expected,not very progressive.but happening just.
  14. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    That's the first time I have heard the term "boxing clever"...
    Is this a good definition, Stephen?

    • agree agree x 1
  15. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Q 311. doodah: Atticus,

    In response to this: .... "after you showed up we realized Chemtrails were creating antimatter

    bursts...The Chem trails ended and fish and birds stopped dying."

    You answered:

    Please listen,the 33 are not in charge of those weapons.and they are all but finished,the ones

    to worry about anyway.

    1. Can you clarify "THEY are all but finished, the ones to worry about"?

    2. Who is all but finished?

    3. Is this a good thing?

    1)the last seven of the 33 that became enthralled with the elites manoeuvrings .

    2)they have secreted them selves in another country which is a setback in someways(strategic),but

    not in others(finically).

    3)hard to answer quickly,pushed I'd say yes,but that's my take on it.

    Q 312. trenairio: Hello Atticus

    Does the 'rule by divine right' of King's and Pope's related to or in any way similar to how the

    33 see their selves as "representative" or "in charge" of the planet till the "Son(s) of God" (ET

    creators) return to the Earth?

    They did not see there selves as in charge originally .

    They were supposed to be educated observers and preservers of the knowledge.

    But meddling began because of the elite groups as some(33) were impatient and became infected

    with the world of politics and it's potential to influence the outcome of certain things.

    This ended up being underling in all debates, it always turned back to this at the end of nearly all

    meeting cycles.

    And ultimately when we discovered the artefact this was the last straw act now or never.

    Q 313. Hypothetical: 1) Did they die off during the ice age because they were cold blooded

    and the rest of us survived because we are warm blooded?

    It caused massive logistical problems , from fuel to keep up temperatures ,to not being around

    enough to keep an eye on things,putting it simply.

    Q 314. norman: I think this thread should have been locked as soon as Atticus stopped.

    The chemistry is far better when it's all live and 'happening'.

    Not that you lot haven't got some great things to say but they should be on a twin thread that

    stays open all the time.

    Atticus, thanks for that great spurt of progress last night. A corner has been turned, a degree

    of trust has been tested and granted.

    I may not be on any 'bus' that this becomes but I sure as hell want to really know what's been

    going on in this world before I croak. Thanks for starting to cut through the academic firewall of history.

    I have a question, Did the reptilians find a highly intelligent race of humans here a

    nd nobble us down to a fifth of our capacity to make slaves of us?

    b) could we be switched back on ( as seems to be being done by 'abduction' ETs right now )?

    No they didn't nobble us genetically they were just here first and had the jump.that's all.

    Q 315. MMA_Fan: Hi Atticus / Attitcus.

    Can you answer any of the following from the other thread please?

    1) Did the dinosaurs evolve into a humanoid species?

    2) Has the Master ever talked about a historical Christ?

    3) Who's the poor bugger that has to put the candles on the Masters cake every year?


    1)yes putting it simply


    3)he doesn't do birthdays,we have some fireworks,which he makes,and drink some of his brandy,now

    let me tell you"that's a cellar he's got trust me"

    And we both laughed at that.

    Q 316. williamg: So, if everybody shuts up, who are we be listening to ?

    Everyone else,buy the looks of it.


    Q 317. chelmostef: Wow!

    A mile stone has been reached(Not the STFU, but about the information)... If I may another few

    questions... Hope fully wont get lost in the chatter,

    1)Can you tell us what happens when the machine gets activated?

    2)Do you know what temperature is to cold for reptilians?

    3)Were are the reptilians now?

    4)Who are their current servants?

    5)Are/were we intended to be an upgraded version to replace the other servants?

    6)All the weapons are finished now, and tested?

    7)Is there any way to protect ourselves from these weapons?

    8)Is the new machine under ground or on the surface?

    9)How much ball kicking can we do before they say ouch and start kicking back?

    Thankyou Atticus & co

    1) you will have bigger problems than that if they get that far.

    2) I don't know, bit I think David Attenborough might.

    3)don't know,long gone.more immediate fish to fry.maybe they got enlightenment?

    4)don't know,they took some people with them it's written but so much is written the really old stuff I

    didn't get to see.

    5)don't understand

    6)again lost me.

    7)are you talking about realtime now weapons ?


    9)they have already been kicking me and my organisation for months (the elites I mean).

    If I've been dim I'm tired sorry,I just didn't know what some of the questions meant.

    Q 318. sdafnom: So Atticus, is it a fair assumption that, the blood lines were created by those

    closest to the reptilians, before they overthrew them?

    I mean, if you are close advisor to the king, you have privileged access to information, which

    later you can use for your own benefit... Y/N?

    The bloodlines are more complicated than that,it's not a one word answer.

    But yes they discovered the reality of things later and the bloodlines were held sacred from then on.

    If the genetic memory of the human race is important , then I suppose they are sacred , not my call.

    I'm not that religious in thought,I believe my own version ,after what I was taught the second time

    about history was wrong I decided enough was enough and stopped thinking about it really made my

    own mind up about my own thoughts of that nature ,and that's private.

    Q 319. sdafnom: Hello Atticus & Friends,

    A few questions that can be answered by a basic Y/N, or you can add something more to it, if you like:

    1) Assuming that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, simply transforms itself , is

    our current understanding/perception of the human soul completely wrong?

    2) The machine you went into is an interface to the "bigger" computer of the cosmos, can you

    confirm that we do the same involuntarily in our sleep? (with less side-effects)

    3) Assuming that Free Will is based solely on the limited information we possess (an all

    knowing/powerful being contradicts the concept of free will by definition) would you say that

    our ignorance is bliss?

    4) Given that "all physical" matter that we know of, constitutes 4% of our universe, are we

    "feeding" on, what is wrongfully call "Dark Energy"?

    5) Emotions can create powerful vibrations, but do they really exist, or they are just

    manifestations of our own programming/brain?

    6) We create our own reality! Quite a statement! We create our own perception of reality which

    can easily be mistaken for reality. Do you agree?

    (I know that physical manifestation is possible, but is locked out for our own protection)

    And for the capstone, question no 7 (or the chief corner stones as Jordan likes to call it) :

    7a) Are we going to the red planet to ensure the survival of our race?

    7b) Is this what the gathering of 40k is about?

    7c) Or is it a countermeasure to those (the elite) who have already decided who should


    The scenery is unfolding and the playground becomes more interesting day by day.

    Big hug to everyone

    1)from what religious perspective ? Yours, mine ,someone else's . Is there a bs standard?

    2) erm don't know ,because I don't know what your talking about, sorry.

    3)I assume nothing these days.

    4)all I know about the universe is it's cooling down and that is what drives it.

    5)thought exists physically,for instance we all feel when we are in danger even if your eyes and ears

    don't tell you,you just know,well if you start there and work with it you see that there is so much more

    going on,I think you call them auras for want of a better instant description that will do for now. Im

    talking about the knowing someones watching you feeling when nones there etc,but Its a big subject

    it really is,I'm quite well versed in this because of my former employment.

    6)I suppose so , a bit deep for me tho,not sure I'm ya man there sorry.


    A no

    B no

    C yes

    You are now the owner of a state of the art BBQ and two nights in Bogner Regis.

    Thank you for playing.sorry it's 7:08 in the morning and I've been running for two days I'm

    punchy,that wasn't even funny.

    Q 320. billyji: This Question interested me, A belief is not a knowing Atticus.

    Q1, is it possible that the belief system you have created for yourself is not a 100% knowing.

    or do you Know that there are NO consequences in the afterlife. Is it possible to ask your

    Master this Question, I ask this for a very important reason. Thank you.

    Have you heard of "boxing clever" I have practises it for years.
  16. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  17. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Q 301. kinerkid: Isn't that what we've been experiencing to a degree? ie discussions just

    today about their control over us with the monetary system, government, etc....... We have a

    shot here to be in service to ourselves, not them.

    No no , they left so long ago,that's what the pyramids were for .

    The engine is the last one to start them up , but there to damaged,they have built another one( as in

    the elites)but can't start it they need this technology which there is only one of,that's what I have as

    leverage ,we've got them by the nuts,

    Hi guys,**** you .

    They needed some drawings and other things from Egypt that's what the hassle was all about ,to get

    the bits out ,amongst other things,like checking how people would respond when the communications

    went down,and yeah they closed the skype loop hole,

    Can we leave it there for now,my knuckles are giving me jip big time.and I got loads of Pms to
    answer to yet.

