I can't possibly watch Rachel (or any others on her network for that matter) for any length of time as I find the experience nauseating. Likeable? Or, great personality? I can no longer think so. Not, for such a fake liar. I have not watched those networks since they were so completely wrong about Trump's campaign and election. I actually paid some attention to their bull*** prediction and polls prior to that. A lesson was learned and never again will I ever bother to listen to anything they say. My eyes were opened. I completely agree those disinformation peddlers are definitely a danger! Eddie Bravo describes how I feel now. "People are only watching short clips on line" My favorite genre these days. I like to collect them. Like a journal of truth timeline. One piece at a time:
That's too funny, ... I don't even bother to look at Rachel Maddow. At some point, I think she needs to be held accountable for how much she peddles disinformation and how she frightens her audience so much. She's likeable, a great personality, but I feel her kind are a danger to the republic.
Yep. I got caught in a fake news twitter loop and began to steam at that story And many about Epstein today.
LOL, DJT, tanking couldn't happen to a MORE deserving pundit than Snidely Shep. So, glad I don't have to witness his annoying bs anymore. I always said the only reason for his ratings was due to DVRs And being sandwiched between a couple of better shows. Even wrote a letter to Fox to ask them to get rid of him, PLEASE. ahhhh, his absence has been glorious.
FAKE NEWS FAIL Many would not consider a banana duct taped to a wall to be art, yet it sold for $120,000. Art is subjective, but facts are not. The Steele Dossier has been proven to be garbage, but the fake stream media continues to sell it, even after the Inspector General’s report. The dossier was based on rumors and packaged by an anti-Trump foreign spy (Steele) who supposedly got it from his Russian contacts. Hillary paid for the dossier, which means she interfered in our election with the help of Russia. She did what she accused Trump of doing. Carter Page was not hired by Trump—he volunteered to help his campaign. Page did work for the CIA while he lived in Moscow for a few years. The FBI knew this, but falsified email and accused Page of working with the Russians. They then lied to the FISA court to enable them to spy on Trump’s campaign. Someone needs to go to prison for this, but the Fake News Media is actually sticking to their guns and accusing Page of Russian collusion to help Trump. They are sticking to the lie! The CIA, FBI, and mass media have all been corrupted and politicized. It has been going on for many decades, but the Bush and Clinton crime families along with Obama made it far worse. The Deep State Swamp creatures think they get to decide who is president—not the citizens. We need to break up both security agencies. As for the lying mass media, they have lost all credibility by pretending the Steele Dossier is anything but rotten. They need to be ignored. —Ben Garrison https://www.grrrgraphics.com/fake-news-masterpiece
FAUX NEWS I watched Trump’s press conference the other day and he vigorously put an end to the grandstanding by reporters who wanted to endlessly harass him about a non-existing event. The president was doing his job when he asked the Ukrainian president about preventing corruption, but the Democrats and their media continue to lie. They are probably worried that further investigations into Ukraine might reveal just how corrupt Joe Biden is as well as Adam Schiff’s involvement in the scandal. Obama and even Mitt Romney could be implicated as well. I watched a bit of Fox News after the conference and I was surprised that Sheppard Smith trashed the president. I thought I was watching CNN for a moment. So I decided to draw this cartoon. Fox already hired Donna Brazile, who has called for Trump’s impeachment to ‘save our democracy.’ Judge Andrew Napolitano, whom I once greatly admired, continues his backstabbing against a president he once supported. The so-called mainstream media may as well be the Democrat media. They repeat the same assigned catchphrases and talking points and they’re all aligned in trying to take down a president who is only trying to do his job. Even The Drudge Report has turned critical lately. One has to wonder if the Deep State is working overtime to make sure all major media arms march in lockstep against President Trump. They’re already doing their best to remove conservative voices from the Internet. In this manner they hope to try again to rig the election and get one of their own elected. It will probably be Hillary, who is the Rigger in Chief. —Ben Garrison