Dems' DEVIOUS DEN of Dimwits Report

Discussion in 'Φ v.3 The GREAT AWAKENING' started by Rose, Nov 12, 2018.

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  15. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator


    The ‘woke’ left is delivering destruction through a hypodermic needle. The drummed-up pandemic fear enabled the Marxists to steal a presidential election.

    Unless we pushback, the steal will be permanent.

    George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and other mega billionaires that represent the New World Order want to destroy our country. They want to destroy the middle class. They want everyone poor—or dead. Medical tyranny combined with Marxism is the way they’re doing it. It’s a Cloward-Piven strategy.

    They want to divide and destroy America and everything it has stood for and replace it with Marxist tyranny.

    They captured the Democrat party and realized that Sleepy Joe was perfect for them—he’s demented, crooked, and stupid. He does what he’s told. He thinks white people are ‘white supremacists.’ He announced that whites will soon be a minority and that’s a ‘good thing.’ Really, Joe? His regime represents Marxist ‘woke-ism. He and his Marxist functionaries are intentionally destroying America. Nobody is doing anything about it. Vote him out? Can you trust the voting process anymore?

    This is a war for our freedom and way of life. You can make a donation and keep GrrrGraphics online! Bitcoin and ETH donation options just added! Please click to support our work- Thank you! Click now!

    The borders were left wide open. Joe even wants monetary incentives to draw in more illegal aliens, who do not want to blend into American culture. They merely want free stuff. Remember when Joe promised unity? That was a lie.

    The Marxist Democrats want division, not unity.

    The things that united America are under attack. Education, for example. Woke-ism is being taught in public schools. Disagree and the Democrat-controlled FBI will harass you. White children are told they are evil and racist. Sexual perversion is promoted. They are taught to hate America.

    Our holidays are under attack. We are told Thanksgiving should be a day of mourning. They don’t want us to say “Merry Christmas.” Even Halloween was subject to all kinds of costume prohibitions. Fourth of July will soon be called a racist holiday if it isn’t already. These holidays have long been ‘inclusive’ to all Americans, but to the Marxists it’s the wrong kind of inclusion.

    Professional sports are under attack. They went woke. I remember Pete Carroll, the Seattle Seahawks coach, waxed un-eloquently about how inequality is a big problem in America and how folks should be made ‘equal.’ Who makes this equality happen? Why, a Marxist government of course…and they’ll do it with their usual brute force. Everyone will be made equally poor and miserable. Funny how equality didn’t apply to Pete’s team. Presumably he wants the best players and they’re paid millions of dollars to play a game. The Seahawks have a current record of 3 wins and 7 losses. It can’t be the fault of his “equal” players. Therefore, it’s time to fire the gum-chewing socialist Pete Carroll!

    The concept of law and order is under attack. The Marxists claim the police are racist and must stand down when there is rioting and looting. The Marxist media don’t like the word looting, though. Maybe we should call it peaceful shopping without paying. Crime has risen to alarming levels in many of the Democrat-run cities, just the way the Marxists like it.

    Our economy is under attack. Inflation is a hidden tax and Sniffy Joe also wants to add hundreds of thousands of IRS agents to audit and shake down the little people. Does anyone think they’ll audit the corporate, globalist billionaires? No. They’re coming to crush America’s middle class and small businesses. Joe wants you to pay your ‘fair share’ while he vacations with billionaires. ‘Fair’ is whatever the tyrants decide is fair. In reality, they want it all.

    Christianity is under attack. Churches are a uniting factor which must be destroyed under Marxism. People are only allowed to worship a big, all-powerful government.

    Our history is under attack. The United States has not been a perfect, utopian country. Therefore, it must be completely destroyed and replaced with Marxism—which has never worked anywhere.

    Once the fabric is dissolved, the Marxist masters will not allow it to be rewoven as it was. Freedom can easily be lost, but once lost it can only be regained by means of bloodshed.

    — Ben Garrison
  16. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator



    Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland sent the FBI to arrest Steve Bannon on criminal contempt charges. It’s yet another example of political persecution by the Biden and the Socialist Democrats.

    Bannon turned himself in, but promised to make Biden’s regime suffer the consequences. Bannon refused to participate in Pelosi’s new witch hunt based on the lie of the January 6 ‘insurrection.’ It was a protest, not an insurrection, but the Democrats want to use it as an excuse to crush conservatives in general and Trump supporters in particular.

    It’s shameful how blatantly Biden and his forces have been using the politicized FBI to attack and harass their opponents. Garland, Biden, and Pelosi are the real criminals. They’re traitors to the United States.

    We wish Steve Bannon all the best in his effort to defeat Biden and his Banana Republic.

    — Ben Garrison
  23. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Their Loss = Our Gain... Just How Dumb Can they Be?

  26. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  27. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  28. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator


    When asked if certain illegal immigrants were to receive hundreds of thousands of dollars because of getting ‘mistreated’ under President Trump, Joe Biden testily denied it. Then his press secretary admitted it was true. Either Biden was lying or he out of touch. Maybe his mental befuddlement has caused him to lose track of his lies.

    Paying invaders who break our immigration laws aligns with Open Border Joe’s ‘Build Back Better’ plans.Yet in order to perform such building back it’s necessary that he and his Socialist Democrats first destroy America. When that is kept in mind, all of Joe’s actions fall into place. HIs vaccine mandates and supply chain disruptions are designed to destroy our morale as well as the economy. His fiasco in Afghanistan may have been on purpose to humiliate America and elevate China. He worked with Pelosi to bring about a trillion dollar bill stuffed with pork, cronyism, and waste. It’s designed to hasten inflation and pad the pockets of Democrat allies. The Green New Deal may be the final stake driven into the heart of the economy.

    Joe is a racist. Like Obama, he’s done nothing to help black people and in fact he has insulted them over and over again. “You’re not black unless you vote for me,” is an example. He once stated whites would soon become a minority and that it was a ‘good thing.’ That’s racist. A president’s job is to support all Americans, and not say it’s great if one race is on the wane. Of course, we all know Joe is not our president. The election was stolen for him. He’s a bumbling, mumbling imposter. His regime is in place to usher in the New World Order.

    Perhaps in order to damage the influence of white voters—especially conservatives ones—Biden has left the southern border wide open to invaders who will vote for Democrats. That’s bad enough, but now Biden and Pelosi want to dangle offers of riches to the law breakers. This will attract even more illegal immigration, of course.

    Biden swore an oath to uphold our laws. Not only is he not upholding them, he’s in league with the criminals who break them.

    Impeach Joe Biden!

    — Ben Garrison
  29. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator