So Q has provided us with proofs today regarding the CIA Employee who transmitted "Vault 7 - CIA Hacking Tools Revealed" to Wikileaks. This release became Assange's "offline cause".

The indictment below, unsealed on June 18 for former CIA Employee Josua Adam Schulte, provides the key...
According to the indictment:
"On March 7, 2017, Organization-1 released on the Internet classified national defense material belonging to the CIA (the “Classified Information”). In 2016, SCHULTE, who was then employed by the CIA, stole the Classified Information from a computer network at the CIA and later transmitted it to Organization-1. SCHULTE also intentionally caused damage without authorization to a CIA computer system by granting himself unauthorized access to the system, deleting records of his activities, and denying others access to the system. SCHULTE subsequently made material false statements to FBI agents concerning his conduct at the CIA."
Organization-1 appears to be Wikileaks. Assanges release of "Vault 7 - CIA Hacking Tools Revealed" occurred on March 7, 2017, the same date as Schulte is accused of leaking the information.

This date also falls in line with Comey killing Wikileaks immunity deal: