Drain the SWAMP!

Discussion in 'Φ v.3 The GREAT AWAKENING' started by Rose, Jun 23, 2018.

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  1. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  2. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator


    Nancy Pelosi attacked President Trump in the middle of a pandemic affecting the nation.

    She claimed “As the President fiddles, people are dying..”

    Oh how she projects!

    Who delayed the stimulus relief bill for almost a week?


    Who packed the first version of the bill with Christmas wish list of radical progressive goodies?


    Who has looked for every chance to weaponize the COVID-19 crisis for maximum damage to President Trump?


    For her to claim the President is “fiddling” while Americans die is beyond disgusting.

    A new low for the Speaker of the house.

    Even sometime Trump ally, Lindsey Graham had enough.

    “What she said, she’s blaming the president for people dying because of the way he’s led the country. That’s the most shameful disgusting statement by any politician in modern history. Let me tell you we’ve seen the best of America from our citizens helping each other, delivering groceries, having special shopping hours for senior citizens. She’s the first politician to blame another politician for people dying.”

    Nancy has even “hinted” at opening yet ANOTHER investigation into President Trump for his handling of the COVID-19 crisis.

    That’s what Americans want? The latest poll shows 60% of Americans approve of Trump’s handling of the pandemic.

    Pelosi is out of touch and only cares about power.

    She is unfit to be speaker of the house.

    Where was Pelosi when the coronavirus was raging in China in January?

    Up to her botoxed elbows in the impeachment hearings.

    Do you think Pelosi is exploiting the COVID-19 crisis for political gain?

    Let us know!

    Hang in there and stay safe Patriots-

    3 days..3 nights..Eagle eyes!

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  3. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Old Saying: “Give them an inch and they will take a mile.”


    Big Government (the Deep State) claims to care about its subjects (We The People). This is obviously false.

    If government cared about is, it wouldn’t have allowed the creation of the Federal Reserve and the IRS to steal the fruits of our labor. They wouldn’t allow poisonous GMOs into our food supply. It wouldn’t send young people to fight and die in pointless, endless wars based on lies. It wouldn’t allow babies and toddlers to be brutalized with an ever-growing and already long list of poisonous vaccinations that cause autism. It wouldn’t eagerly strip away our freedoms with each and every crisis.

    The coronavirus is the latest crisis and the Deep State and the Fake News media are having a grand old time fanning the flames of fear.

    Our freedom of assembly is gone. POOF! Our freedom of speech when it comes to the virus is limited. Only the corrupt CDC and even more corrupt WHO are supposed to have the say and have control of the data. We are repeatedly told not to listen to anyone else!

    We The People had better darn well shut up and do as we’re told! Lives are at stake! You don’t want anyone to die, do you? Of course you don’t! Therefore, you WILL stay in your home and watch the fear porn channels each day. Start begging for still yet another government safety net. Demand that government receives more power and authority! Demand martial law and the mobilization of the troops! Demand Bill Gates release his vaccine antidote—you know, the one that comes with a handy-dandy microchip that can be scanned at government checkpoints to make sure you got your shot.

    We need to be safe!

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    Shut down the economy and cause countless millions to lose their jobs! No worries, we will all get a pittance from our generous government. Becoming dependent on handouts from our virtuous and incorruptible government masters is a wonderful solution! To hell with self-reliance. We had all better do what we’re told, too…because the government can take it away if we don’t fall in line and march lockstep according to their dictates.


    In reality it all makes me sick how easy it was for government to remove not only our freedom, but our livelihoods as well. We are no longer the home of the brave. We’re the land of the fearful.

    —Ben Garrison
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  4. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  5. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Excellent Interview
    Democrat Nominee Biden is a Swamp Creature

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  6. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  7. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Watch as 60 Minutes calls out House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her conflict of interest.

    According to 60 Minutes, Pelosi and her husband have participated in at least 8 IPO’s. 60 Minutes reports that the Pelosis purchased 5,000 shares of Visa Stock at $44 per share. Two days later it was trading at $64. Legislature to block these types of things never made it to the floor of the House.

