House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes filed a $150 million lawsuit in Virginia state court against The McClatchy Company and others on Monday, alleging that one of the news agency's reporters conspired with a political operative to derail Nunes' oversight work into the Hillary Clinton campaign and Russian election interference. The filing, obtained by Fox News, came a day after Nunes, R-Calif., revealed he would send eight criminal referrals to the Justice Department this week concerning purported surveillance abuses by federal authorities during the Russia probe, false statements to Congress and other matters:
NOW, YOU ARE THE NEWS If the Russia collusion hoax taught us one thing, it’s this: journalism is dead in this country. I’m talking about the mainstream corporate media. You know, like the once-revered New York Times, which was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for its ‘reporting’ Russian Collusion. It was nothing but Hillary’s ‘insurance policy.’ She started the lie to bring down Trump and the Times faithfully helped her. Don’t expect them to give back their prize. They still haven’t given back the Pulitzer won by their reporter, Walter Duranty, who wrote glowing reports about Stalin’s Soviet Union. All lies, but socialism is always good in such circles. Here in America, the socialist-leaning media no longer reports facts. Instead they relay and endlessly repeat the lies given to them by the Deep State and Hillary Clinton. When Obama was in charge, the media was on his side. They now claim Obama’s administration was ’scandal free,’ a blatant lie. Obama’s reign resulted in a long string of scandals and law breaking, but he got support from the corporate media who buried or under-investigated his negative events at every turn. We’ve long known that those on the left dominate journalism, but at least they occasionally maintained the façade of objectivity and fairness. Not any more. Trump exposed them for what they really are: partisan hacks and liars. Some opinion makers such as comedian Bill Maher swallowed the Russia collusion Kool Aid so deeply that he now refuses to accept Mueller’s findings. Militantly ignorant, he remains convinced–without any evidence–that President Trump is a traitor. Rachel Maddow spent countless episodes banging the Russia drum. Keith Olbermann, the leader of the “resistance,” sounded like an insane man in one of his segments. He claimed we are no longer a free people, but instead we are ‘ruled by Russia.’ There are some reasonable progressives out there. Jimmy Dore has long realized the Russia collusion accusation was bunk, but unfortunately most on the left climbed aboard the reverse-McCarthyism witch hunt train. They all look like total fools now. It’s now time to go after those who broke the law to illegally spy and dig dirt up on Trump. Hillary needs to be locked up. There must be consequences so this never happens again to future Presidents. I expect the fake news media to ignore, excuse, or cover up for Hillary and the Deep State crooks. We must hold them accountable. —Ben Garrison
President Trump’s attorney general nominee, William Barr, told a Senate panel Tuesday that he “can conceive of situations” where the Justice Department might jail reporters. Barr made the worrisome remark in response to a question from Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) who asked Barr, “If you’re confirmed, will the Justice Department jail reporters for doing their jobs?” Barr reportedly did not give a direct answer, but finished his response by stating that prosecuting reporters would be a “last resort” that could happen, especially if a news outlet has run through a “red flag.” Barr also faced questions about how he would oversee Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. Barr told senators he would not be “bullied” into interfering with the Mueller investigation. “I will not be bullied into doing anything I think is wrong,” Barr said. “By anybody. Whether it be editorial boards, or Congress or the President. I’m going to do what I think is right.” Barr also pledged to release Mueller’s findings to the public under the proper regulations.
Mainstream media consistently bury good economic news that puts Trump in A positive light. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2019.
Because Jeanine Pirro had the courage criticized Ilhan Omar’s antisemitic views, she’s been silenced by FOX News. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2019
I, for one, have been infuriated for years... And, I am by nature a peaceful person who wants truth, peace, and justice restored.