
Discussion in 'Φ v.2 Who is a SOCIOPATH?' started by Chicodoodoo, Jan 3, 2016.

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  1. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Quasi Govenmental Banking Agency:

    FIRREA ACT: "By the late 1980s, Congress decided to address the thrift industry’s problems. In 1989 it passed the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989 that instituted a number of reforms of the industry. The main S&L regulator (the Federal Home Loan Bank Board) was abolished, as was the bankrupt FSLIC. In their place, Congress created the Office of Thrift Supervision and placed thrifts’ insurance under the FDIC. In addition, the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) was established and funded to resolve the remaining troubled S&Ls. The RTC closed 747 S&Ls with assets of over $407 billion. The thrift crisis came to its end when the RTC was eventually closed on December 31, 1995. "

    Many books have been written about this debacle. I was in a position to observe the crisis play out as administrative assistant to superintendent of the FHLB regulatory department in charge of marketing insolvent Savings and Loans to investors.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  2. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    Fake cameras are a deception of war, because fighting criminals is war. War is an abnormal state, or would be if we didn't have criminals as leaders. Because we do have criminals as leaders (sociopaths), war is an almost normal state nowadays. So is criminality. And so is the business of deception, like using fake security cameras.

    During World War II, elaborate staging areas of fake military material were constructed in England to mislead the Germans about the invasion of France. The Allied propaganda services tell us this ruse worked, yet the landings at Normandy Beach were very nearly a suicide mission, and they succeeded only at the cost of staggering losses. The Germans probably thought they were dealing with madmen, and they pretty much were.
  3. Shezbeth

    Shezbeth Zonbi Ninshu

    Here's also what deception looks like.

    The local food bank, who I have begun volunteering my time at, has experienced a string of break-ins. The perpetrators are as yet unidentified, but the evidence - smashed/destroyed food containers, vandalism - indicates that the perpetrators are not interested entirely in food.

    The individual in charge of running the food bank cannot legally put up cameras to protect the facility.

    They can put up THESE however:

    They look just like the real ones I'm putting up around my house!
  4. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    This is also what deception looks like:

    "Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth." -- Abraham Lincoln

    Lincoln told the truth and lied in the same sentence. It was doublespeak. The government he spoke of will not disappear, but it will also not endure. As long as sociopaths remain unidentified and unmanaged, normal people will never govern themselves for very long. Lincoln may have been a sociopath. I already know from studying him that he was a traitor to the Constitution and the country. And he was a master of doublespeak.

    Macrocosm: Every government I know about is a dictatorship.

    A dictatorship can be rule by a single person or a small group of people. What I am focusing on here is that the individual or the group dictates. And their interests are not the interests of the people being governed. That is why a dictatorship is so undesirable.

    The government of the United States is a dictatorship masquerading as a democratic republic. It is neither a democracy nor a republic. Significantly, the president is not the dictator. He is just a puppet. The hidden hand that controls the puppet is the true dictator. Successful dictators today are always "hidden hands". Secrecy and deception are therefore vital components for maintaining the dictatorship.

    The next president of the United States will not be elected by the people. The selection process is pre-determined by the hidden dictators, and the popular election is just a deception to placate the people and trick them into thinking that they choose the president. They don't.

    Microcosm: Every forum I know about is a dictatorship.

    As with governments, the status quo for forums is the dictatorship. Like governments, forums always masquerade as being something other than dictatorships, but it's just a deception. I started a forum hoping to change that, but I failed miserably. I set up a system to allow forum members to govern themselves. This idea attracted sociopaths intent on gaming the system for their own purposes, which they easily did. After the first failure, I revised the system, but I didn't realize unidentified sociopaths had infiltrated the forum. They succeeded in undermining the new system as well. This is what sociopaths live for, and this is exactly how forums (and governments) are undermined and corrupted.

    At both the macrocosm and microcosm level, it is always a battle of good psychology versus bad psychology. Non-sociopaths versus sociopaths. Us versus them. Good versus evil.

