By Joseph Farrell
(Don't act so surprised Joe, that's what it's all about)
WTF 3 Weeks ago Witches In Ukraine (Sic)To Perform Three-part Ritual In An Effort To Isolate And Topple Vladimir Putin
ROC says Ukrainian authorities use “witches and satanic rites” in war with Russia – video
Satanic Statues Recovered From Russian Missile Strike in Ukraine — Russia Claims U.S. Mercenaries Fighting in Ukraine “Worship the Devil”
Now what intrigues me here - as you might imagine - is the fact that apparently there is some corroboration of the idea that the Ukrainian government, or as is more likely, elements within it, is sponsoring or making use of "occult methods and magic" to attempt to reverse the tide of war fortunes, fortunes which as far as I can tell are not running in Kiev's favour in spite of the attempts of the western media to portray it otherwise. In this case, having clergy from the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church making the claim on Russian national television is pretty good corroboration, and here's why: (1) Russian television wouldn't run anything without government approval, and (2) clergy wouldn't be appearing on television making such claims without hierarchical approval, and (3) neither the Russian government nor the Russian Church have anything to gain by lying about such a matter.
Which brings us to the final article, where we read this:
Russian news sources have claimed to have uncovered “
Satanists from the ‘Forward Observation Group,'” — an alleged U.S. mercenary unit comprised of former military and special operations currently in Ukraine — stating that members of the group “worship the devil in the truest sense of the word.”
These allegations come as recent video from the front lines of the Ukraine conflict shows Russian military forces uncovering what appears to be satanic statues with the face of baphomet, and cult-like paganistic figurines.
While it is no secret many Americans have gone to Ukraine to fight alongside the
neo-nazi Azov Battalion, the allegations of satanism bring a new twist to the already convoluted conflict, as Western propaganda efforts intensify — and as shipments of military equipment and billions of U.S. dollars increases by the day.
The last article even makes the astonishing and nauseating claim that Ukrainian forces allegedly crucified a man alive, and provides a link to the article outlining the claim. Now, I have no idea if Russian military forces have actually found Nazi and other occult-like paraphernalia including statues of Baphomet or not. After all, in wars, truth initially goes out the window, and combatants typically exercise no restraint in their depictions of their enemies as sub-human, godless, genocidal, and so on...
... but here's the problem: like it or not, there are fascist, Nazi, connections behind the current government and military of the Ukraine, and they've been there for all to see since all of this began. See for example, this old interview with Mr. Richard Dolan which I did, from 2018, and go to about
1 hour and 28 minutes into the video for my "take" on the situation back then:
Watch Dolan/Farrell video here:
The bottom line here is that the historical connection of Nazi Waffen SS units in the Second World War to the modern Ukrainian military that I mentioned in some of my books provides corroborating context for the contemporary claims. As most readers of this website are aware, I've written several books about post-war Nazi survival, in which books I have also occasionally touched upon the Nazis' secret research and sometimes - oftentimes - its occult preoccupations and willingness to consider weaponizing black magic as a weapon of war.
All of this puts the Russian allegations not only into the realm of possibility and in my opinion probablity, but it also puts the whole mess into yet another dimension, for behind all the geopolitics, economics, the grifting financial deals of very corrupt and criminal families in positions of leadership in the west, the special deals to turn the rich black soil of the Ukraine into a GMO foods paradise (q.v. the comments of Mr. Dolan in the above interview), the use of the Ukraine as a vital hub for money laundering and I strongly suspect all sorts of human trafficking, there is now a new dimension, that of a real war between two mutually opposed cosmologies and cultures, the increasingly rootless cosmopolitan and demonic "culture" of the west, and that of a nation that spent several decades in that kind of technocratic hell, and is attempting to return to its older traditional and Christian culture.
And the sad thing is, the deluded materialist "leadership" running the west - and apparently The Ukraine - don't even realize that when one invokes the devil, he has a bad habit of actually showing up.
So, no, Mr. Zelensky, I won't be praying for the success of your arms. For a swift end to the war and the bloodshed, yes; for the victory of devil-serving neo-Nazis and witches?
Absolutely not!
See you on the flip side...
Joseph Farrell