Discussion in 'Φ v.3 The GREAT AWAKENING' started by Rose, Jan 22, 2020.

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  1. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    We all know this...
    But, it never hurts to keep in mind...

    I actually had one of those fake hypodermics in a "toy" Dr's kit as a child.
    We had all sorts of toys that were quite unsafe back then.
    One favorite, I remember, was a "vacuform".
    It had a heating element and a suction device...
    Thin colorful small square plastic sheets.
    Some items to mold were supplied, but you could find your own...
    You placed the plastic sheet in grooves on the top...
    And, the item on the heating element..
    Pressed the handle down and...
    The smell of burning plastic wafted throughout the room...
    Especially in the nostrils.
    One would often burn fingers.
    But, it was a fun toy.
    You could form both sides of a mold and glue them together.
    With highly toxic glue, of course.

  2. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator


    Crocodile Dundee has long been a well-loved figure here in America. He represents freedom and confidence.

    Most Americans feel an amity with Australians and it bothers us to see them oppressed by the jaws of tyranny. Covid has been used as an excuse to cancel their freedoms. They no longer have freedom of movement. They are tracked, monitored, controlled, and insulted. Their freedom of speech is squelched. And, of course their firearms were confiscated. Walkabout Creek has been replaced with the Lock ‘Em Up Swamp.

    The words “New World Order” has already been used by their top politicians, who have sent out uniformed thugs to put down rightful protests. Australians are getting the Great Reset whether they like it or not. Their Prime Minister, Scott Morrison is on the same page as Joe Biden. Dementia Joe called the Australian leader “The fella from down under.” Both leaders want to destroy freedom.

    The globalist oligarchs want to repeat Australia’s fate here in the US. Our freedom of speech is being compromised. All the ‘authorities’ have to do is label free speech as ‘misinformation’ and delete our voices. They don’t bother to refute solid evidence. Instead they’ll merely claim it’s misinformation.

    Our freedom of movement is under attack. The tyrants won’t give up on their vaccine passports. Our most important freedom must not be given up—ever. That’s the 2nd Amendment. Australians lack that right and you now see how the tyrants are completely unafraid of their own people.

    Our best wishes to the protesters and freedom fighters down under.

    — Ben Garrison
  3. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  4. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  5. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  6. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    I have trouble taking capsules and so...
    choose chewable supplements sweetened with Stevia.
    Elderberry and Rosehips are natural sources of Quercetin
    I take 3 of these per day...
    It is a months's supply.
    (They have a very pleasant taste.)

    Plus a D3 chewable...

    And a multivitamin, resveratrol, beet root.
    ez-melts is a very good brand.

    Last edited: Sep 23, 2021
  7. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    I think Norman said this is his protocol.

    • agree agree x 1
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2021
  8. norman

    norman Member

  9. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  10. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  11. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Why is YouTube leaving Project Veritas Site up?

  12. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  13. norman

    norman Member

    Look what this doctor found on Fauci! BOOM

    Remdesivir, the protocol drug in the hospitals, IS the KILLER
    . . . and there's Boris, smooth talking us with his plans A and B.

    What triggers plan B ?. . . . . a hospitals crisis !

    Once they can prime the pump (from acute injection effects) they'll be OFF! ( to the races ) . . massive numbers of hospital deaths to terrify the lot of us and bring in a monsterous regime of lockdown and brutality to completely break us (they hope).
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2021
  14. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  15. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator


    The western world is undergoing an aggressive mass-hypnosis campaign designed to get us all to take a Covid vaccination. Many of us are resisting and are now being demonized. Arch liar Don Lemon said we should be shunned and harassed. Will Lemon soon be donning a Nazi uniform?

    We are inundated with messages urging us to take the experimental injections. There’s an annoying Walgreen commercial in which a woman uses a relaxed and friendly voice. After talking about something else she casually adds something about getting your free Covid vaccine because ‘you’re ready.’ When I hear her say that I reply, “No, I’m not ready. I’ll never be ready!”

    Such commercials are everywhere and I assume they’re being paid for by the pharmaceutical industrial complex, but there’s one thing that makes the Covid jabs stand out. Unlike ads for other drugs, they do not list the side effects of getting the Covid shot. If they did, it would be horrific. I can hear it now…”Side effects may include heart inflammation, stroke, or sudden death.” They won’t say that, but serious side effects have occurred. Thousands of died and millions have experienced serious side effects. The mainstream media liars will not mention a word about such dangers. They keep repeating over and over that the vaccines are ‘safe and effective.’ If they say those words often enough and from enough sources including celebrities, they know they will break down resistance and people will eventually get them.

