The “Punchy” Bag We watched the Senate proceedings and to our dismay Adam Schiff once again spent way too much time repeating his loathsome lies. He’s despicable and so are his fellow coup-minded Democrats. They’re really shooting themselves in their collectivist foot on this. They never accepted the election of Donald Trump and they have contempt for millions of Americans voted for him. Schiff and Pelosi want to pick the president, whether we like it or not. The Democrats have become arrogant control freaks and they’ve gotten away with corruption for too long. It has been revealed that Joe Biden not only helped his son Hunter, but he also made sure largesse came to his brother as well as other members of his family. All these corrupt roads lead back to Obama, who conducted one of the most scandalous presidencies in American history. Oh sure, the mass media will gaslight us and say his administration was ‘scandal free.’ It was anything but. There was the ‘Fast and Furious’ guns to Mexican drug gangs scandal, the Solyndra scandal, the Benghazi cover up, the IRS scandal, Hillary’s email scandal, the Iran ransom scandal, the Uranium One scandal, as well as his spying on the Trump campaign, just to name a few. Any one of these scandals should have drawn impeachment, but the Democrat mass media covered for him at every turn. Schiff’s hypocrisy and bold-faced lies seem endless, but eventually he will face justice. The Constitution is on Trump’s side. —Ben Garrison
CHECKMATE! Trump is good at 3-D chess, but the year 2020 has brought another complication—impeachment—so I decided to draw a cartoon showing our president playing 2020-D chess. Led by Nancy Pelosi, the House Democrats have impeached our president and they did it without proper procedure, evidence or fairness. The Democrats wanted Trump removed even before he was inaugurated. Their expensive Russia collusion hoax dragged on for several years before it finally collapsed. They then immediately moved on to another lie. If they can focus a perpetual laser beam of negativity onto Trump, it will hurt his chances of reelection. Or so they think. Pelosi was on a recent episode of Bill Maher’s show and she used the word “Constitution” with every other breath. It was meant to distract us from what the House Democrats actually did. They trampled on our Constitution. Our country has many important issues that deserve our attention. Instead we’ll be focused on an impeachment trial in the Senate, thanks to the Democrats’ all-consuming Trump Derangement Syndrome. If the case can’t be thrown out right away, then the trial needs to end quickly. You lose, Pelosi. Checkmate! —Ben Garrison BONUS GAME CAN YOU FIND: Boris Johnson “Rocket man” Kim Jong Un Putin “Crazy” Bernie Sanders “Sleepy” Joe Biden “Crooked” Hillary Bill Clinton “is a rapist” AG Barr “Bull” Durham VP Pence Ted Cruz General Flynn “Q” Fake News “Shifty” Piece of Schiff “Prayerful” Pelosi Nadler “the Hut” “Crying” Chuck Schumer Justin “Black Face” Trudeau “Treasonous” Brennan “Corny” Comey Lisa “Oh, I love you Peter” Page Peter “Oh, I love You Lisa” Strzok Barrack “Not a Whiff of Scandal” Obama China “oh bother” Greta “How Dare You” Thunberg “Slimy” Soros
In an interview with “Fox & Friends” Tuesday morning, House Judiciary Committee Ranking member Doug Collins (R-GA) slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for conducting a partisan impeachment process when for years she ruled impeachment off the table. “There’s nothing compelling about this case. It’s definitely not overwhelming and the only interesting part about this is bipartisan was bipartisan against it,” Collins argued. “Here’s what changed: she looked at the field of the Democratic candidates I believe and said ‘uh-oh we’re gonna lose again in November next year. We’ve got to tag impeachment on him.” continue reading
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is reportedly considering a “kill switch” proposal that would allow lawmakers to fast-track the President’s impeachment trial should Democrats seek to indefinitely delay the process. “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell reportedly is close to finalizing a rule that would allow President Trump’s team to move to dismiss the articles of impeachment in the Senate quickly after some evidence has been presented, as a sort of safety valve in case Democrats try to drag out the trial for weeks,” reports Fox News. “McConnell, R-Ky., wouldn’t be obligated to publicize the final version of his resolution setting the parameters of the impeachment trial until Tuesday, but top Republicans have said they supported affording Trump the opportunity to cut the trial short,” adds Fox. This is a developing story. Check back for updates. Source: Fox News
A.F. Branco Cartoon – By the Book Democrats will likely try to use the same dirty tricks as they did with the Russia collusion investigation and the Kavanaugh hearings. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020.
"Chuck Schumer is not looking for the truth, he is looking to be majority leader." "New witnesses? This whole thing is a joke. I smell a rat," "You want to turn the trial into a complete circus? You are allowed to do that, but not with my vote."
Pelosi's Poison Pens As we watched Nancy Pelosi sign the articles of impeachment, we were overcome with disgust. What was supposed to be a sad and somber affair (her words), was unnecessarily made into a pompous and grandiose spectacle. Each letter of her name was signed individually with a separate golden pen. Clearly she was enjoying herself as she attempted to aggrandize the ‘historic’ manufactured spectacle. We know the whole impeachment charade was planned for three years. Nothing is real with the Democrats. As I watched her, I got the impression of a black widow spider holding many of those pens at once. This cartoon immediately sprung to mind, and since I was making her into an arachnid, I decided to make Schiff as a cockroach and Nadler into a slug-like creature. Why not? After all, they are disgusting traitors who are carrying out a coup against a lawfully elected president. Pelosi is drunk with power. She repeatedly talked about the founding fathers and Constitution, but her words ring as hollow as her empty vodka bottle. She’s about power and money and that’s all. Her shame has now been passed onto the Senate for trial. Trump should be exonerated, and quickly. Pelosi should be condemned, and perpetually mocked forever. —Ben Garrison
Dems deny Hunter Biden's Relevance in case Not a fact witness??? Schiff thinks he's not a fact witness? Flynn has withdrawn guilty plea. Nunes: We were briefed by the FBI Flynn didn't lie.