The 48 Laws unmistakably details methods of social/political/hierarchical manipulation. The onus of what to do with that information is on the individual. The Laws can be utilized by individuals with a sociopathic/psychopathic bent/inclination, or they can be used to guard/protect against such. One can either observe the Laws/reversals, or they can observe what can happen when one does not. Is it
always bad to not follow the Laws? Certainly not, but one could do far worse than to at least pay them heed in one's endeavors.
Rather than buying Alt personality's sales pitch, individuals might think to themselves "

, what is their agenda in telling me all this?".
Rather than suffering a tyrant's abuse needlessly, individuals might decide "

, the cost of effort and attention is not worth the satisfaction of participation,".
Rather than bullhorn-slandering innocent and (mostly ^_~) blameless others, individuals might realize "

, perhaps I can find a way to better cohabitate and work with such individuals, since I see them everywhere anyway (and some of them are quite clever),".
... as just a few examples.
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