Q 301. kinerkid: Isn't that what we've been experiencing to a degree? ie discussions just
today about their control over us with the monetary system, government, etc....... We have a
shot here to be in service to ourselves, not them.
No no , they left so long ago,that's what the pyramids were for .
The engine is the last one to start them up , but there to damaged,they have built another one( as in
the elites)but can't start it they need this technology which there is only one of,that's what I have as
leverage ,we've got them by the nuts,
Hi guys,**** you .
They needed some drawings and other things from Egypt that's what the hassle was all about ,to get
the bits out ,amongst other things,like checking how people would respond when the communications
went down,and yeah they closed the skype loop hole,
Can we leave it there for now,my knuckles are giving me jip big time.and I got loads of Pms to answer to yet.
I'll talk to billmand see what he wants to domtommorow.
Q 302. Adrift: ...and I feel like I've just walked off of a cliff.
So the "progenitor" alien race is... reptilian?
The three million year experiment is to make... the perfect 'servant'?!
no it isn't.
Reptiles evolved first,then we came along.
They made use of us.
This went on for a very long time.
When the climate changed due to natural occurrence ,
there numbers suffered and we became more prolific.
The climate continued to change and they had to retreat inside most of the time,
we supplied all they needed.
Eventually the inevitable happened and man started to resist not believing the religious hype.
Then the real trouble started they had all the tech but not the numbers ,
and the cold played to mans advantage.
More or less genocide in sued .
We killed all we came across with great enthusiasm .
The writing was on the wall so to speak.
They turned there efforts to other avenues , escape to warmer climes.
Some loyal humans (priests etc) helped them develop the technology needed,
they were advanced anyway.
The pyramids were constructed and they left for good,
leaving one key they could only use for any left
behind by accident or misadventure.
The humans ransacked the world they left behind over the centuries,
bastardised the temples and dwellings.
Picked up prices of religion from it jostled for power etc etc.
The thirty three were the leading pure bloodlines that led the the insurgence .
They dropped back with knowledge and technology and kept it from the rest,
as they learned some secrets about the origin of life from there masters
(the priest bloodlines).
This leads into a very complicated area and I can't go into that yet....
I need to think about the consequences of to much to soon.
And believe me we have more pressing matters to discuss,
such as our current predicament and what we are going to do about it.
The plan is mine but approved by my master he is not a warrior and is
delicate in many thoughts and deeds he will not sully himself,
only advise me and give me council.
My plan is simple , we use our talents and use them wisely.
It is up for debate and improvement as the responsibility is not mine it's all of us together.
We must meet and devise decide and then act.
We need 18 people with varying talents and expertise .
These people will represent all of your ideas and input, in a pure democratic way.
That's why I'm here to make sure that happens,this is why he is using me ,
I have no vested interest
no children no line left and therefore no axe to grind.
I will just make sure there is no coercion and dictators.
Pure thought for the greater good or I'll deal with it myself.
Bill in the chair.
I have some business to take care of,I will start again tomorrow.
Q 303. buffski: Atticus,
What is the most beautiful thing you have seen?
Ta x
Q 304. Constance Neal: Maybe the "plan" has an "organic" or "fluid" approach that allows
itself to unfold...Maybe there are seeming contradictions for a purpose that we may not be
aware of yet. Maybe there is more to it than we can ever really know for now.
Remember, it has to go beyond anything that is currently being playing out....
he new if he told me in the first place i was involved in this way , i would not have embarked with him.
Q 305. Mayan2012: Strength and intelligence are not the only ingredients necessary to be the
victor in a conflict.
Having the right state of mind, who wants the victory more, who uses the opponent's
weaknesses against them better, who is more skilled at fighting, who adapts to changes in the
environment better.
In the case of the reptilians, if they went underground in the winter as we know reptiles do, it
would be easy to defeat while they were in such a vulnerable situation.
Have you ever been attacked by fire ants,I'm bigger more intelligent (sort of)
and they showed me who was boss,trust me.
Q 306. SHAPE: Atticus
Many here doubt your motives. How do you reply to that?
Peace and love.
Seems fair to doubt anything to me,don't you agree.
Q 307. Liquid: [missed older question] I'd like to know your thoughts on crop circles.
Did the council ever discuss them?
Man-made or ET?
The first couple were drone landing zones.
Then overactive students and societies with scaffold boards and gps plotters.
Q 308. Liquid: [missed older question] Any idea what the huge planet-sized objects moving
into, out of and around the sun are?
Yes I do.
But not yet.
One more thing about the circles I forgot to say,the first fields they landed in were GMO.?
What do you think.
Share this information,I'm to busy at moment travel plans.
Q 309. Spectre: Atticus:
The engine its the capstone?
No , it goes inside,it fits in some apparatus that has long gone.
Q 310. bashi: Hi Atticus,
this is the third time i am posting these questions:
Is Philippe also a master in Alchemy?
Are you or your Master ingesting alchemical substances as supplements?
"What is it?" ?
Is your Master a vegetarian?
Can your Master be described as a Yogi wearing a Gucci-suit?
It was a former passion of his yes.
Last edited: May 15, 2015