    And we're losing. All of us.
  5. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    How independent is our thinking? Are we really islands of independent thought, uninfluenced by the world around us?

    We spend a great deal of time being schooled, being educated, being prepared to take our place in the social and economic system (with much greater emphasis on the economic). Isn't this programming pretty much uniform? Isn't it a form of mind control? Isn't mind control the opposite of independent thinking?

    If the world is full of deception, like false-flag operations, disinformation, lies, cover-ups, psy-ops, propaganda, and other mind control techniques, are these not designed to promote uniform thinking while giving the illusion of independent thought? Isn't that what “problem, reaction, solution” is ultimately all about?

    When you are certain you have the truth, you are very likely to be wrong. And when you are certain you are not brainwashed, you are practically proving that you are. After all, none are more enslaved than those that falsely believe they are free. And none are more influenced than those that falsely believe they think independently.

    It is said no man is an island. I think it is more useful to say every person is a parrot. When we are children, we are encouraged to parrot what our parents and teachers are parroting. We are rewarded if we get it “right” (meaning we parrot accurately), and we are punished if we get it “wrong”. Rewards are often good grades, parent/teacher approval, and other incentives, while punishments are the opposite. Then as adults, we continue the same programming, parroting what we read and hear to each other. We are rewarded for accurate parroting by peer approval (being on the right or “winning” side) and consensus (agreement), and punished by being socially excluded. But the unchanging pattern is all about parroting what our fellow parrots are parroting and copying them accurately.

    And we are all saying, like well trained parrots, that we think for ourselves.
    • Poignant Poignant x 1
  6. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    I agree completely with this statement.

    I agree with this also. Although at first glance it might have seemed so, and I have been guilty of jumping to such conclusions, Chico never stated any of the above.

    Search for Chico's posts containing automaton:[user][0]=69
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2016
  7. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    I am not saying any of these things that you ascribe to me:

    • individuals are (nothing but) automatons
    • (the opinions of) individuals who's very livelihood depends on accurately/adequately detecting sociopaths is invalid
    • it's endemic and therefore all professionals are incredible
    • individuals that operate from a skeptical standpoint have flawed thinking

    What you are doing here is a deceptive arguing technique called "building a straw man". You deliberately misrepresent my observations to create a false perspective that you can easily rip apart (like a man of straw). This is exactly how a sociopath argues. You'll have to produce genuine and honest arguments if you expect me to have a useful debate with you. But if my assessment of you is correct, you aren't after a useful debate. You are simply running a smear campaign.
  8. Shezbeth

    Shezbeth Zonbi Ninshu

    You make some excellent points with this recent post, but there are observable omissions and failures to incorporate those same points in your line of thinking. First off, if individuals are automatons, then that's a double-edged sword. Whether one concludes/agrees individuals are automatons depends entirely on what perspective one approaches the subject from (i.e., subjectivity).

    For example, you assert a lengthy period of studying sociopathy, but if everyone is essentially an automaton than likewise. The suggestion about 'authorities' was (I'm assuming, not my comment) geared at indicating that individuals who's very livelihood depends on accurately/adequately detecting sociopaths is invalid, but yours isn't is a complete fallacy. I don't contest that there are observable instances and contexts in which your point is agreeable, but to suggest that its endemic and therefore all professionals are incredible is quite literally, incredible.

    Are we to disregard the psychologists who you present as credible, by way of your other points? Where does one draw the line?

    If we're to have a reasonable discussion about sociopaths, it cannot occur if based on biased and self-serving agendas/motives; to wit, that's what sociopaths (not exclusively) do. I don't contest that sociopaths are an issue to be addressed, but doing so in such a manner only serves to skew the conversation in a manner that is disingenuous and non-conducive.

    Simply put, just because individuals operate from a skeptical standpoint does not mean their thinking is flawed, and asserting (whether implicitly or explicitly) is a dangerous slippery slope that invalidates the whole discussion.

