
Discussion in 'Φ v.1THE COCKNEY TRANSLATER!' started by Xavier Hawk, Feb 4, 2015.

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  1. McQ


    can't stand time wasting cunts myself son. You are like a magnet for them lol
    • agree agree x 1
  2. McQ


  3. Thanks but what for?
  4. thank you
  5. Should have said Only human. As in I am no space cowboy preaching answers who thinks they are humanities saviour. I wasn't belittling people. Used the wrong word.
    Human to me just means I'm here (a part of the human race on this ball flying through space) at this point in "time". And I am aware I'm here. And I'm very aware that I will be gone one day as well. The in between is all I believe I have.
    Is it not enough to be all you are? I personally think that's all you can be. Sometimes that's hard for people to accept because their emotions (which can be so easily distorted) govern their way of thinking and they make it their reality. I have done that before and you can either learn from your experience or keep on being whatever you want. It's all on you. You will end up where you end up.
    I just am what I am. Just like you!
  6. I don't considering myself to know anything unless it has been shown to me and I've pursued from there and it has made sense to me, but that's just it me. Doesn't mean it would make sense to everyone by any means. I do not feel that I am special in any way primarily because of the amount of human's that have existed before me, during my lifetime and far beyond when I'm dead. I don't perceive my individual self special. I think life is special and people can do amazing things while they are on this planet! I'm not saying I'm incapable of anything but I would never consider myself individually special because out of my own personal experience, it's only ever been a collective that's capable.
  7. Spoiled brat-wise - I'm not starving to death. I'm a white passing male living in Australia. That is a big privilege in this country. I have health benefits and people around me who love me and a passion (music). I think of people in detention centres who can't see their kids cause their kid's are in different detention centres (very sad stuff). And I sometimes find myself complaining about my life??? It has hit me recently how pathetic that is and void of doing anything for anybody...including myself.
  8. Should have said misperceptions of it. Being under a blanket scared of everything when the scariest things to happen to me is what I do to myself. It's all in my head. The realisation that the scariest person on the planet to you is you. Accepting that and trying to understand yourself and trying to be productive with who you are instead of fighting against it or rationalising it as that achieves nothing of value. At least in my experience thus far...which is not much!
  9. :)
    • Like Like x 1
  10. omission bias
  11. selective perception
  12. affect heuristic
  13. no more platitudes, please, lol

    remember who your audience is
    or more specifically
    who is in the audience
  14. the only thing?

    isn't perception and the awareness thereof the only thing we do
    sensory beings

    would that imply everything has gone wrong

    and "gone" wrong reduces blame
    it makes the problem external

    but this is your perception in question

    so can you not control your own perceptions of your own life
    • Like Like x 1
  15. what does "human" mean to you
    and the "just" before
    is it not enough to be all you are
    that is what "just" signifies
  16. why
  17. why
  18. why
  19. The only things that have gone wrong in my life have been my perceptions of it. I’m a spoiled brat statistically and I’ve bitched and moaned about the world for so long I’ve made myself sick. I know nothing and am not smart or special in any way. Just human.
  20. You were never in the running, dale finished two years ago.
    So your alone on the field dropping your cap.

    But yeah, thanks....
  21. Xavier Hawk

    Xavier Hawk Member

    Last edited: Feb 21, 2015
  22. Nothing wrong with that,
    But let's confess all shall we,

    First you bug me and whine for three years asking me who what when , inter whined with am I special , I know I am, am I?

    Then when on the return bounce you would tell me what I told you in answer to all your constant attention grabbing,

    Mean "the" whole fucking while, you constantly tell me you are now an expert in what ever such your hyped up on this quarter.

    You have come back to me with the same questions time and time again....and never listened to any of the answers , while my witness stands dumbfounded by your ability to live total oblivion to any of this....

    So I say outright , stop asking , you are not the stuff of which you want to be , you are something else and should look after your kids and realise you have a hell of a lot more than others...

    And yet ...
    You still came back.......

    So this time I did it, I made arrangements , picked people up, asked people to stand on your behalf...

    Your message just before the event was I'm at your beckon.

    And then you suddenly say..

    And I quote"There is spotty wifi where I am headed"

    Then"I will be back to the yurt tomorrow"

    Finally"Around 10"

    Then you exspect me to listen to that re-remembered bullshit your fucking wrong...

    You jumped up self important all round super fuckin guy....


    And take up space someone more useful could fill..


    I'm glad you Finaly took my advice of three fucking years and "chose love"
    I hope you are and suspect you will be a great dad, now you have Finaly made a fucking commitment to the poor cow...
    She has been waiting , shitting herself long enough...

    So , do well, make some money and take care of your kids,
    Come here, take part , your an intelligent useful guy, and if you make a little extra , remember rosé pays for this place .

    But don't you ever stand up with advice for someone else , or the need to be heroic ever again in front of me .

    You dare.

    So now you will slip away, after a while, quietly.....

    Because you will realise children need more attention than the internet....

  23. Xavier Hawk

    Xavier Hawk Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 26, 2015
  24. oh well ...
  25. Danielle

    Danielle Member

    I miss the point a lot.
    When I was learning to play pool my teachers would constantly harp on the FUNDAMENTALS. The way you stand, the way you breath, the way you cradle the cue, the way you begin your stroke, but even before that, how to look at the table, how to think about it right down to the littlest detail that can be controlled.
    I live my life that way....... and I'm pretty sure I'm missing the point.
    • Like Like x 1
  26. smokin2=smokin lol9
    • Like Like x 1
  27. GOOD! Now your every step is closer towards knowing what not to do. . And don't let your sensitivity be your enemy. It's a strong quality! And always remember emotions run wild. Logically training yourself is hard work but very rewarding. smokin2 Passing it your way.
  28. McQ


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  29. Xavier Hawk

    Xavier Hawk Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 26, 2015
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