
Discussion in 'Φ v.2 Who is a SOCIOPATH?' started by Chicodoodoo, Jan 3, 2016.

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  1. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    What if I told you my name is not Chicodoodoo, and that's not my picture next to this post? What would you think of me then?

    Well, that is indeed my picture. I took it myself. And my name is Chicodoodoo, at least on the forums. That is NOT my birth name, hard as it may be to believe. My birth name was William, but that is not a name I chose. Chicodoodoo is. I chose it because of some humor I created about a Norwegian trying to speak Spanish with a thick Norwegian accent. It was a silly joke that privately amused me, and when I ran through the routine for others, they were amused too. I also identified with the Johnny Cash song "A Boy Named Sue", because I grew up with a different name that I was teased a lot about by my peers. Chicodoodoo is such a silly name that I knew people wouldn't take me seriously on the forums, which is what I wanted. I would have to work extra hard to overcome the prejudice my name would initially invoke, and I understood the value of that. Adversity builds character.

    Most of you are not using your real names here either. It is accepted practice on the forums to use whatever name you want, and whatever image you want to represent you. In effect, those are just identifiers, as we understand we will become known for our opinions, ideas, arguments, and beliefs. So the fake names we use here are not a deception.

    Or are they...

    It can be argued that they are a deception. As humans, we often justify our deceptions. For example, every criminal can justify his crime. But are the justifications valid? Or are they just more deception? I just gave you a justification for why I chose to be known as Chicodoodoo on the forums. Am I telling the truth? Or am I deceiving you?

    This forum has had a sociopath as a prominent and charismatic member for almost a year. As a result, the members of this forum have been subjected to a constant barrage of deception for a sustained period of time. What effect has all that deception had on the members? What effect do you think it has had on you?
    • thinking... thinking... x 1
  2. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    Got a scoop on a recent deception that happened practically in my own backyard! I just posted about it here. We've been fooled again, and it only cost us, the public, 19 million dollars for less than an hour of time.

    Will the sociopaths feel any shame for their wastefulness? Not likely. Will they admit responsibility for their errors? Go fish. Will they insist the truth be told? When Hell freezes over.
  3. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    After parents and schools, the mainstream media continues our indoctrination. For most people, there is never an opportunity to realize not only how much they are programmed, but that they are even programmed to begin with! My mother is well into her eighties, and she doesn't have the faintest idea that she is completely brainwashed. It was only a series of seemingly insignificant and unrelated events that allowed me to recognize my own well-established programming. And don't think I'm free and independent yet, because I have only scratched the surface. This artificial construct that we all live in is literally a prison for our minds! To get totally out of the construct is nearly impossible. Do you work for money? Then you are still very much imprisoned! Yesterday while on my walk, picking up trash and stuffing it in plastic bags like I always do, I found a dollar bill on the ground. Instead of putting it in my trash bag, I put it in my pocket! My brainwashing was right there, running on automatic, doing the job it was intended to do. All other papers were trash, but this particular paper had mutually-agreed-upon-by-brainwashing value! And who brainwashed us to believe in that value? The fabulously wealthy con-artists running the monetary system for their own selfish benefit. Money is essentially trash to them, having only one unbelievable purpose -- they can use it to make us do almost anything. What a system of power and control!
  4. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    I just read this post again (#20). So true. I believe the only solution is to strive to consciously re-program ourselves, train ourselves to monitor ourselves to recognize undesired detrimental programming, not of our own making, by questioning everything within and without and replacing garbage we find with it's opposite as much as possible
  5. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  6. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    Deceiving voters is standard operating procedure in politics. Why? Because sociopaths control the election process. Sociopaths set the policies and the rules of the game. And sociopaths are the principal players presented as candidates.

    Why would we agree to participate in such a rigged game which is all about deceiving us?

    Oh, right, because we've been deceived into thinking that the election process is legitimate.
  7. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  8. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    We live in a world steeped in deception. The deception is at such a level that the rational mind refuses to comprehend it.