    Many people do not trust government, our media, or the pharmaceutical representatives. They know Dr. Fauci gave American taxpayer dollars to the Chinese communists to achieve ‘gain of function.’ He lied to Congress. He and Bill Gates belong in prison, but since they are part of the New World Order, they are untouchable. Many don’t like or trust Fauci or Gates, but still they get the vaccine for a so-called pandemic with a 99.7 percent survivability rate!

    They globalist totalitarians also do not want you to question their hypnotism. Observe what Senator Pocahontas (Elizabeth Warren) said last week. She wants Amazon to ban books that criticize the vaccines. Many of those books are written by real doctors and scientists who are ringing alarm bells, but Warren says what they’re writing is ‘misinformation.’ She won’t say exactly WHAT is the misinformation, but it’s a tactic now being used by the vaccine pushers. Anything that questions the ‘official’ narrative is now misinformation. That’s that. No debate. No free speech allowed. Just shut up and take your shot and hurry!

    They are attempting to control reality with their hypnosis. That is, they want humanity to accept a false reality and it can’t be questioned. This will lead to a very bad end.

    I’m not offering medical advice. If you insist on having mystery liquids that have been proven to be ineffective against Covid inserted into your body, then that’s your call. As for me, I will never be convinced. The love of freedom breaks their hypnotic spell.

    — Ben Garrison
  16. norman

    norman Member

    How Big Pharma Uses Fauci and the Media to Murder Americans


    In February of 2020, a state-run Chinese institute seeks a patent on the use of remdesivir to treat coronavirus, based on the results of a single patient.

    In April of 2020, Anthony Fauci cited a study, which he said proved remdesivir could block coronavirus.

    He claimed the study showed that remdesivir was “safe and efficacious” in the use against the Ebola virus in 2018 and 2019.

    But this was a lie.

    If one were to actually look at the study, which was testing four different drugs against Ebola virus, they will find that the Safety Board pulled remdesivir out of the trial 6 months early, because over 50% of the patients who received it died.

    Fauci quoted a second study in his mandating of the use of remdesivir, a study conducted by the makers of remdesivir, wherein 50 patients with COVID were administered the drug for 10 days.

    27% of them suffered from multiple organ dysfunction, septic shock ad acute kidney injury.

    8% of them had to be taken off the drug after only 5 days, because it was killing them.

    After the CCP and Fauci recommended the use of remdesivir, the US secured the world’s supply and began treating Americans with it.

    COVID patients immediately began suffering kidney failure, which was then blamed on COVID, even though studies by the manufacturer show that Remdesivir causes it in 23% after only a few days.

    When the kidneys fail, the lungs fill with liquid, which is how thousands have died in the hospitals, being put on ventilators.

    And it’s all being blamed on COVID.

    But if we read the fine print, we see that this is t be expected with remdesivir.

    And this has happened before.

    YouTuber, Jamie Dlux compared two patients from the past, Freddie Mercury and Magic Johnson, both diagnosed with HIV around the same time, both advised by none other than Anthony Fauci to take the drug, AZT.

    As Freddie Mercury took deadly doses of the drug, his health quickly deteriorated until he died.

    Magic Johnson started taking it but it made him feel worse and so he stopped.

    The media storm surrounding Johnson’s condition immediately disappeared after he stopped taking AZT and never mentioned it.

    And Magic Johnson is alive and healthy today.

    This is how they kill us.

    They sow fear with pop culture lies and kill us with deadly drugs in the hospital.

    Just like the so-called vaccines, which the FDA were aware of how deadly they were back in October of last year, where they published all the side effects we are seeing today in the vaccinated, while failing to include them in the vaccine inserts.

    For copies of these documents and for healthy treatment, you can go to Dr Ardis’ website.​
    • Winner Winner x 1
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2021
  17. norman

    norman Member

    How Hospitals are Killing Us - Many BOOMS!
    Amazing Polly
    • brilliant brilliant x 1
  18. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  19. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Ingersoll Lockwood...

  20. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  21. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  22. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  23. norman

    norman Member

    Dr. Paul Cottrell warns that Fauci is "hardwiring" humanity for mass death
  24. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  25. norman

    norman Member

  26. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  27. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  28. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  29. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  30. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator