Untitled, unowned, unhindered

Discussion in 'Φ v.3 The GREAT AWAKENING' started by Rose, Feb 14, 2016.

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  1. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Dream while listening to Langan's CTMU audiobook 3 times night #1.

    So, it seemed very natrual that I was somehow friendly with a woman who looked very much like the actress Angela Lansbury as shown above: The first thing I noticed was that she apeared to have almost identical scar on the bridge of her nose to one I got when I was three and I seem to always feel a strange kinship with people who do.

    She was curating/proprieting what seemed to be a museum with items for sale. I was the only other person there at the time. I believe as the dream began (keep in mind the CTMU audiobook is forefront audio for the dream),we had already transacted a purchase of a set of porcelain china. Although I was no way in the market for such a thing and probably didn't even have a room with a ceiling tall enough for it to be housed, I was drawn to an odd item of furniture in the huge main room, a white, floor to ceiling cabinet with sturdy drawers on the botttom and lit glass doored shelves at the top something like this in this in color and shape but the door was only on the top shelves, the sides were solid, and it was much larger appearing somewhat ancient.


    I spent a considerable time just looking at it feeling something strange. Then, I thought I must purchase it I found the woman who looked like Angela Lansbury relaxing on a sofa in another room. I told her I thought I was interested in the cabinet. She was at first startled, then she arose and I followed her back to the main room with the cabinet. We both just stood staring at it for what seemed like ages. It was as if it would be difficult for her to part with. She looked me straight in the eyes and we locked a lengthy stare

    Finally, she said, 'Well, if you are sure you want it, you will have to know about this. " She led me around the side and it was then I realized something I had not noticed before. The cabinet backed up to a wall looking surface that was not a wall at all and could be walked through. There was an entire other side equally large to this cabinet. The cabinet was at least double the width I originally thought it to be. It was difficult to determine because I could not get a complete view of the width without passing through the veil-like wall.

    The reverse side of the cabinet had the strangest assortment of apparent multipurpose storage areas I was taken aback. I have seen a lot furniture, but never anything like that. While initially pondering what all those purposes might possibly be, "Angela" said, "If you are going to own this cabinet you will have to know about this." She proceeded to pull out a very wide thin drawer, perhaps the closest example in size would be a jewelers drawer for holding precious gems, but as she began opening the drawer I knew for sure the depth of the drawer made it impossible, under normal circumstances, for it to correctly function as a drawer even in an area the width of both sides of the cabinet. I walked back around to the other side to confirm.

    When I returned through the veil, inside the collapsible, with no apparent mechanical means, thin almost jeweler's shelf-like drawer were items. They were sparkling,crystaline. at first appearance flat roundish objects. "Angela" began to mutter some words I was attempting to understand and as she did she began moving these objects on the shelf around in what seemed, to her, to be a meaningful way. They were not solid. I reached in to touch one. The solidity was inbetween holographic nothingness and gelatinous, perhaps more towards gelatinous She again locked a stare and I gleened the arrangement of these particular objects hidden away in this strange cabinet was of great importance in some way.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2016
  2. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    One of the segments that woke me up while ongoing was: Mind = Reality
    In the past, I have thought it opportune to develop a solid working connection between the two.
    But, this idea that they are exactly one in the same?
    ohhh... I just remembered another dream.
    Damn, I think I lost it
    Maybe tonight.
  3. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    I downloaded the CTMU audiobook to an mp3 player and listened to it 3 times during last night:
    Sleeping/Semi-Sleeping/Dreaming/Interspersed Wide-Awake Moments
    Dreamstates experienced during subconscious learning processes often have symbolic pertinence to my understandings.

    I will be reading the text material after my audiobook experience is completed.
    So, placing the link here:

    I am pondering whether or where to recount the dream. Perhaps the pub?
    The woman I encountered in my dream looked very much like the actress Angela Lansbury in this photo:

    Last edited: Sep 5, 2016
  4. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Last edited: Sep 4, 2016
  5. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Last edited: Sep 5, 2016
  6. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Full 3.35 hr. Audiobook:
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2016
  7. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Last edited: Sep 5, 2016
  8. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    I don't recall having given any attention to him at Avalon. Reading this post of his in the thread that was discussing my banishment from Avalon leads me to believe he is quite the wacko. Other members apparently felt the same, judging from their comments.
  9. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    I probably should not even be mentioning anything so this vague as this connection is to me. But, the name he went by was Arthur, or Art. His information was often physics/UFO related, having to do with calculating a date something was due to happen. Now that you mention it, Trexace was just his tag at Atticus1.

    I now recall Avalon was something different.... Intraphase.
  10. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    No, I don't recall Trexace, and a search for that name on Avalon brings up nothing.

    Birds of a feather flock together.

    Shadowself / Star is a con-artist who parrots any information that will benefit her con. You cannot assume anything she presents is valid. Of course, you cannot assume it's invalid, either, since she is just a parrot who repeats whatever she hears or reads. We witnessed that in her road-show Pyramid thread.
  11. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    As a second, perhaps different level connection as I attempt to make sense of something knocking on the door of the outskirts of my consciousness...