    "I wouldn't believe what you're telling me even if it were true." @42:30 in this 9/11 video
    • agree agree x 1
  9. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    I am bumping this thread back to the portal page...
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    I have experienced numerous Jekyl & Hyde personalities to varying degrees and agree completely with your statement regarding them. I have found they most often have at least one great talent and abundant charisma. Once I experienced one at the exact time he began taking Prosaic. Suffice it to say that it did not help him, although he believed it did. The pharmaceutical sent him into manic delusional grandiosity episodes. It is a jungle out there.
    • agree agree x 1
  11. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    I look forward to all of Brook / Shadowself's posts, just like I did with Shezbeth, and just as I do with Zook. I learn more about sociopaths from sociopaths than I do from non-sociopaths at this point in my education.

    When I was working in Garland in the early 80s, I had an encounter with a sociopath while on a business trip to Amarillo. I knew nothing about sociopaths at that time, including what one was or that they even existed. I was completely unprepared for the experience, completely dumbfounded during the experience, and at a loss to explain it after the experience. It was almost a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde transformation that occurred to this sociopath, and I had never seen anything like it before. It was only decades later when I was researching sociopaths that I realized what had happened. And the more skilled sociopaths will never let you see that kind of transformation unless it is right before the "kill" and in private.
  12. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    And, regarding dreams, I dreamed of living in this cottage where I live now when I was a young girl and again when I was living in Colorado in the 1970's. Two vivid examples for me of the illusory nature of the linearity of time. I am looking forward to Brook's research on the subject of Time. It is a subject I am most interested in.
  13. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Or, if we alternatively, interpreted the dream optimistically, it could mean Trump would do what he claims he could and set up excellent trade deals for America as he has done with his personal businesses. My biggest objection to previous administations is allowing the criminal financial sectors to run over normal people. I really don't care about his personal life and things like that.

    I just saw Susan Sarandon on a news program. Not that I have a great deal of respect for her political acumen, but she said something I think I agree with. She said she would not be supporting Clinton this time and is leaning towards Trump because she feels he would bring on a revolution, and a revolution is the only thing that will save us.

    It might also be pertinent that the items in which I was interested in the dream were Russian and Italian? As an aside, my previous boss, at FHLB/OTS (I will get back with more on that topic sometime) migrated to Russia with and opened a financial "consulting" business there. I found that curious. And, his mentor (and there is an interesting story about him) migrated to the Bank of Japan to consult just as the Yen fell and real estate prices collapsed and a similar banking crisis was ocurring.

    So, the story, during the Keating Five scandal and Jim Wright being ousted as Speaker of the House, accusations were made that there was a group/clan of homosexual bank regulators in Dallas. It was accused that they took exceptional and undue relish in their task of walking into institutions with cease and desist orders, changing the locks and forcing executives to leave without any of their papers. It was stated, they took excessive pleasure in making the men squirm, so to speak. Also, that they gave preferential deals to other homosexual bankers whenever possible.

    It was never publically proven to my knowledge, but one day at work, Joe Selby and some others "retired very unexpectedly" and were led out of the building that day. He invited me to his retirement party that evening. He showed up wearing a tie with big red lips all over it and telling everyone it was his George Barclay "kiss my ass" tie, lol. I am led to believe there may have been truth to those accusations.

    He had mentored my boss who became the youngest ever Senior Superintendent in the agency and was completely irreverant most of the time, but tough in dealmaking. A large portion of our department discussions took place at a happy hour meetings and lunches in the numerous swanky hotels and restaurants in the area. He was married to a beautiful young heiress and executive at a nearby communications company who often attended our after office hour meetings. The situation provided quite an interesting cast of characters.