    (skip to point #4 at ~11:40, or the summary at 20:26)
    • listening listening x 1
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2016
  9. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    Rose mentioned recoiling at the suggestion that humans are merely automatons. It is a repulsive idea. No one wants to believe that he is an automaton.

    So what is mind control? Brainwashing? Hypnosis? Programming?

    That got me to thinking...

    To a large extent, we do not think for ourselves. We are told what to think. We are conditioned from birth in this very manner. The parent-child dynamic is our first exposure at being told what to think. Then comes schools. We are “taught”. When we arrive at adulthood, we think we think for ourselves, but all we have known is being taught by others. By experts. By authorities. And they were taught just like us.

    There are those who believe that I do not have the authority to judge someone to be a sociopath. The argument is that only a clinical psychologist can do that. If the clinical psychologist says it, we will believe it, even if it is not true. And if a bigger, more recognized authority says the clinical psychologist is wrong, then we will believe THAT, even if it is not true. This happens all the time in the media, in the courts, and pretty much everywhere you look.

    My interest for the last 10 years has been studying sociopathy, on my own. If I judge someone to be a sociopath, it is based on all that I have learned through my own research into sociopathy and my own experience with sociopaths. I then compare all that to the alleged sociopath's behavior. I will be able to give a long list of flags and markers that led me to my conclusion. I don't expect people to simply take my word on the matter. I expect people to think about it, just like I have been forced to do. I expect people to question the evidence, and not dismiss any of it without real justification, just like I have been forced to do. I expect people to realize that I could still be wrong, just as I could be quite right. The bottom line is that it is not just me making the judgment. It is also you. It is what you decide to do with the evidence, the flags, the markers, the information available on sociopathy, and the sociopath's behavior itself.

    If people prefer to let someone else do that thinking for them, that is their prerogative. But they move closer to being an automaton.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. NinjaPhil

    NinjaPhil Member

    Oh it was definitely Bandler and Grinder who invented NLP but the case studies they did (modelling behaviors and success) were on Erickson, Bateson and Chomsky. Actually, it's pretty funny, Bandler actually credited Erikkson with the handshake interrupt method of hypnosis but actually Erickson wasn't actually able to shake anyone's hand due to symptoms of Polio. But that's just kinda how Bandler is lol
  11. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    As stated in Lipton's, "Biology of Belief" ( a cellular biologist who studied DNA)
    Don't agree with everything he says.

    Not well thought, simplistic, off the cuff Paraphrase:

    There is no way to erase early subconscious programming.
    The only way to get rid of it is to record over it.
    Bombarding it consistently the opposite message
    When in a highly receptive state of consciousness
    Until unwanted programming is lessened to the point of being conquered (so to speak).


    Stimulus to previous response = nulled
    Stimulus to desired response = activated
  12. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    I have encountered NLP previously and it could have been Badler. It has been a while. I will check on that and maybe provide an MP3. It is my understanding Erickson has been credited with being the true founder of NLP in some circles, but he did not wish to accept that honor because he disagreed with??? I will check on that reason too. And, maybe reveal my favorite tools, but not publicly.

    Thanks Phil!

    Here's a blub:
  13. NinjaPhil

    NinjaPhil Member

    Milton was good, you guys should check out Richard Bandler (creator of NLP). I did a Master Prac with him back in 2007 and it was life changing for me
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2016
  14. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    As I said, if a person differentiates themselves from their environment, with resolve, it is possible.
    Very highly unlikely at that age, obviously, but it is the age in which the process may begin.
    My reply was to something you said that struck me as a comment indicating humans are merely automatons.
    I recoil at that attitude as much as I recoil against Inelia Benzesque material.

    One may choose to recognize and protect themselves from, or not subject themselves to, covert conversational hypnosis.
    The Zebo deck provides good flash cards for learning to recognize it.
    That man welcomed and enjoyed the situation.
  15. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    So, since you understand Milton Erickson's work with the unconscious mind (hypnosis), and you have watched the Derren Brown video highlighting covert conversational hypnosis, and you have experienced the con-artistry of Bill Ryan and Stephen, do you still think the influence of unconscious programming ends around 4-years old?
  16. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    I am a fan of Milton Erickson. :)

    As a matter of fact, have you ever heard of the Zebo deck?
    I have one I find a fun thing sometimes.