    It was Project Avalon member Trexace, during the Charles episode, who first mentioned and recommended the movie K-Pax to me in a thread about Atticus/Charles I had started there. I wonder if something to do with Trexace has anything to do with this connection? Do you happen to remember him? We were somewhat friendly and I became interested in his posts during that episode. I, then, learned he was very on board with Bill and Inelia. At Atticus1, he appeared to be affiliated with IceCold's troupe and 9eagle9/Warponies. He viciously turned on me while avidly supporting warponies. Brook/Shadowself, then going by tag Star, appeared to be quite friendly with Trexace, and by all appearances, they acted as a co-team in her A-1 Theater of Parallel Universe megathread. Just thinking....

    Who is "Uncle Jack", Kerry's "handler"? Star mentioned him often, too. hmmmm
  12. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    Yes, forums feel a lot like that. Forums are a microcosm that reflect the insanity of the larger macrocosm.

    I just finished watching the movie K-PAX. I can see the connection.
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  13. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    An Alien in an Insane Asylum can only Send one Person back to his Planet at 5:51 am on July 27. lol ailenn
    Why did the "former project" alt media youtube personality Hive-Mind remind me of the Bluebird of Happiness and this movie?

    Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
  14. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Funny you should say that... smmile2

    During my recent exploration into the known plethora "network" of unique individual spin-off alt-media "personalities" YouTube station matrix, the concept of an online interactive insane asylum occurred to me.

    Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
  15. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    Almost everyone thinks he or she is the expert (like Fred). Too few are questioning their own expertise. Too few are considering and pondering.

    Yes, Inphinet has been a very enriching experience for me. I got to hear more about the sociopathic nature of Stephen / Atticus. I got to pick up on the sociopathy of his partner Rhiannon, without even knowing who I was analyzing. I got to explore what makes Shezbeth tick -- duplicity. Then I got to see what is important to Shadowself -- control. Then I got to experience once again, in a different milieu, what UncleZook dreams about at night -- manipulation. I got to delve into the bizarre philosophy of Sam Hunter, where numbers, synchronicity, and the immaterial define identity. I got to explore the depths of Fred Steeves, only to discover that there weren't any.

    In other words, I got to explore a portion of the insanity of this world. It is beyond belief.

    Yes. When we learn how to enjoy all aspects of the experience -- the calm, the upset, the uncertainty, the revelations, the connections, the isolation, the insanity, etc. -- we gain a different perspective. Maybe that is all we gain, and maybe that is all there is to be gained. If we are consciousness experiencing itself, as Sam might suggest, what else could there possibly be? But I suspect that idea too is not the truth.

    I'm just a simple truth-seeker, looking for something we apparently aren't supposed to find. When I ask why we aren't supposed to find it, the answer appears to be "because that's the way the sociopaths want it". And who put them in charge?
    • Winner Winner x 1
  16. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    I have been considering these very things, Chico. This pondering process began as a result of my last communication with Fred. He informed me of his belief that InPHInet was, how did he say it?, Let me check.... He probably won't mind me quoting him:
    My response to Fred's sagacity:


    I welcome lulls in activity and have no doubt everything will work exactly out as it should. No doubt whatsoever. All involved will receive exactly what they deserve at the appropriate time. If my current allotment is peace and quiet, I will gladly sit back and enjoy it. I have learned what I intended to learn, and done what I intended to do here. I enjoy waiting calmly for the next idea or occurrence to arrive. I have found these type situations often transpire in summer months and settle down in the fall.
  17. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    Rose, you and I are both forum founders and administrators. There's a lot we can learn from the failures of other forums. Atticus1 failed, Nexus failed, even the granddaddy of them all, Avalon, fails repeatedly. All of these examples should lead us to ask what exactly is "success"? Lots of members? Lots of donations? Lots of discussion? Lots of ideas? Lots of agreement? Lots of comfort? Lots of friendship? Lots of truth? Lots of questions? Lots of answers? Lots of control? Lots of freedom? Lots of excesses? Lots of balance?

    Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. The same can be said for the success of a forum. UncleZook likes to claim that both United People and Inphinet are failures, a Tupperware club in the case of Inphinet, and a one man show in the case of United People. Of course, being a sociopath, UncleZook makes those claims for his own benefit whenever it profits him. He will play any forum that will tolerate him, and he has. I strongly disagree with Zook, as I see beauty in both United People and Inphinet, because I see freedom. For me, a discussion forum must have freedom of speech. If you can't speak freely, there is no real discussion.

    Like Nexus before it, Universal Spectrum is failing, and for the same reasons. I just posted about it here, and I thought you might be interested to comment on the situation from your perspective.
  18. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Sorry if I disrupted you thread there, Zachie.
    I'll move those drug posts to Untitled, unowned, unhindered :)
    May have more to say on that subject...

  19. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    And I should have mentioned that Stanley Meyer used resonance to essentially shake water molecules apart into hydrogen and oxygen with very little input energy. Happily, we have Wikipedia to tell us the truth about everything:

    What a great plan, having a court settle the issue, as if they are the final arbiters of science!