    So, I think I mentioned in an earlier post, my friend who found me in the night word procesing department and arranged a job in her department. For at least two weeks, I had a desk and a phone and a computer and absolutely nothing to do. That was the most difficult job I ever had. If you have ever had 8 hours go by slowly... And, there was a certain hypnotic quality to all the activities going on around me after a while. Speaking of that, I must mention the indoctrination film new employees were made to watch at the FHLB. It was a film explaining what the FLHB did. It was bizarre. Their were man/woman on the street interviews asking the question, "What is the FHLB and what does it do?" There were many different answers and no one seemed to know. So, the point of the film seemed to be, that is the way it is and that is the way we want to keep it.

    Anyway, my friend was long time friends with the young superintendent. The three of us often went to lunch or for drinks after work. When he received his promotion, I applied for a promotion as his Administrative Assistant and so did another of my friends in the next cubical in the department where I worked at that time. During the interview process, CC Terry and I went to a nearby billiard/arcade type place after work to have a drink. As it so happened, one of the other Senior Superintendents walked in and saw us there. He spread this around to everyone in the office including my friend in the next cubicle. When I eventually got the promotion, she began a huge nasty rumor that I was sleeping with him and that is why I got the job and she didn't. It got worse and worse. One day, I am ashamed to say, she was being exceptionally snotty. I was standing at the counter in front of her cubicle speaking to her, asking her to stop with her lies. Our conversation became so heated and I became angrier and angrier. I lost my temper and tossed the contents of my cup of tepid tea on her new silk blouse. She went to the rest room and I went back to my desk. I had no idea if I would be fired, or what. Soon, I received a call from Wayne Frena who had witnessed the incident. He said, tell them you accidently spilled it and I will back you up.

    That is how I became friends with Wayne Frena. He was the bank examiner who refused to sign the James Fail/Bluebonnet savings deal in the Southwest Plan. He knew, as did everyone, Fail didn't have the money and Wayne wasn't going to be the patsy who approved the deal. James Fail wound up acquiring Bluebonnet with only $1000 of his own money. Is that not unbelieveable?

    "At Monday's hearing, Wayne Frena, a government analyst, testified that he initially rejected the Fail deal in 1988 but was ordered by superiors at the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas, where he then worked, to draft a letter approving the deal.

    Frena said he refused to sign it because he felt Fail was unqualified."

    Wayne is sworn in this Congressional hearing at 2:17:
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2016
  14. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    The whole presidential election process is a huge deception and manipulation. I barely pay attention to it now. When you realize it doesn't matter how you vote, because you can't change the election result, there's no longer a need to try to figure out who is the lesser of two evils (as if that isn't absurd enough on its own).

    As for your dream, it is indeed curious. The problem is always one of interpretation, as in what could it mean? Then again, who says a dream must have any real meaning? Maybe dreaming is just the brain enjoying a little R&R (Rest and Recreation) which doesn't have to make sense or follow any rules. But let's say your dream does have meaning, precisely because it was so memorable and vivid. It's also surprising that Trump would have a starring role when you claim to have paid little attention to Trump at that time.

    So my quick armchair analysis is your dream is predicting Trump wins the presidency. The store represents the nation, and the auction represents Trump selling off America to all comers for pennies on the dollar, probably because our economy collapses into bankruptcy and all he can do is sell off the hard assets. But he makes it pleasant for everyone.

    If Hillary wins, I suspect she'll take us into World War III in line with the Zionists' agenda, so the Trump dream in comparison is probably a "good" dream.

    When my daughter was about four, she had a vivid dream that her pet hen was killed. I told her it was just a dream and that nothing would happen. So we all go to the tennis courts for a little R&R. She was worried about the hen and didn't want to leave it, but I said it would be all right. We come back, and she spots the chicken in the grass in the backyard, like always. "It's not moving," my daughter says. "Go over there and touch it and it will move," I said. Next thing I know, she's screaming, "It's dead! It's dead!" So I went over to look at it and son-of-a-gun, it was dead, killed by a fox in the middle of a hot afternoon in suburbia!

    Needless to say, I had to readdress my thinking about dreams after that. I got schooled by a little girl.
  15. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    ok. I always tell myself not to speak about my memorable dreams. It nearly always seems a mistake taken in the wrong way. But....