    Generally, I can listen to hypnosis programs I find put others to sleep all day long consciously if I choose to.
    Or, approve them and incorporate the message subconsciously if I choose to do so. pwuzld

    I also worked for a Clinical Psychologist who was unable to hypnotize me.
  17. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    In the meantime, you may want to read up on Milton H. Erickson, who was one of the pioneers investigating the programming of the unconscious mind. The video below makes it fairly evident that the unconscious mind is still being constantly influenced even in adulthood.

    Derren Brown Conversational Hypnosis
  18. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    I will attempt to locate some as time and inclination permit.

    It is the point at which a human begins to differentiate themselves from their environment.
  19. Shezbeth

    Shezbeth Zonbi Ninshu

    If we're going to split hairs to THAT degree, perhaps you would care to backtrack and support your,... lengthy set of claims and positions?

    You don't have to of course,....

    P.S. Beware of 'beliefs'; "I have difficulty agreeing" would be more accurate.

    P.P.S. What's the phrase? Something about 'Before you work to take the speck out of another person's eye, you should tend to the log in your own' IIRC.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  20. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    That's news to me, and news that I find difficult to believe. Do you have any support for that claim?

    I can see why you might believe that, given your above claim regarding "unconscious programming ends when we are around 4 yrs. old."

    I would expect that to be his cover story, as the justification for his coming manipulations.

    Are you able to see that this is THE method "controllers" use to take away our freedoms? It's the "we have to imprison you to keep you safe" argument that sociopaths always use.

    This is the common meme administrators/moderators use to justify their jobs. There is, of course, some truth to it, but how it is abused! Avalon springs immediately to mind. Most of that Avalon abuse is well hidden and securely packaged with the argument I just mentioned ("we have to imprison you to keep you safe").
  21. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    I think he tried to hobble natural communications and limit participation because forums generally hold a membership base ranging from Kindergarten to Masters level participants. He was attempting to create a group of progressive, intelligent, creative individuals who would not be interfered with by disruptive elements. The reason for hobbling natural communications was so that threads with a specific purpose would not be derailed and be allowed to continue on course. I, personally, require a give and take of ideas to get my creativity flowing. His style was not conducive to my progress, although I believe there is a time and place for requesting a limit to participation in one's thread. If for instance, when one feels they which to express a personal theory, recount a personal story, or post a work of fiction without interruption.
  22. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator


    Yes, to some extent relative to primal existence. But, our "unconscious" programming ends when we are around 4 yrs. old. Once maturity ensues and a conscious determination is made, we are free to pick and choose what we let in and what we shut out as a practice. I am in no way saying I am perfect at this practice. I will say this particular practice is a priority and a study. But, regarding the specific topic of forum administration, I am not using any prior administrators as a map or guide, consciously or subconsciously, with the exception of noting what I consciously learned and choose to adapt from Stephen.
  23. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    I doubt I am thinking of you in the way you seem to imagine. I feel you are misunderstanding again and jumping to conclusions. My comments were not about you specifically, but humans in general, and that includes us both.

    I'm afraid we all do, to some extent.

    None of us really do this. You might find my comments a little "woo woo", but we are part of a process that is bigger than the thoughts we think we originate.

    Again, I feel you are not understanding. I'm talking in general. When we learn to write, we pay attention to the procedures of other writers, like our teachers. When we learn to navigate the forum world, we pay attention to the way others navigate that world, including moderators, administrators, and forum owners. We are influenced by them consciously and subconsciously.

    You wouldn't have posted it if it were clearly a sensitive matter. Here again, we (in general) are influenced by the attitudes of other forum members as to what constitutes "private" information. Group consensus shapes our opinions, and group consensus can often be dead wrong.