    And so there you have it, the truth on a silver platter. The laws of thermodynamics are being violated, thus no such thing can possibly happen.

    So how did Stanley Meyer drive his dune buggy across the United States on water alone? Can you really dismiss actual results by ruling it witchcraft? Isn't it possible that under special conditions the laws of thermodynamics do not apply?

    This reminds me of other times in history when actual results were also ruled as witchcraft.

    It is beyond belief how stupid human beings can be. We could all be driving vehicles that run on water and produce no pollution (water vapor is the exhaust), but we can't have it because it is witchcraft (another word for a threat to the ruling sociopaths' iron grip on power and control).

    I don't know about you, but I'm as mad as Hell, and I don't feel like taking this any more!
  20. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    This is the On Assignment segment about the Drug Industry Father who is a Seroquel Whistleblower, Zachie
    It starts about 14 min after the David Letterman Segment.
  21. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  22. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    In "The Missing Secrets - Nikola Tesla", there were a couple of things that jumped out at me.

    I was impressed by the guest experts, especially Trombly, Bearden, and one other whose name escapes me.

    The film opens with Tesla's death, supposedly of old age. There is another story that has some credibility ( 1 2 3 ). Otto Skorzeny and Reinhard Gehlen paid a visit to Tesla the day before he was discovered dead, and Skorzeny later admitted in his old age to having smothered Tesla in his bed after pumping him for information wanted by the German Reich.

    The distance from Tesla's Colorado Springs lab to the old Colorado Springs power plant is less than 2 miles, not the 25 miles stated in the video. I used to live near the plaque marking the site of Tesla's lab, and I often rode my bike from there to the tennis courts near the old power plant. So I think the video got that one wrong.

    In the video, they mention Tesla's use of resonance to destroy certain materials. Royal Rife used the same technique of resonance to destroy bacteria, viruses, and other disease-causing agents without harming adjacent human cells! Rife effectively had a cure for cancer and most other diseases, which is why he was shut down so swiftly and thoroughly, somewhat like Tesla was also shut down.
  23. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Unfortunately Tesla's sensitivity could not understand all the wealthy industrialists were sociopaths. [​IMG]
    And the press were in their pockets...
    "Tell me the truth, Mr. Westinghouse. Are you helping me because you believe this will be of value to science and civilization? Or, are you in it for the profits?"
    Enter the nemesis, Thomas Alva Edison, hero of 20th century clhildren's textbooks that never mentioned Tesla.
    And a horrible media stunt!!! at around miinute 37.
    More review tomorrow.
    • agree agree x 1
  24. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    I noticed some scenes in the above program were taken from this movie.
    Putting it here because I want to watch it again:

    Interesting intro!​
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2016
  25. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  26. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    seroquel (1).JPG

    Zachie is this about the drug Seroquel? I remember you telling me last year you would like to create media to expose the over prescription of anti-psychotics to children. I just happened to see a news program on Seroquel the day after listening to "Seroquel" ( before your live concert in PHI Gruop which was great by the way!).

    The news segment was an interview with a father whose son had died due to the drug. The father is on a personal campaign to reveal how these type drugs are over prescribed and prescribed to children for purposes they were never intended to be used for. Have you continued with your research? I will post that news clip if I can find it.​
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2016
  27. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    Definitely. A cure is not the goal. If you treat symptoms, you simulate a cure but without removing the source of the symptoms. The result is you have a repeat customer (good for business). Everyone that has ever come up with legitimate cures has been shut down. Royal Rife is an example.
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  28. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    No it wouldn't. Being disqualified from a position of power and control does not affect your personal freedom of speech at all. If disqualified, a sociopath is reduced to the same freedom of speech as almost every other human being. That is neither censorship nor a violation of freedom of speech.
  29. Chester

    Chester Member

    Some say the problem (at least with most of 'western medicine') is that they far more seem to focus on treating the symptoms instead of the causes. Have others found this true?
  30. Chester

    Chester Member

    I am blind in my left eye so I am only speaking of the right eye. I cannot recall why I decided to get glasses for this right eye but it happened in the early 90s. I then had to go back every two or three years and get a "new prescription." In 2003 I lost my only prescription pair of glasses at the very beach I will be at in three days ironically. I then moved to Panama and for several weeks i went without glasses and found I preferred the blurred vision over the BS of glasses, losing them, needing new prescriptions, etc and so i just stopped using glasses. Oddly not only did I get used to my vision as it was, I thought it actually improved on its own. I was also able to pass the vision test for my drivers license (how funny Chico uses that as the metaphor for sociopathy tests). So recently I had to go see an ophthalmologist because my Obama care Primary Care doctor insisted I do so (so the cronies can make more $$ I guess). When I went I was told I tested 20-30. I then recalled that when I had gotten my third or so prescription for glasses back in the 90s, the optometrist told me my vision was 20-60.

    I am unsure if the original vision test was accurate enough to conclude I was really 20-60, but if so, then somehow stopping the usage of glasses coupled with taking better care of myself may be the reason the vision improved to 20-30.