    Sometime a while back, long before I ever thought about D Trump or ever imagined he might be a Pres. candidate, I had a dream in which he was a player. There was no current reason to be thinking about him. I never watched on episode of The Apprentice of anything else.

    When I had my dinnerware business, I traveled the state's Antique Malls and sometimes flea markets searching for items the company I supplied for was paying a good price. I also, when in town, attended the high end estate sales in North Dallas. During this process, I acquired a contact who had been proprietress of the most elite estate sales in Dallas for many, many years. Sometimes, when she had a small penthouse apartment type sale that could not have so many people trapsing through it, she would call a few of us for a private sale often with great results for me. Or, if there were way to many items to properly display, she would call a few of us to purchase some things ahead of the sale.

    So, out of the blue, long before the campaign began, I have this very intense dream. Ruth phoned excited about something special. We drove to her home and, lol, were surprised that Donald Trump picked a group of us up in his stretch limo.

    He drove us to a famous jewelry/gift/dinnerware Department Store I had no idea was going out of business. So, there were many other people there and a storewide auction down to all the shelves and fixtures was about to begin! Donald was very nice and pointed me in the direction of the dinnerware department. I immediately saw many things I recognized as primo and resarched them. Indeed, as I recall there was a highly sought after set of Russian Faberge'and an Italian Richard Ginori set that caught my attention.

    The auctions began and I was astounded at all the "pennies on the dollar" deals others, including Donald, were getting on Versace' and Armani suits. I did not have a lot of available capital at the time. Donald was bidding here and there around the store on prime items that were always exceptional deals. But, he did not seem cut-thoat as many people in this type business are. He was not that concerned and just having a good time. I was waiting and waiting until the auction got back to the dinnerware area in the back left side of the store. I realized by the trend, that area would probably be last. So I walked around. Mingled with Ruth and Donald and watched the proceedings.

    Finally, the auction came to my area of interest and I bid and purchased $1000 dinner plates for $10 each along with other items in a similar profit margin. Then I saw Trump over the crowd looking at a beautiful large display cabinet full of huge oversized display bottles full of Elizbeth Taylor "White Diamonds" perfume. Elizabeth Taylor's "Forever" perfume, Trump's "Success" Mens Cologne and other designer perfumes. I recognized these to be Very sought after collectibles. I remember the perfume names standing out as an important feature in the dream. This was the last lot in the auction. The cabinet was right next to the dinnerware area where we were standing, but we had been so focused on our objects of interest I had not looked around much or noticed the cabinet. Trump asked us if we had gotten what we wanted and we giddily said we had. He asked if we were interested in the cabinet with the perfume. Unthinkingly, I said "no" assuming it would be sold at a very high price. He said questioningly, "Are you sure?", as if he couldn't understand why we wouldn't. We watched Trump bid and win all of the display purfumes including the luxurious cabinet for nearly nothing, a couple of hunded dollars. I thought, wow, that was a great deal, why didn't I recognize that? I have recalled this dream many times and always regretted not being more observant and turning down that opportunity.

    So, the auction ended, everyone including the proprietors were happy, as were we, and we piled back into Trump's limo to drive back to Ruth's home. He dropped us off and left. I found him to be very down to earth and quite pleasant. As we all said our goodbyes and he drove away in the limo, he said "I will be back."

    I mention this only for whatever a precognitive dream may mean.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2022
  16. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    I happen to agree with what you have said. I study the propaganda we are fed as carefully as time permits. I have been paying close attention to media events in the current political race. It has been so like other events. For a short time, the media may get caught out of control, and an honest opinions may slip out, but before long the media "generals" have pulled their "troops" together to provide their attempt at the desired mass hypnosis. So, the Republicans meet at Jekyl Island not long ago. (Remember Breton Woods?) The big money spoke. In my opionion all these Trump protesters and disruptions have been bought and paid for. After the course was set, a plethora of new standard paid pundits arrived on the scene to spin what Americans should think, as well.

    Stephen had stories of his youth in which he was paid to go to such events with a group of disruptors. I feel certain that is what is happening at Trump rallies. I believe those particular stories of his to be true, as well the stories of his Pirate Radio Station and promotion of Raves in London in the 1980's. Mark and my research indicated such associations. I also believe the Sony stories. I have a lengthy mp3 of a conversation in which he describes those experiences in great detail.

    I tell you, the paid propaganda process annoys me so much, even with all his numerous flaws, I have gone so far on occasion of thinking of supporting trump if he is on the other side of that insidious propaganda machine. I just can barely stand to listen to H Clinton because I see her as nothing more than a minion for them. But, the propaganda machine will probably succeed in turning this one into a gender battle.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2016
  17. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    There are two lessons to learn from the examples of all whistle-blowers, and I tend to mention only the first. It is that the system is rigged against us by sociopaths. We are deceived and manipulated by them into participating in our own demise. The other lesson is that we are cogs in their crooked machine without realizing it. We are rewarded by that crooked system for participating in our own demise. And we are foolish enough to accept the reward.

    In both lessons the "fix" is education. We have to learn to recognized deception and manipulation, which is no easy task. I think the easiest way to do that is to learn to recognize sociopaths, who are the source of that deception and manipulation. And just as important, we have to learn to refuse to participate in the crooked system. That is an even harder task, because the deck is so stacked against us! We are born into this crooked system, which is the work of countless generations of ruling sociopaths, and it is all we know. We initially think it is "normal", designed for our own good by countless generations of caring, compassionate people. And we couldn't be more wrong. This is the "waking up" that we have to do, to realize how wrong we are, how wrong the system is, where that wrong comes from, and how we must change things to get control over the wrong.

    Shadowself criticizes me for having an "obsession" with sociopaths. That's right, I do. All non-sociopaths need to develop an obsession with sociopaths. That is the education we must have if we are ever to gain control over the wrong. There is indeed a battle of good versus evil among humans. Evil is winning steadily but surely, having made excellent progress over time. And where does this evil come from? Sociopaths. Psychopaths. People lacking empathy. People who break the Golden Rule clandestinely and shamelessly. They are a small minority of humans, yet they dominate. They walk among us in plain sight, yet they are hidden. They pretend to be exactly what we want -- our friends, our leaders, our care-takers -- yet they are poison. They are parasites feeding on us, and if we don't develop an "obsession" focused on eliminating them from the body of humanity, they will consume us.

    Please, correct me if I'm wrong.
  18. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    It's hard to believe that we could be swimming in deception our entire lives. Surely someone would have spoken up and exposed it!

    Well, they do, often enough, but you just don't hear about it.

    I love the courage of this German man! He's laying it on the line and telling the truth.

    So you see, it's all a lie, what we see on TV and read in the media. The Holocaust Lie indicates it has been that way for longer than I've been alive.

    Listen to this guy in the video below. He is a real whistle-blower, speaking real truth. It won't be around for long.

    European media writing pro-US stories under CIA pressure - German journo
  19. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    To deceive and manipulate for selfish reasons, as I tried to explain here. Zook helped me to see this, because this is often how he uses carefully selected truths. His intent of late was to discredit me so that he could free himself of my assessment that he is a sociopath. He employed "truths" such as "Hitler was a sociopath" in an attempt to restore his carefully constructed reputation. He chose this commonly held belief to discredit me, because I publicly presented evidence that Hitler was not a sociopath, but was simply painted as one for propaganda purposes to support other critical propaganda operations like the Holocaust lie and the horrendous Allied war crimes of World War II. The whole purpose of Zook's selected truths was to hide a selected truth that would benefit him.

    So this whole truth thing is complicated by human psychology and intent. Sociopaths know how to deceive with the truth, something non-sociopaths typically don't even imagine. That's why sociopaths are so good at fooling us.
  20. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    In retrospect, my last post probably seems to have a meaning that was not my intent.

