Coyote Logics

Discussion in 'Φ v.2 Who is a SOCIOPATH?' started by Shadowself, Jan 1, 2016.

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  1. Shadowself

    Shadowself Shadow Speaker

    From the coyotes lair


    transcending time
    the approaching light
    calls him by name

    into the realms of before
    the present waits to let go
    of the past

    readying him for the return
    to his place with the stars
    in the circle of dreams




    he woke up in a familiar high
    knowing it was time
    to change dream worlds

    waiting at the station
    for his ride
    enjoying the colors
    in awe of the swirl and blur
    in between dimensions

    where dying to live
    is different than dying to die
    and continuation has no use
    for beginning and endings
    that traumatized lives
    devote to fear


    "My ride showed up."

    "Celebrate Love. Celebrate Life."

    John Trudell

    February 15, 1946 - December 8, 2015


    flying with the clouds
    tracing the blue in the sky
    out of reach
    of within reach

    distant trails of distant trials
    dissolving in long forgotten tears
    while the moon kissed the sun
    and he was next in line

    the stars threw him fire
    knowing he loved the heat
    pulsing from magic light
    bringing him out of the shadows


    Coyote Logics


    John Trudell

    You will be missed.

    If you love something, set it free.
    If it comes back to you, it is yours.
    If it doesn’t, it never was.



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    • beautiful beautiful x 1
    • love it! love it! x 1
  2. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    Yep. Some people see things much more clearly than others. He was one of them.
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  3. Shadowself

    Shadowself Shadow Speaker


    A.K.A Grafitti Man

    Rockin' the Res

    A must listen if only the first song!

    (for some reason, "graffiti" was misspelled in the title) with Kiowa guitarist Jesse Ed Davis (well known for recording with Bob Dylan, John Lennon et al.) that was originally available on cassette tape format only. This comports with the practice common to American indigenous and other so-called minorities of distributing music mixtapes captured live at group events and copied and distributed through non-commercial channels, like those of the San Francisco-based rock group Grateful Dead, Native American powwow music performances in general, and African American gatherings whence came the expression Each One Teach One, common also to an emerging grassroots movement that was arguably itself a response to the reactionary madness of slavery and/or military-industrial/imperialist hegemony flourishing in the 1980s.

    Last edited: Jan 2, 2016
  4. Shadowself

    Shadowself Shadow Speaker


    Dedicated to the memory of a man who long before the advent of the interweb got out and made a stand. As a result he died one death when his wife and children were burned by arson in their home after a protest and following by the federal government. It's in the documentary above.

    Before his death on December 8, 2015 the Coyote Logics written in the op were his last writing before his death in the Coyote's Lair as he called it and all except these words were written by him ...just said and quoted in the post.

    "My ride showed up."

    "Celebrate Love. Celebrate Life."


    I'd say a good 50% of the things that are written about on forums were profoundly spoken of by him and he took it to the streets and to his heart even in death/rebirth.

    I will be hereby adding some of the many videos and songs that we ALL SING here somethines and were spoken of in his voice on those streets that scar Mother Earth.



    1980 Thanksgiving day speech that is as true today as ever: Visionary

    (a must watch Chico for your interest above)

    We hear your Coyote Logics John Trudell

    It is with great respect I hereby honor you words

  5. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    John Trudell - Mining our Minds For The Machine

    The "predatory system, the disease" that Trudell speaks of sounds like sociopathy to me. It could even be something greater than human psychology that is not of human origin. Trudell also speaks of cross-generational mind control, the brain-washing that we are all born into. Because we are born into it, no one escapes its powerful influence.
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