
Discussion in 'Φ v.1THE COCKNEY TRANSLATER!' started by Xavier Hawk, Feb 4, 2015.

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  1. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    if during the process of creation
    i begin to concern myself with
    how others may perceive whatever
    and then add on top of that
    how other's varied electronic devices
    may skew whatever
    as they observe the creation
    of whatever
    and add on top of that
    a concern with the direction
    whatever is trending in the future
    i may wind up cutting off my ear
    or just standing back
    waiting for someone else
    to create something
    • beautiful beautiful x 1
  2. Stop right there!
  3. I don't even know who the fuck Jeffrey Dahmer is? Besides a sweater is a sweater to me...what's your real point?
  4. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey see monkey do

    There is a bloke in the states, he goes around colleges asking people if they would put a jumper on for fifty dollars. Most people put their hands up. He then tells them that the sweater belonged to Jeffrey Dahmer. Most people put their hands down.
    One hand, it is just a sweater, on the other hand people now know who it belonged to. Should it make a difference? Would you take the fifty dollars?
    • love it! love it! x 1
  5.'re a real piece of shit! :eek:
  6. McQ


    I ain't got a goatee your thinking of that other cunt :P
  7. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey see monkey do

    I always wanted a shit goatee
  8. McQ


    I still got a few bum currants left can you have another lick :D
  9. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey see monkey do

    This could go on forever. McQ, you are comedy gold- never change.
  10. McQ


    I notice how you question masculinity first that's a weak trait for a sweaty sock such as yourself luv :D
    • beautiful beautiful x 1
  11. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey see monkey do

    1. I don't feel bad about any of the stuff I did, it was no more me than the a shit I took 15 years ago
    Violin is a pretty effeminate object , it suits you xx
  12. McQ


    I'll get the violins out shall I? Man up you big woman :D
    • love it! love it! x 1
  13. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey see monkey do

    I was a dick to Hawk behind his back a couple of times and he didn't deserve it.

    I once stole a wheelbarrow and threw it through a greenhouse because I thought it was "punk rock"

    I once stole a kilo of prawns from a hotel kitchen and hid them in my mates luggage- then on the ferry home I broke into a cabin boy's room and shoved them in the air conditioning( add 2000 similar events). I expect a lot of jokes about that one.

    When I was a kid I used to beat the shit out of my brother because I got bullied at school and I could take it out on him, I made his childhood a living hell.

    He also wet the bed, I am probably partly to blame

    My mum took him to the doctor who put this fucking alarm thing on his underwear so it would wake him up when it got wet. I bought a water pistol and used to squirt it at him when he was sleeping from my top bunk. I thought it was hilarious when the alarm went off and he jumped out of bed and ran to the toilet.

    When I was a teenager I snuck into my brother's room and poured water over his sheets then made fun of him the next day for pissing the bed

    I once created a fake email account and emailed this musician bloke pretending to be a girl because I was sick of him moaning he didn't have a girlfriend. I then told him what to wear and made pretend dates where he got stood up. I turned up and watched him waiting and thought it was hilarious. I would like to say I feel bad about it, but I don't.

    I once got a girl pregnant and went out and got wasted , the day she came back from the hospital after the abortion I went out partying and was with another girl. We lived together at the time.

    I stole money from my grandmother who had dementia and spent it on CD's. My my mum was convinced it was the hospital or the NHS workers nicking stuff, but it didn't stop me. I just figured she didn't need it so fuck it.

    I told Stephen what Mark said behind his back, I said it was because I was sick of listening to shit like that( it partly was) but it was also because I was a kiss arse and that is because it was important to me to think or feel I was special. That made me a shit friend, I don't feel bad about it but I did prove to myself I was a crap person sometimes.

    up until recently I thought I was better than all/most of you , I'm working on that.

    I don't feel bad about any of the stuff I did, it was no more me than the a shit I took 15 years ago

    The truth is pretty fucking ugly
  14. A I don't give a shit how you feel
    B you shouldn't give a shit what I think

    Progress is like art.
  15. I apologise for trying to raise hackles! I was wrong...nothing I said was worth anything and you did show me up for what I am! These are all mistakes to learn from.
  16. I don't want to exit. I get caught up in my own emotions and am learning how impulsive I am to jump to "no one likes me" which is probably true haha, but that doesn't matter at all. I need to stop being so reactive and impulsive and I will do my best to up my game! I appreciate your response. It was constructive. Thank you.
  17. I'm glad I don't otherwise I wouldn't be learning anything from this. I keep fucking up, but I keep getting up and trying again and that's all I can do. Learn from my mistakes instead of defending myself to things I have said that are redundant. It's a process.
  18. Oh,dear....

    Your in the music business,right,lol

    If you only knew who that really is,and your always on the plate here,you ask rhi some question ,regarding your reason for being here,and re attention seeking i refer you to your previous convo with me...

    mr MQ has just pulled you out on everything you were doing,you just accused him off....
    you didnt see it,while responding to the obvious...

    so to the question,if thats the ease of it,your exit should be just as easy..

    if you ask to be deleted,it is immediate,

    if not,lol....better start looking at the subtext and your previous ramblings..

    in short up your game

    As YOU assume far to much from text........while making that you even know what just happen,do you think you were trolled?????

    don't answer I'm not really interested.....did that twang your feeling tendon????
  19. smokin2
  20. McQ


  21. Stop replying...the conversation is over. Why do you keep festering for attention. Did your mother not hold you enough and your daddy held you a little too close?
  22. Stop replying...the conversation is over. Why do you keep festering for attention. Did your mother not hold you enough and your daddy held you a little too close?
  23. McQ


  24. McQ


    group hug
  25. And if you're one true valuable asset in life is to bring out the worst in people...than you are piece of shit anyway!
  26. You are fucking colour blind!
  27. McQ


    good you've shown your true colours fucka! lol i always bring out the worst in people, all too easy son no contest! and don't pm me your bollox again like below lol. thanks luv lol

    shoutbox...hit me!

    Damned Straight!, Thursday at 2:57 PM
  28. The fact you replied that much to what I just rambled at you proves you aren't hard to provoke. I bet your ego has gotten you into trouble before. And yeah see ya, fuck off!
    • LOL LOL x 1
  29. McQ


  30. A trial...fucking hell. You think you are god don't you?
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