    That means they invested $220,000 and in two days that turned into $320,000. How many of you would like to make $100,000 in two days, with the snap of a finger?

    Pelosi refused an interview with 60 minutes. Watch the special below, it’s very very good.

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  8. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator


    Rachel Maddow’s Russia Russia Russia! conspiracy claptrap is now behind her. Instead of owning up to her humiliation, she’s instead moved on to a fresh outrage. That is, Trump’s critical tweet about Roger Stone’s sentencing recommendation.

    Maddow dramatically labeled the situation a ‘crisis.’ Eric Swalwell said Trump was injecting a ‘virus of corruption’ into the DOJ and suggested another impeachment process. Various Democrat ‘analysts’ (many are former Obama officials) on MSNBC and other fake news media continue to call Trump a ‘threat to our Democracy.’ Marxists see Democracy as being the road to socialism.

    The Democrats are now breathlessly saying Trump is retaliating against witnesses. The Democrats attack Trump for the very things they have done. Obama and his fellow Democrats helped corrupt the DOJ, the IRS, and the security agencies and used them to harass and spy on their enemies. The Democrats made justice a partisan issue.

    The problem is there are too many Obama holdovers who continue to pull levers of power. They were installed to help Hillary further Obama’s destruction of America, but now these insiders, leakers, and bureaucrats are determined to use their power to destroy President Trump.

    The Russia collusion witch-hunt was a gigantic lie, but the Democrats learned nothing from their failure and humiliation. They continue to create fresh hysterics in order to discredit the president. Roger Stone’s case should be thrown out since he had nothing to do with the Russia conspiracy theory—now thoroughly disproven. Instead, Obama’s functionaries still in government want him to do serious time based on concocted and ridiculous ‘process crimes.’

    We are glad Trump is sweeping out the Obama holdovers. They belong in the gutter.

    —Ben Garrison

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  9. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator


    Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman, who testified against President Trump during the House Impeachment hearings, was fired. Naturally the anti-Trump mass media was outraged, but that was to be expected. They’re perma-outraged by Trump no matter what he does or doesn’t do.

    What Vindman did was outside of his authority. That is, he stepped out of the chain of command and contacted the CIA to aid in the whistleblower complaint. Such as man thinks he’s better than the president. After all, Ukraine offered him a job as their Defense Minister for some reason.

    His twin brother Yevgeny, who also worked as a lieutenant colonel for the U.S. Army, was allegedly escorted out at the same time.

    Vindman sowed the wind and he reaped the whirlwind.

    Bonus: You’re Fired!

    Ambassador to the European Union Gordan Sondland announced Friday that he was being recalled from his post by President Donald Trump.


    —The GrrrTeam
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  10. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  11. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator



    Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi loves money. That’s why she spends so much of her time fundraising. She is good at hitting up large corporations and wealthy donors.

    As for her constituents? She spouts off the usual blue city leftist rhetoric to keep them placated. She represents California’s 12th congressional district, which mostly consists of the city of San Francisco. That city has degenerated under her rule. Its streets are littered with human feces and drug needles. The homeless don’t have money, so they don’t appear on Nancy’s radar.

    Pelosi caters to the rich, limousine liberals who can afford to live there. She knows money is power and her wealth bought her a lot of influence in the Democratic Party. Just like Hillary did with her corrupt Clinton Foundation, Pelosi has amassed vast wealth as a politician—she’s worth well over $100 million. Some estimate her wealth is much greater than that. She made sure her son, Paul Pelosi Jr., got paid off, too. Like Hunter Biden, he was involved in kickbacks and Ukraine corruption.

    Pelosi is growing very old. She will turn 80 next spring and she’s known for her moments of mumbling, confusion, and forgetfulness. Will she retire? Nah. She loves money and power too much for that. Nancy is a good argument for term limits.

    It remains to be seen what Pelosi will do in 2020 to help thwart Trump’s reelection. Her Trump Derangement Syndrome will not be cured any time soon and her endless thirst for money will remain unquenched.

    Happy New Year!

    —Ben Garrison
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  12. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  13. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  14. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  15. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    • Winner Winner x 1
  16. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    • Applause Applause x 1
  17. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  18. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Adam Schiff is currently conducting an ongoing and disgraceful ‘star chamber,’ or secret hearings in order to concoct more lies to impeach President Trump.

    Schiff knows a lie becomes more believable when it can avoid the bright light of truth. After the Russia Collusion ‘insurance’ story was exposed as an utter lie, Schiff has learned to keep things under cover.

    He lied to Congress by making up stories about Trump’s conversation with the president of Ukraine.

    He lied about his involvement with the so-called whistleblower.

    He lied about having concrete evidence that supposedly would prove Trump’s Russia collusion.

    Pelosi, the fake news media, and the Deep State continue to support him and his mendacious efforts. Even the Drudge Report has turned against the president.

    Trump was elected fairly and lawfully. Apparently voting doesn’t matter to Democrats and the Deep State when it goes against them. What Schiff is doing amounts to shredding our votes.

    It’s sedition. He should be arrested and imprisoned.

    —Ben Garrison


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  19. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  20. tag

    tag π

    I'm rooting for Rudy here!
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  21. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  22. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator



    At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked what kind of government Americans had. He replied, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

    Our Republic has not been well kept. The rule of law has been replaced by the rule of corrupt and powerful men and women from the Deep State Swamp.

    At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked what kind of government Americans had. He replied, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

    Our Republic has not been well kept. The rule of law has been replaced by the rule of corrupt and powerful men and women from the Deep State Swamp.

    They control the government, the corporate media, too much of the judicial system, and the security agencies. They use their corporate media to lie to us and control narratives. We conservatives realized they were lying to us, so we found the truth on the Internet. Now conservative voices are being censored. Nothing happens—no push back. Silicon Valley monopolies violate our First Amendment and aren’t punished. Nobody from the Deep State goes to jail. They are all protected.

    Biden gets away with gross abuse of his power while the traitors attack Trump who has done nothing wrong.

    Since Benjamin Franklin’s alleged statement, our government has grown into a bloated, secretive, and rogue. It has become far more tyrannical than the king we fought to gain independence. Our Republic established a rule of law, which applied to everyone. Government in particular was kept in check by laws established in the Constitution. After the Civil War, the government became more centralized and it began to grow. Teddy Roosevelt was a so-called ‘progressive’ president because big government made a lot more progress under his leadership. He started the FBI, which was soon corrupted by J. Edgar Hoover. Teddy also set the U.S. on a path toward empire. Congress handed over the issuance of our currency to the Federal Reserve in 1913. The Constitution granted that power to Congress, which had no right to turn it over to global bankers. That’s illegal!

    GrrrGraphics is being censored heavily on FaceBook and Twitter! Please follow us on PARLER GAB or POLITICHATTER

    The CIA got started under Truman, who feared it could grow into a Gestapo-like outfit. He was right. They can do whatever they like while hiding under the excuse of ‘national security!’ President Kennedy wanted to end the Federal Reserve and break up the CIA. He was assassinated by them. The Deep State has grown by leaps and bounds since then.

    The Deep State Illuminati are in control and changing our Republic into a socialist police state. It’s now obvious and in our face. Hillary Clinton, an arch criminal, had the gall to say, “Trump is an illegitimate president” and added, ‘He knows he stole the election in 2016.” Hillary and Obama are the faces of the Deep State. They are also traitors have been planning the ultimate destruction of our Republic for years and they have made too much progress. They’ve made it abundantly clear that they will break any law, tell any outrageous lie, and even commit murder to get their way. And they always get away with it. Now they want to remove a lawfully elected president and they expect to get away with that. Why not? Nobody stops them. It’s outright sedition.

    Hold them accountable and Lock Them UP!

    —Ben Garrison
  23. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    President Trump fired National Security Advisor John Bolton on Tuesday. John “Never met a War I didn’t like” Bolton disagrees and claims he resigned. No matter, the old “WAR-russ” is gone. He should have never been appointed to that position in the first place.

    We are happy to see the deep state warmonger get tossed out of the administration, but are concerned he will be replaced with another Neo-con lifer who will be just another mini-me John Bolton.

