Rep Congressman Devin Nunes calls scrutiny of the breakfast event, 'another day, another fake news story
I do not often listen to Levin. I am also so very sick of Stupid Ex Judges on TV! Especially that Slander Monger Fake News Shill Napalitano!!! Levin is angry and right on in this radio segment.
Click image for article WASHINGTON, DC: Having recently returned from three weeks in Italy during the month of October, I was repeatedly struck by how horrendously CNN and CNN International portray America around the world. For 24 days there was unrelenting coverage depicting the United States as a racist, intolerant white supremacist country dedicated to the decimation of the black man, the degradation of immigrants and the subjugation of the planet...
Another Terrible Pundit!!! Chris Stirewalt He makes me Cringe! Fake News is just a game Trump uses??! Pointless Conflict??? Unprofessional Childish Behavior by Trump? You get to ask so few Questions? Why is that???? Why don't you stop with the Fake News???? Jon Stewart an Authority anything??? Get rid of this bozo Fox!
lol lol lol Look at the CNN's take on Hillary's security clearance revocation. The story was doused with an expensive fragrance & served with a fine wine while handled with silk gloves. CLICK FOR FULL FAKE NEWS ARTICLE