    You shouldn't even be concerned about what my opinions are. But I think I understand why you are and where it comes from. Challenge my opinions when you feel the need. I welcome that. But do not seek to force their direction. They will evolve as they are meant to. Even I do not force their direction. I've learned that I just get in the way, and that this was part of the mind control enforced by our sick society.

    I disagree, and I hope to have the opportunity to challenge him on that.

    I see your perspective as a carry-over from Stephen's former direction, based on what you've described as his vision for this forum. I view forums in less limiting terms, and discussion (leading to learning) is a vital part of their true value, in my opinion. Why do you think Stephen tried to hobble natural communications in the forum? Why do you think he tried to pen the members into corrals doing as he commanded?

    You will, of course, take this forum in whatever direction you want, should you follow in the footsteps of other forum owners, like Bill Ryan, Richard, or Atticus. Or you can allow it to shape its own evolution. Or anything in between. The choice is yours, but don't think you haven't been influenced by the sum total of your forum experiences and all the biases contained therein. It happens to all of us, and the first step to really changing things is to recognize that. Otherwise, we just rinse and repeat.
    • listening listening x 1
  24. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Chico, I am not the person you think I am.
    I do not have a mindset gleened from anyone else.
    When you know me you will understand I think entirely for myself.
    There are many that would attest to that.

    I have paid no note whatsoever to the procedures of other administrators.
    I made the decision to reconsider and redact my post because I felt
    I had crossed a line speaking of private information spoken to me in confidence
    And your responses went along because they contained quotes.

    There are so many things I could say that might make a difference to your opinions.
    Audio recordings even.
    But, I cannot reveal them.

    Shezbeth has made a very good point in Members Only.
    He is metaphysically correct.

    I consider InPHInet to be a publication more than a forum.
    We have material suitable for publication
    And other matters members discuss privately.
    • Thanks Thanks x 2
  25. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    I composed this post before reading your last, Chico, and Shezbeth's position in members only:

    For this public version of this thread I will simply say:
    I disagree I was a disinformation agent in Version I

    For believing the path I chose correct
    I received ridicule from 100% of those near me for years.
    From A Horse With No Name almost each and every day.
    But we agreed to disagree.
    There is nothing anyone can say along those lines
    I have not already heard repeatedly ~ repeatedly.
    As I have said, I do see a way forward from here.
    Contention is likely to impede progress
    As always, it is precarious.

    I am still in healing mode.
    Seeing something coming
    And preparing for it
    Does not always make it easier.

    I do appreciate your participation here, Chico.
    • agree agree x 1
  26. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    Your comments in those responses (and mine) were correct and appropriate. They should remain where they were made, in my opinion. I think you would see, if you put them back, that they are important to the flow and development of the thread. We tend not to realize it in real-time, but hindsight is 20/20.

    One of the problems of being an administrator is you have a hammer and a mindset derived from watching other administrators use hammers. What they saw as nails, you also tend to see as nails. The problem is, most administrators see too many things to be nails. I'm speaking from experience here, as I also had to "unlearn" my mindset created by the examples I saw in the forums I grew up in (Avalon, Nexus, Atticus1). As a result, there is no "Members Only" area at United People. Nothing is private or privileged information on the UP forum. Everything is public, because it is a public forum.

    And consider our examples. The administrator of Avalon is a sociopath. So was the administrator of Atticus1. So was the administrator of Nexus. The tendency in humans is "Monkey see, monkey do." We repeat the behaviors we have seen without thinking. From watching those administrators, we have an expectation in our own minds of what we should be doing as an administrator. That needs to be seriously questioned and examined, in my opinion. When you do that, the results are revealing, and things change.
    • disagree disagree x 1
  27. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Chico, I have moved four posts from this thread to Members Only.
    I would like to consider whether comments in my response to you should have been made publicly.
    I hope you will not mind if we continue your response to what was said there in the meantime.
    • agree agree x 1
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016