    Included in my previous question to you was a interest in knowing: What is a wrong reason for telling the truth?
  21. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Oh, I see. I missed that Peyton PLace episode. :)

    In my brief Christine research, I noticed, for some reason, she seems to be interviewing the same old Avalon/Camelot Charlatans like George Kavassalas who is some type of warrior from another planet with a failed 2012... what was it called? Ascention plan. He was going to help all his followers to the 9th dimension or something like that?

    What I am hoping to locate is some type of recent truth. And, even if someone is talking about it for the wrong reason, I would be interested, I think? Have you heard anything like that?
  22. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    The last time I looked at Avalon and Bill Ryan was in December. Bill was in the process of vilifying the latest ex-girlfriend (Christine) that managed to see through his false charm and deceptive words. You can read about some of the deceptions I noticed beginning here. Some truth is always mixed in to encourage believability, usually things that cannot be denied, like the fact that Christine, Bill's "wife", was leaving the conniving sociopath. Bill was cleverly spinning the details to make himself look good in front of his home audience, the Avalon forum, so that he can maintain his god-like position. So yeah, same old tricks from Bill Ryan the con-artist truth-seeker.
  23. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    I have been wondering, because I have not paid any attention to Bill Ryan for quite some time, what truths has he been telling with bad intent?

    Or, even, what truths he has ever told?
  24. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    What constitutes using truth for bad intent? The intent to deceive for the purposes of manipulation. Bad intent equals deception. Deception is a strategy employed to manipulate others. The manipulation is intended to gain more power and control over others in the pursuit of selfish benefit. From the perspective of sociopaths, this is the meaning of life and the purpose of their existence. That perspective is fundamentally derived from a lack of empathy. Empathy is the key.
  25. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    What was the source of your paranoia? What were you afraid of?

    The entire S&L scam has the George H. W. Bush fingerprint all over it. He obviously made his sons participants in the con and told them what to do. He also took the nation into a war with Iraq to divert public attention from the scandal and its close ties to the Bush family.

    Chip Tatum revealed the "Superbills Sting" that George H. W. Bush ran to launder counterfeit money ($8 billion) that Bush had ordered printed on the special Treasury equipment the U.S. had given to Iran (which my father had told me about). Bush has the background and the sociopathic psychology to do this kind of con. He pocketed nearly half of that $8 billion, by the way. The S&L scam probably made him even more than that. And Bush is also linked to $240 billion in fraudulent bonds that were due to be cleared on September 12, 2001, the day after 9/11. The 9/11 attacks provided the perfect excuse to loosen the regulations on clearing those bonds, allowing them to slip through without being flagged as fraudulent!

    This kind of outrageous game-playing, unimaginable theft, and criminal bravado is the mark of a master sociopath, which George H. W. Bush clearly is.

    Nice find on that video, Rose. I had not seen it, and it is a great introduction into the intricacies of the S&L scam.
  26. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator


    I posted this video along with some comments a few days ago. Then, I became paranoid, did not feel comfortable with my comments and removed the post. Here is the video again. In my opinion, it accurately describes Regan era de-regulations, the lead up to the S&L debacle, the crisis, and long term ramifications. Around minute 50, is a description of the "Southwest Plan" my department handled.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  27. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    "A truth that's told with bad intent / Beats all the lies you can invent." -- William Blake (as told in Barbarians Inside the Gates, page 181)

    That is exactly how sociopaths use the truth -- with bad intent. Shezbeth did it with his "Everyone lies" diatribe to excuse his own duplicity. Stephen / Houdini did it (mixed in with many lies) as naturally as a duck sheds water off its back. Bill Ryan is a prime example of telling truths with bad intent. And of course, UncleZook. His use of the Norman Dodd account of the Carnegie 1909 minutes to bolster his deception is one of many examples.

