“It was an editing mistake,” a CBS News spokesperson told Fox News. “We took immediate steps to remove it from all platforms and shows.”
Mike Lindell steps up to protect our country, Leftists lose their minds. Mike Lindell spoke at President Trump’s coronavirus press briefing on Monday where the My Pillow CEO announced that he was converting 75% of his manufacturing capacity to produce masks for healthcare workers. You could ask, now who could have a problem with that? Sounds like a wonderful way to help our brave doctors and nurses. But never underestimate the depth of the Left’s hatred for Trump and any one who supports him. Fake News media personalities and D list Twitter celebrities came out of the woodwork to attack the “My Pillow Guy” in mass. Why? Because Lindell praised the President and mentioned the Bible. “God gave us grace on November 8, 2016, to change the course we were on,” he told the press. “God had been taken out of our schools and lives. A nation had turned its back on God. I encourage you to use this time at home to get back in the Word. Read our Bible and spend time with our families” The usual suspects chimed in. If Mike Lindell wants to help his country and fellow Americans get through a national crisis, why would anyone have a problem with that? Mike summed it up best when he was interviewed by Lou Dobbs: “I heard Jim Acosta attacked me too and he was just 10 feet from me in the Rose Garden. This is just evil, Lou… CNN what they did to me? I’m sorry, I put out a message of hope to the country that God had given us grace on November 8, 2016 for such a time… I’m appalled by the journalists that I see there. I used to think are they really that evil? Well, yes there are.“ God Bless Mike Lindell! Tina
HE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE, THE CORRUPT FAKE NEWS MEDIA There is a dangerous enemy attacking and destroying our nation from within. No, I am not talking about the coronavirus, I am talking about the corrupt, China loving propagandists of the Fake News Media. They say a crisis will show a person’s true character. The mask has slipped off the Fake News media’s hateful face. No, let me rephrase that, Fake News doesn’t even try to hide their hate for President Trump and his supporters anymore. The disgusting Washington Post (Jeff Bezo’s personal blog) published a call for the end of the highly informative live broadcasts of Trump’s Coronavirus briefings because four new polls showed approval ratings for Trump’s handling of the crisis climbing. We can’t have Trump approval ratings climbing can we? If you can’t beat Trump censor him..that’s the radical Democrat’s plan for Trump and his supporters which diminishes the MAGA message on social media and the mainstream media. The so called “journalists” are more concerned with political correctness and Trump calling covid-19, the Chinese virus, than actual facts and information about the pandemic. Reporters are making a spectacle of themselves with their unhinged, unprofessional behavior. They want to be the story, the reporter that “got” Trump. Instead, the fifth column Chi-com propagandists have revealed themselves as the enemy of the American people and of our nation. The day of reckoning is ahead. To all our friends, stay safe, be well and know your President has your back! Tina