    I'll talk to billmand see what he wants to domtommorow.

    Q 302. Adrift: ...and I feel like I've just walked off of a cliff.

    So the "progenitor" alien race is... reptilian?

    The three million year experiment is to make... the perfect 'servant'?!

    no it isn't.

    Reptiles evolved first,then we came along.

    They made use of us.

    This went on for a very long time.

    When the climate changed due to natural occurrence ,

    there numbers suffered and we became more

    The climate continued to change and they had to retreat inside most of the time,

    we supplied all they

    Eventually the inevitable happened and man started to resist not believing the religious hype.

    Then the real trouble started they had all the tech but not the numbers ,

    and the cold played to mans

    More or less genocide in sued .

    We killed all we came across with great enthusiasm .

    The writing was on the wall so to speak.

    They turned there efforts to other avenues , escape to warmer climes.

    Some loyal humans (priests etc) helped them develop the technology needed,

    they were advanced anyway.

    The pyramids were constructed and they left for good,

    leaving one key they could only use for any left

    behind by accident or misadventure.

    The humans ransacked the world they left behind over the centuries,

    bastardised the temples and dwellings.

    Picked up prices of religion from it jostled for power etc etc.

    The thirty three were the leading pure bloodlines that led the the insurgence .

    They dropped back with knowledge and technology and kept it from the rest,

    as they learned some
    secrets about the origin of life from there masters

    (the priest bloodlines).

    This leads into a very complicated area and I can't go into that yet....

    I need to think about the consequences of to much to soon.

    And believe me we have more pressing matters to discuss,

    such as our current predicament and
    what we are going to do about it.

    The plan is mine but approved by my master he is not a warrior and is

    delicate in many thoughts and
    deeds he will not sully himself,

    only advise me and give me council.

    My plan is simple , we use our talents and use them wisely.

    It is up for debate and improvement as the responsibility is not mine it's all of us together.

    We must meet and devise decide and then act.

    We need 18 people with varying talents and expertise .

    These people will represent all of your ideas and input, in a pure democratic way.

    That's why I'm here to make sure that happens,this is why he is using me ,

    I have no vested interest

    no children no line left and therefore no axe to grind.

    I will just make sure there is no coercion and dictators.

    Pure thought for the greater good or I'll deal with it myself.

    Bill in the chair.

    I have some business to take care of,I will start again tomorrow.

    Q 303. buffski: Atticus,

    What is the most beautiful thing you have seen?

    Ta x


    Q 304. Constance Neal: Maybe the "plan" has an "organic" or "fluid" approach that allows

    itself to unfold...Maybe there are seeming contradictions for a purpose that we may not be

    aware of yet. Maybe there is more to it than we can ever really know for now.

    Remember, it has to go beyond anything that is currently being playing out....

    he new if he told me in the first place i was involved in this way , i would not have embarked with him.

    Q 305. Mayan2012: Strength and intelligence are not the only ingredients necessary to be the

    victor in a conflict.

    Having the right state of mind, who wants the victory more, who uses the opponent's

    weaknesses against them better, who is more skilled at fighting, who adapts to changes in the

    environment better.

    In the case of the reptilians, if they went underground in the winter as we know reptiles do, it

    would be easy to defeat while they were in such a vulnerable situation.

    Have you ever been attacked by fire ants,I'm bigger more intelligent (sort of)

    and they showed me
    who was boss,trust me.

    Q 306. SHAPE: Atticus

    Many here doubt your motives. How do you reply to that?

    Peace and love.

    Seems fair to doubt anything to me,don't you agree.

    Q 307. Liquid: [missed older question] I'd like to know your thoughts on crop circles.

    Did the council ever discuss them?

    Man-made or ET?

    The first couple were drone landing zones.

    Then overactive students and societies with scaffold boards and gps plotters.

    Q 308. Liquid: [missed older question] Any idea what the huge planet-sized objects moving

    into, out of and around the sun are?

    Yes I do.

    But not yet.

    One more thing about the circles I forgot to say,the first fields they landed in were GMO.?

    What do you think.

    Share this information,I'm to busy at moment travel plans.

    Q 309. Spectre: Atticus:

    The engine its the capstone?