    Uncovering truth is not enough. You must also uncover the intent behind it. That's why seeking the truth is a lot harder than we imagine. With sociopaths controlling our information, truth-seeking becomes difficult beyond belief. This is by deliberate design. This is exactly how sociopaths want it. If they control our information, they control our minds. And this is how they have operated for millennia.
  28. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    The degree of criminality in the U.S. government is off the scale. You could say it is a criminal enterprise and possibly be accused of understatement.

    I posted a bit about the murder of Vince Foster at UP yesterday, and it too confirms my opening statement above. So does just about anything you really dig into concerning the government. It is sickening, and I find myself thinking about it often. Everything is a lie, everything is a conspiratorial scam, and the people running the show think only of themselves. To me, that says sociopaths are well established at the controls.

    I had an account at Silverado Savings, which I closed before the bank failed. At that time, I was getting my information from the mainstream media, so I was just a brainwashed American who thought the Matrix was reality. In other words, I didn't know squat. Today, at least I know I was fooled, just like nearly everyone else was. It's painful to look around and see that the majority of Americans are still just as fooled, and just as brainwashed.
  29. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    I am thinking how I might approach discussing this. So many books have been writen. I am sure you heard the Neil Bush Silverado story in Colorado? And the accusation regulators delayed insolvency until after Bush Senior's election?

    My initial entry into the agency was as a temporary worker in a newly developed night shift word processing transcription department. After a short training period, a very nice young South African woman with a british accent, and I, were left alone in the modern four story office building with only one security guard, usually asleep at the front desk, from 5PM to Midnight.

    One would have thought, considering the sensitive nature of the business of this agency, security would have been of utmost concern. In fact, it was the most lax security I have ever seen in any office. Banking reports and documents were strewn on desks without being locked in file cabinets or anything. My co-temp-associate was not even working legally in this country at that time.

    So, we arrived at 5PM when everyone, with the exception of a few diligent regulatory agents working late, was on their way out the door. In our vacated department, our job was to divide an incoming basket of interoffice memorandum envelopes containing micro-cassettes for transcription along with previously typed correspondence and reports in need of revision. It was not long before we began raising our eyes from our screens looking at each other. Wearing headphones with our toes tapping on foot pedals starting and stopping our recorders, our eyebrows raised and our mouths opened in disbelief. Somehow, perhaps it was authorized, Administrative Assistants were just throwing these cassettes from sensitive Regulatory Affairs Board Meetings in memorandum envelopes with twist string ties and dropping them into a large wire basket sitting atop our open half door shelf on their way out of the building.

    So, did regulators actually do things like delay insolvencies? We learned it happened like this, "Well, we could do A and they would be insolvent in 6 months, or B and they would be insolvent in a year (or two), or we could just get a cease and desist and close the bastards down now.". Peppered into these discussions were pros and cons, knowledge of daisy chain deals, possible known parties interested in soon to be confiscated assets comprising the institution's carcass. While listening to these meetings, we envisioned a cast of regulatory characters we had not yet met winking at each other over cigars, coffee, and pastries as they orchestrated their regulatory plots.

    Soon, an Administrative Assistant for a rather infamous senior regulatory official liked my my work and arranged a new full time position for me in her department. After a few promotions and the above mentioned "reform and abolishment of the FHLB" (which consisted of locking all desks and file cabinets, contracting a moving company to move them a few blocks down the highway to a new building, and changing our letterhead), I found myself working for the US Treasury.

    The facts have already been written from all possible angles, the Regulators, Institution owners, and Governmental Policy makers. All I really have to offer are inside anecdotes about the cast of these characters and the agencies. Several of those involved are now dead, but some are still very much alive. I hesitate to mention any names.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  30. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    My understanding of this complicated and convoluted debacle was that it was a first-class scam that transferred hundreds of millions of dollars from the public into the pockets of the crooks! Jeb Bush and the Bushes in general profited handsomely. What was your perspective being on the inside? Could you make any sense out of it? Have you ever researched into the hidden back story?