    This is not 1994, or 2004. The American people do not want our country mired in endless, meaningless war. It’s time to put the American people and the country first.

    Globalists and gutless neo-cons like Mitt Romney were upset when their guy got tossed out on his ear.

    Too bad.

    Bit by bit the Deep State is starting to crumble, have patience my friends.

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  24. tag

    tag π

    This is an interesting development. John Solomon from the The Hill is often ahead of news cycle.
    George Soros's secret 2016 access to State exposes 'big money' hypocrisy of Democrats
    This article lays out the special influence that George Soros has with politicians, and how there is often an overlap between his politics, donations and business.

    I wonder if this is a precursor to more news to come regarding Soros, especially regarding Ukraine.
    • agree agree x 1
  25. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    • thinking... thinking... x 1
  26. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  27. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator


    Mueller sounded weary and fearful during his press conference.

    He should be fearful—he’s an absolute disgrace.

    He said he had no confidence that President Trump did not commit a crime, then he added there wouldn’t be a successful court resolution. Its Mueller’s way of saying Trump is guilty, but the legal system would prevent Trump’s prosecution. This is disgusting and devious.

    What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

    Why did Mueller blatantly lie about Russians hacking into the DNC server, when we know it was Seth Rich who leaked damaging email and info about primary rigging to Assange? Why didn’t Mueller investigate that? Why didn’t they look at Hillary’s illegal server? Why did they allow her to destroy evidence, which is blatant obstruction of justice? Because Mueller’s job was to throw dirt on Trump and protect Hillary, who was the Deep State’s choice for president.

    Mueller wants the harassment of a lawfully elected president to continue. He called on Congress to consider impeachment despite his own report which exonerated the president. He suggested Trump may have engaged in ‘obstruction’ which is pure bunk. Trump did his best NOT to interfere with Mueller’s probe. It dragged on for two years with zero evidence of Russia collusion. Mueller refuses to go before Congress, probably because he doesn’t want to be dismantled by harsh questions. He’s a coward.

    The lying swamp creature known has Mueller is stinking up the joint. He did his best to get Hillary elected and then went on a $30 million fishing expedition to dig up dirt on Trump. He found nothing, but if Mueller himself ever get investigated, they’ll find plenty—including dirt on his involvement with 9-11 and the Uranium One scandal.

    Creepy Bob Mueller’s behavior stinks. He has taken advantage of our justice system to defend his fellow swamp creatures with the support of a corrupt mainstream media.

    It’s time to break up or at least reorganize the FBI and CIA. These agencies have had way too much power for way too long and they’ve used it to rig the system to further their own power. When challenged, they cry ’national security’ at ever turn.

    The swamp remains in dire need of a thorough draining. Isn’t it odd how Christopher Wray at the FBI and Gina Haspel at the CIA are resisting Barr’s effort to get to the bottom of it all? It’s because they are part of the Deep State also.

    The swamp of treason runs much deeper than we thought.

    —Ben Garrison

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    Last edited: May 30, 2019
  28. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  29. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  30. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Our Founding Fathers wanted America to avoid foreign entanglements.

    Since the Federal Reserve took control in 1913, we’ve had way too many entanglements and war. The United States became the world’s policeman and by doing so we often ended up making things worse. Ron Paul called it ‘blowback.’ World War II may not have been necessary if President Wilson had kept us out of World War I as promised, but the central bankers wanted war.

    Now that the globalist bankers and Deep State are threatened by our long-overdue push back, they will distract America with false flags, division, entanglements, and war. It’s my fervent hope that President Trump can avoid war—any war. We don’t need a war with Iran. We don’t need to go to war in Venezuela or anywhere else in the world. We should let those countries solve their own problems. We have enough problems at home.

    We know both Pompeo and Bolton are war hawks. They are probably recommending war to Trump at every turn. Only they’re probably calling it ‘action,’ ‘engagement’ or an ‘operation.’

    So far, Trump is resisting such counsel. Maybe he wants them around—such men have use as a fear tactic. I hope Trump is using them for psychological reasons because more war is the last thing our country needs due to the resulting blowback.

    I hope Trump will take Ron Paul’s advice and avoid war.

    —Ben Garrison

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