    No , it goes inside,it fits in some apparatus that has long gone.

    Q 310. bashi: Hi Atticus,

    this is the third time i am posting these questions:

    Is Philippe also a master in Alchemy?

    Are you or your Master ingesting alchemical substances as supplements?

    "What is it?" ?

    Is your Master a vegetarian?

    Can your Master be described as a Yogi wearing a Gucci-suit?

    It was a former passion of his yes.
    Last edited: May 15, 2015
  18. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Last edited: May 15, 2015
  19. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Q 291. Nenuphar: What happened to your cellmate is

    terrible, and the fact that people were laughing that he took his life? Cruel. Incomprehensible. Sadistic.

    I guess this is where I get caught up on the "there is no right/wrong, good/bad" thing...or the

    idea that there would be no consequences on any level for dreadful acts. I'm not speaking of

    the suicide, but of the *****s who laughed. Who maybe even drove him to it. Where is the

    justice in life? Or is there none?

    Well about six months later some of the screws who laughed ask me to make there tea while we

    were out digging,and we all wiped our knobs round the cups....

    Q 292. Nenuphar: Thank you for answering my questions.

    His name was Jo and he was a really good artist (graffiti) so let's remember him now eh!

    Al right Jo i still got the drawing son.

    Q 293. gigha: Hi Atticus, hope you enjoyed your tea. I wonder if you can answer this

    question. Were the likes of Jesus and Buddha and other so called prophet types part of the

    bloodline, ET or human?

    I cannot answer that.

    Q 294. IronicDestiny: Hey Atticus :) just wondering, does the results of the human

    experiment have implications for the universe, or at least many others beyond us? andddd

    what is it we need to prove, if anything at all?

    Yes I suppose it does,that's beyond me,divinity I think.

    Q 295. bluestflame: were the reptiles in charge at the pyramids in thier "heyday"

    Before that.....but remember history needs checking its not my strong point,so don't start in with dates

    and all that until I can check my notes from my lesson.

    Q 296. rmauersr: Was the "mistake" related to an additional genetic modification?

    No the climate changed.

    Q 297. IronicDestiny: Oh AND what were we meant to do to serve the reptiles?


    Q 298. Peta Babkama Luruba Anaku: "Atticus", I hope you enjoyed your tea and the small

    break. Thank you for returning. If you could be so kind as to tell me,

    What is your masters relationship with animals?

    Did you master acquire his knowledge through the ages from certain experiences or perhaps

    people? If people, who? If you know?

    What corner of the earth would your master call home? If not now where did he feel most at


    Thank you again.

    I have already been reprimanded for being flippant ,so that's it on him for now,my fault ,don't blame

    him,I'm an irreverent ****.

    Q 299. Adrift: ...and I feel like I've just walked off of a cliff.

    So the "progenitor" alien race is... reptilian?

    The three million year experiment is to make... the perfect 'servant'?!

    No they came first,we survived due to a climate anomaly ,it got to cold for them ,the relied on us more

    and more until,well you know us.

    Q 300. Globalcitizen: Atticus

    Here's one you might answer;

    1) At what point in linear time did the human race become a 'wonderful mistake'?

    Thank you in advance

    I really don't believe your luck seriously, I don't know I will have to check,told you I was **** at history.
  20. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  21. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Q 281. Mr54: Two more questions I'm Afraid.

    1 Does my presence here put my family at risk and no glib answers please a la Do I put them

    at risk by not being here.

    2 I have on a couple of occasions had a strange sensation during these sessions, a

    quickening of my heart rate, ringing in the ears and feeling drained what is this and what is

    causing it?

    1)that's a good question,Id say it enhanced your chances.but I think it ultimately depends on you.

    2)you are sensitive and probably linking with me.

    Q 282. passenger1147: Hi Atticus. Hope you enjoyed your tea.

    If we are a wonderful mistake, as you said, What were we "supposed" to be ?


    Servants for the reptiles

    Q 283. gigawatt: Sort of an odd question but ...

    All I've heard talk of is a need to find the "creme de la creme" amongst us.

    1) Is there vision or a place for those among us with physical or mental handicaps?

    2) What future has been laid out for them?; those people who can't speak for themselves but

    are just as awakened and perhaps even more spirtually evolved then some of us here.

    My life is rooted in such a situation and I will only move forward hand in hand with those I've

    dedicated my life to ...

    1)diversification is the building block of change and growth.

    2)well your not going to let it happen then are you.

    Q 284. Silva: Hello Atticus,

    can you tell me/us what would be necessary on our part so that we would have a better

    chance to make it? - hope this was not already asked. Thanks for your time!

    A start would be shut the f&@k up and listen ........

    I meant that in the nicest possible way.


    Q 285. Constance Neal: hi there Atticus,

    I noticed that you skipped over my questions...I was wondering if you thought that my

    intentions were not pure and that it was not for the highest good of all?

    No I think it resembled the bibles brother.....very of putting.

    Sorry,if you saw it from my end you would

    Q 286. John101: "A wonderful mistake."

    Q. Who's Mistake was it ?


    Q 287. noprophet: 5000 years is a long time. I imagine you'd get good at quite a few things.

    Does your master do any art?

    If yes, can we see any of it?

    He is fantastic at many things, and has a very big head,that's gonna get me in trouble sort of.

    Q 288. Brodie75: 1. If we're the nuts and bolts and Bill's the tool, what's the machine

    A pain in the arse.

    That's gonna get me in trouble to.

    Q 289. jookyle: Atticus,

    Can you tell us anything at all about your diet?

    Brunettes,now that's really gonna get me in trouble.

    I'm joking I'm joking......

    Q 290. Shairia: Atticus,

    Bill mentioned that during your interview you looked at him and turned it up. Exactly what did

    you do and what are your abilities? Are you trying to locate others with different abilities?


    That really is a loaded question.
  22. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Last edited: May 13, 2015
  23. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Q 271. Peta Babkama Luruba Anaku: I felt my eyes water up (not an easy thing to do).

    Thank you for lighting the flame.

    You look just like one of my men"swimsuit",it's uncanny.

    Q 272. 4sh Sky: But you won't tell us what it is they'd do to start the ball rolling? Or what the

    ball is rolling towards? With a specific detail like 40k in your mind you must have details on

    what you think that 40k would be doing together?

    I've asked this pointed question a few times and perhaps you'll skip it again.

    Yes I will,sorry

    Q 273. astrid: In who's perspective [are we a "wornderul mistake"]?? Yours/Theirs?

    Mine I think but who knows where we pick things up.

    Q 274. Whitehaze: 1. Are we not all tools for the solution?

    2. Is it possible to collectively interface and alter the course of things?

    1)more like nuts and bolts(emphasis on the nuts) ;)

    2)don't know,bit deep for me.

    Q 275. Nenuphar: Hi Atticus,

    If I remember correctly, in your interview you said you didn't believe there was such a thing as

    right/wrong or good/bad, just "what comes next". Also that you are sure we spirit and go on

    after this existence.

    1) Do you have any feelings/beliefs about whether there are consequences in the afterlife for

    the actions you (or anyone else) have taken in life? (karma, sin, etc...hate to use those terms,

    they are very loaded).

    2) Do you believe that suicide is a "sin" or is an action that would incur negative

    consequences in the afterlife? (I'm fine - just curious)

    Thank you

    1)no I don't believe that.

    2)no I don't ,I think it's f&@king sad that one of us didn't pick it up in someone before it happens,I had

    a 19 year old cellmate do that while I was asleep,screws didn't give a f&@k they laughed.he was just

    scared hows that a sin?

    Q 276. Heartsong: About the computer with the AI abilities. As I understand it, it takes

    information and models potential outcomes.

    Does it or can it select and initiate actions toward that outcome without human direction?


    Q 277. Isthatso: Hi Atticus and everyone,

    Atticus, Just a thought - did your Master, having lived so long, join the 33 to rise up and be

    the one to destroy it??

    Warm wishes...

    I don't know,but I don't think so no.

    Q 278. Globalcitizen: Hi Atticus

    1) Do you think you will EVER answer ANY of my questions??? LOL


    C I just did.


    Q 279. qbeac: Hi Atticus, sorry if it sounded rude, but what exactly sounded rude, Kerry’s

    quote? Or perhaps my questions…???

    Please, could you be more specific?

    The full context of my questions are in this post:

    Post #131, pag. 7. Questions to Atticus based on Kerry’s quotation

    No meant me.

    Q 280. Abhaya: 1. Atticus what type of action will the 40 thousand people need to take to get the ball rolling.

    2. What changes can we expect on the other side of the sh%tty fan? as in can we expect far

    out dimentional changes or just simply a fall of the current power?

    3. Did the machine allow you to see all material data.

    As in everything that your mind was able to absorb from infinite data.

    4. Costa Rica has no army. Does that put it in a good or a bad spot.

    5. Has there ever been somone so spirtually advanced that the 33 were perplexed or intriqed

    by them. Or would they over look this kind of thing.

    Or would such a person only appear amongst them.

    Feel free to skip any or all of these

    Thanks for stretching the limits of what you can tell us.

    I know you cant wait to tell us more. maybe even more then we want to hear it.

    Thanks Man

    Best Wishes

    1)can't go there yet.

    2)power struggles and the ramifications .

    3)I cannot remember until something prompts me,that's deliberate to stop me going bonkers Aubrey said.

    4)not sure two sides to that aren't there.

    5)they overlooked nothing of that nature.
  24. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  25. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Q 261. Céline: So many people here have said so many nice things about me... i will credit

    some of that to Atticus, for recognizing who/what I am.

    Also...i am the reflection of the people who love at Avalon I have received so much

    love and acceptance that I have been able to make great changes in my life.

    The people here are a shining example of Humanity, i am honored to be amongst all of you.


    Do you feel welcomed into this family? Good or bad? Thruth or lies? Do you feel the warmth

    of this family?

    This tells me your Master made the perfect choice.,,,Perhaps he thought you needed our help

    as much as we need yours?

    Things have become more complicated for me yes.

    Q 262. Fractalius: Hey there Atticus.

    I made this question in part, to Bill in a thread early on. It was intended with neutrality and

    respect, but was perhaps a little flippant.

    Though I have changed my mind while watching and think it has every chance of being the

    right choice. I have reasons why but won't offer them up, here. Apologies if you actually saw

    that, and shook ya head.

    Wouldn't it be great if someone could write something here that described concisely the

    intricacy of the tangle. So we could relax and move on. Much of these threads have been

    attempts to do so, and describe and quantify each distortion. Maybe that point is almost

    reached now from sheer volume of posts.

    The topic of $5, I have skimmed over. I am sitting digesting the overload by not reading much of it.

    1. The plan is to keep the vibration of things maybe described as the feminine energy up is that correct?

    2. The possible ways of doing this is by 'sharing and caring' pro-actively, and offering a hand

    up to those who are likely to be lost to the same sort of 'noise' we have witnessed here.

    Actions. stepping out of the drama, and performing actions. Fighting for love, as if it is about

    to be forgotten. And doing this with not just spontaneity but with actual financial hardware so to speak?

    1)yes in short.


    Q 263. JDM: ATTICUS,

    I believe you or Bill said there was a video or picture of the artifact.(somewhere in the billions

    of post back) And that we would be able to see it.

    Will you be releasing the artifact video or picture?

    Will you do another Interview soon (to clarify some things in these threads)?

    Will Bill still be able to ask Aubrey some questions?

    Are you the only one going into "alternative communities" doing this. (Your Prime Objective

    from your master) that you are aware or are there others that work for your master or that he

    has hired to do the same thing you are doing?

    1)yes I will,just nervous about identification of where a bouts,I don't even think about where it is and I

    don't even like this question because it makes me think of it.



    4)not sure

    5 )yes we are on our the moment.

    Q 264. Mr54: Atticus you mentioned that you've modeled some possible outcomes of your

    current scheme. Is there a tipping point in terms of numbers where things are likely to go well.

    If so what is the number and if anyone says 42 I'm going to bed!

    40k people will really start the ball rolling.

    Q 265. Peta Babkama Luruba Anaku: Thank You. One more please. What are we?

    A wonderful mistake.

    Q 266. ????????: I'm confused about this too! Forget your master for a minute (if such a

    thing is possible, ha). Do you care to describe how the Atticus who claimed to have no

    concern for morality in Bill's original interview is the same Atticus who is now at the forefront

    of this movement that is striving toward the common good? I do NOT mean this in an

    accusatory way. I am genuinely curious, and my question means exactly what it asks: Do you

    wish to offer any explanation for this huge reversal that occurred in a very short period of

    time? If not, that's cool too.

    I wanted to get your attention,and it worked didn't it.

    Q 267. qbeac: Hi Atticus, two questions:

    1) Did you see my questions about Kerry’s quotation posted in post #131, pag. 7? Here:

    Post #131, pag. 7. Questions to Atticus based on Kerry’s quotation


    2) Do you think there is any truth at all in Kerry’s quotation?

    1)don't think so no.

    2)don't know don't care,sorry that sounded rude ,moving on.

    I've had about 30 journalists trying to find me for a month, I will only talk to bill,and I don't want book

    deal or a stage show,unlike some.

    Q 268. Lifesong: I'm curious Atticus, do you have a dog or a pet that you love?

    I have to pit bulls and one took a knife in the back for me and cant walk to well,and they were my only

    freinds in England when the twins were not here.

    Q 269. Icecold: Atticus/Atticus,

    I have a question.

    You have said regarding the timeline that you have 'not been authorised' to give up certain information.

    Now a dictum of mine is "timing is everything".

    What event is your master at present waiting for?

    If you can't answer that, what type of event is your master waiting for?

    Before he gives you the go ahead to spill the beans as it were.

    Thanks in advance.

    You do realise that you have mellowed considerably since initiating this dialogue? That is a good thing.

    I get the sense that you are feeling a type of weariness that comes with incessant interrogation.

    It is reflected in your posts.

    Here is some of my energy from the source. You are a brave soul.


    Honestly he plays his cards close.and it works believe me.

    If people stop biting,I stop biting.

    Thank you

    Event timing is everything,not time itself,as we understand it it doesn't exist.

    Q 270. jookyle: Is there anything you can say about the 33 parting ways? I'm just

    flabbergasted that something that's been around for so long is just over.

    That makes 2 two of us.
  26. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  27. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Q 251. Shairia: Atticus,

    You stated we are not making it. What is it we have to do to make it? I don't have much time

    left so I'd like to know.


    Did I ? , I'm getting old obviously or a typo!

    Q 252. Thunderbird: Thanks Atticus,

    You're surprise.

    If i may, just a few more:

    1. Is it possible to redirect the whole mess at enough of a degree in time to avert global

    catastrophic meltdown and the wholesale slaughter of countless people, ecosystems, and


    2. If so, do you, Aubrey, or your master, consider my idea for a uniformed super search and

    rescue action hero team (able to respond publicly to Haiti type disaster with enough coverage,

    press, and licensing to rival the most sought after icons) that inspires countless people

    around the globe and addresses some of the underlying conditioning of the planets

    inhabitants plausible and workable to that end? Simply put- Do you believe one idea can

    renew the world?

    3. If it isn't possible at this time to turn the ship enough degrees to avoid disaster...might it be

    we'll be better off for it?

    No someone else first don't you think hawk.

    Q 253. Richard: Your master carries the wisdom of the ages, one would surmise he knew full

    well all possible outcomes. Ask him his plan now.

    Bill first,then together.

    Q 254. quench: Of course he did. He has 5,000 years experience you know [is about the

    Master's to choice of Atticus for the job]

    I thought you were going to be complimentary then,

    Q 255. Mr54: Hi Atticus when you say that no one will be left behind are you being literal or

    metaphorical. If you're being literal where are we going?


    Q 256. Peta Babkama Luruba Anaku: "Atticus" Is "Bill" a question, an answer, a tool or a


    A tool,that could be part of the solution.

    Q 257. soulsinger: Hello Atticus,

    Are you experiencing physical pain these days? If so, my sympathy is with you, and my hope

    for your increased comfort.

    What I have seen, in following along with these discussions, is a struggle to deal with issues

    of trust. I think life experience (especially very harsh experience) teaches us to be wary of

    trusting too quickly, and with good reason... NOT because it's just "safer" to assume that

    others are untrustworthy... but because it takes time and sharing, and much shared living, to

    develop a true understanding between people. There's no rush, as far as I'm concerned. I will

    continue to listen, learn, and stick around until I find whatever point of leverage I need to have

    positive influence in this journey.

    We all need to find our places with each other. No shame in that.

