No, it is you that wants to obfuscate meaning, because like the Clintons, you are a sociopath. Words have precise meaning, and unlike you, I use them precisely. If I say "I would have to be in favor of banning David", that describes my feeling about a possible future regarding your participation at Inphinet. It's not calling for you to be banned, it simply describes how I would feel about it.
Which is why I don't bother to obfuscate semantically or otherwise. I do just the opposite: I seek to express myself clearly and precisely.
No one proposed a vote, because no one is calling for you to be banned. There is no voting on banning at Inphinet that I am aware of anyway. Stephen and crew were banned by Rose without any vote, as I understand it.
I'm generally opposed to banning. As a moderator at Nexus, I was often the only voice among the moderator team opposed to banning a member. More than once I asked to be allowed to discuss the situation by PM with the member about to be banned. Every time I did this, the member ended up staying with the forum without causing further problems. Rarely was I in favor of banning any member, but I do remember one member at Nexus who was clearly toxic and a deliberate
agente provocateur. In a matter of days after joining Nexus, this unsavory character was banned by unanimous moderator vote. You will surely remember that David because that character was you, operating under the alias Popeye. Later, you joined United People, and Zook remembered you as Popeye at Nexus and wanted you removed from UP. I granted you a
second chance. It was all for naught, as you were simply fooling everyone about your true intentions at UP. In the end, GW's outrageous King Art2 deception and your participation in it got you banned along with GW and her other loyal minions. It was the only time people were banned at United People in the five years it has been operating. That gives you a rather unique distinction, which might explain why I would have to be in favor of any banning of David from Inphinet that might occur. I would also have been in favor of Rose banning Stephen and Rhiannon back in December, which again I didn't call for or have anything to do with.
I agree I am not very smart, which is another reason I can't be the sociopath you accuse me of being. But I readily acknowledge that you are one very smart sociopath, and very dangerous to any forum administered by a non-sociopath (like this one). I speak from actual experience.
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