REALITY JUST SENT YOU A DIRECT MESSAGE…ARE YOU WOKE OR AWAKE? The problem with ‘Wokeism’ is it’s not simply being pushed by a few radical nuts. It’s becoming widespread in our education system and corporate media. The corporations themselves are woke as well. Disney is perhaps the wokest of them all. So much so that they despise straight white people. Many are now waking up to Disney’s wokeism and so they’re refusing to patronize Disneyland and Disney World or purchase Disney products. Good for them. We have too many ‘woke’ politicians and in fact, they’re currently in nominal charge. Sleepy Joe is ‘woke.’ That is, as woke as a mannequin can be. His administration pushes wokeism at every turn. Those who believe in Critical Race Theory are said to be woke, but wokeism also includes pushing LGBQT+ propaganda as well as constantly repeating the worship words, “diversity, inclusion, and equity.” (DIE). They like to say America is a racist country. They want our statues pulled down, our history blotted out, our police forces defunded, and our Constitution obliterated due to America’s ‘systemic racism.’ Yet racism at universities and in government is almost unheard of. For a long time, America has naturally gravitated toward diversity, inclusion, and equity. We’ve needed no one to hector and lecture us that it was needed. For example, what ‘system’ exactly pushes racism nowadays? It’s not happening “systemically.” Apparently the type of racism they’re talking about are things on a weird, complex and granular level. If someone’s feelings are hurt, even unintentionally, then apparently that’s racism. We are now afraid to communicate without the fear of committing a micro-aggression. Freedom of speech is under attack. Our vocabulary is being narrowed. The result is our free speech is going away. Our kids are being taught about sexuality at a very young age. It’s also known as ‘grooming’ and Disney and public schools are participating. Wokeism is being relentlessly being pushed at us along with the LGBQT+ agenda, medical tyranny, warmongering, and unfounded climate change hysteria. In short, it’s all a manifestation of the New World Order. Bill Gates, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden all warn us about climate change and rising sea levels, but consider this: They all own grandiose mansions right on the beach. It’s time to wake up to wokeism. — Ben Garrison UPDATE: Republican measures to fight back against Disney’s LGBTQIA agenda: Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) called on the Florida legislature to end Disney’s $600 million tax cheat loophole. House Republican Study Committee (RSC) Chairman Jim Banks (R-IN) said he would fight to end the Mickey Mouse copyright.
“M-I-C-K-E -Y T-R-A-N-S” MICKEY TRANS, MICKEY TRANS! Welcome to Disneyland, where they say “Dreamers” instead of “boys and girls”. Welcome to Disneyland, where multiple Disney employees have been arrested for child sex crimes every year for the last ten years. Welcome to Disneyland where they openly state they have been inserting gay and queer propaganda into their shows for children and plan to ramp it up even more. Welcome to Disneyland where they plan to fight the “Parental Rights Law” passed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Welcome to Disneyland where Disney employees were caught in a child sex trafficking sting JUST LAST MONTH. Disney plans on drowning our children in LGBTQ+ content at an early age. Their “oh so woke” agenda has been exposed big time since Disney decided to go full woketard when the “Parental Rights in Education” bill passed and was signed into law. Oops! Disney, your “rat” tail is showing! Expect the Disney PR machine to thunder into full rescue mode, but they will not be able to stop the whirlwind of bad woke PR that they themselves have caused. Parents are already responding by canceling their Disney vacations and cruises, selling their Disney stock and banning Disney’s steaming service from their homes. That is a good first step. We must keep up the pressure on Disney and convince our “normie” friends and relatives to do the same. Remember Disney is a HUGE corporation and owns many companies: By ABC ESPN (80% stake) Touchstone Pictures Marvel Lucasfilm A&E (50% equity holding with Hearst Corporation) The History Channel (50% equity holding with Hearst Corporation) Lifetime (50% equity holding with Hearst Corporation) Pixar Hollywood Records Vice Media (10% stake) Core Publishing Besides these, there are also the more obvious companies: Disney television channels, Disney stores, Disney radio stations, and Disney parks (including Walt Disney World Resort, Disneyland Resort, Disneyland Paris, Disney Cruise Line, and a host of other vacation-related properties). Their parks and properties tend to be the corporation’s biggest cash cows. These MEGA corporations need to be broken up and their power taken away. No “Mouse” is going to tell me how to live or think! Plan accordingly, Tina