    Question for you, Atticus: Do you feel that you are working on a longer timeline than most of

    the members of this forum-- and that is why you're unable to provide information as quickly

    as has been requested? Do you agree with Bill that we are only at the very beginning of a long

    road here?

    If this is the case, then I'm really not concerned about whatever momentary disagreements

    pop up. They're nothing in the larger scheme!

    No I'm just not authorised.

    Yes I do agree with bill,not always but ! Lmao.


    Q 258. Chuck: Is the veil of forgetfulness/ignorance about to be lifted in the near future?

    I forgot.

    Sorry , I don't know.

    Q 259. jimbojp: Atticus, ,How do we win they've got all the money and weapons and they dont

    appear to listen to reason? What have we got?

    Each other, and a lot of f@&king guts as I can see.

    Q 260. Shairia: No not as old as I am. It was my misunderstanding.

    Is there anything I can do either for you or your master? I know many want to know the

    answers of the ages but I want to know I have done everything in my power to aid others

    before TSHTF.

    I'm sure everyone will have there moment.
  28. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  29. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Q 241. Rocky_Shorz: Atticus,

    after you showed up we realized Chemtrails were creating antimatter bursts...

    as soon as it was discussed and told to stop by one of us...

    The Chem trails ended and fish and birds stopped dying.

    We understand we are being watched, but wouldn't the part of the 33 that broke off be

    responsible, so in truth they are still here listening?

    How much authority are we being handed for our future?

    Please listen,the 33 are not in charge of those weapons.and they are all but finished,the ones to

    worry about anyway.

    All of it.

    Q 242. modwiz: Hello Atticus

    Don't mean to hog the questions but:

    Do you have an idea why the US has called all of its ambassadors back to Washington? It is


    Yes I do,but I wish to speak to bill about it first,ok,sorry.

    Q 243. Chilled: Atticus,

    How long have we got before things start publicly breaking or the poo starts to hit the fan in a

    big way?


    It's really already in progress,just high end manoeuvring at the moment.

    Q 244. Thunderbird: Atticus i DO actually have a series of questions:

    1. From your perspective is the game over for modern civilization?

    2. If so, Is this why the 33 are breaking up?

    3. are they over extending themselves and engaging their consolidation and bunker down plans?

    4. Using the Matrix analogy are we being picked here for a new "zion" of sorts?

    1)yes ,as we recognise it now,but that's no surprise is it?

    2)no not really ,and they have ,I chased three of them myself.

    3)I think they might be, but my master disagrees,and so does Aubrey.

    4)never really looked at it like that,but now you put it like that ,maybe.

    Q 245. PHARAOH: Atticus, if your looking for good answers you must first ask good

    questions. "Know thyself", Brodie75. "the light shineth in the darkness but the darkness

    comprehendeth it not". "Is it not written in your law, I say you are "GODS" and children of the

    most high"

    Ok then!...................

    Q 246. Céline: What are you confused about?

    Whether my master made the right choice in picking me to do this.

    Q 247. modwiz: Hello Atticus,

    1.Is Bill acting as a sort of Abraham to your Messenger of a god(s)in trying to prove there are

    10 good people here, so as to convince the ruling elite (Enlil/Yahweh or pick a name) that we

    should not be obliterated as in the Sodom and Gomorrah story? Is there even a Yahweh

    equivalent anymore?

    And looking back to those days it seems things really got ugly when the gods broke into

    factions and began fighting amongst themselves. The nonsense in Iraq and Afghanistan

    seemingly represent similar factions. Rumors abound about a split between Rockefellers and

    Rothschilds with the former threatening use of force to keep themselves in control.

    More questions.

    2. Any truth to the rumors?

    3.Although the fracture of the elite could work to our advantage, is it fraught with the dangers

    that come from cornering savage beasts?

    Thank you


    3)perfect analogy

    Q 248. jimbojp: Atticus, To win the contest do we have to prove that we are grown up enough

    to be guardians of this planet?

    Is this an inner battle?



    Q 249. kinerkid: 1. Who started this process? I get the impression that you Atticus are here

    to recruit or join hands with some or all of us who can help rebuild after the demolition is

    done. Is that a fair perception?

    No I won't be here,just making-sure bill is,amongst others

    Q 250. modwiz: Are you up for a good challenge?

    Very funny!

    Can you actually use a light sabre!