Overheard at the Pub

Discussion in 'Φ v.1THE COCKNEY TRANSLATER!' started by Rose, Feb 3, 2015.

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  1. ^^^^^

    now i counted the lines


    this would be too easy

    another red herring, i thought

    so i looked to the spacing and punctuation between the words and lines

    a pattern emerged

    positive lines and negative lines

    + -

    on off

    i labeled each line as such based on the punctuation

    and counted the amount of times each letter appeared in each line
    • agree agree x 1
  2. image.jpg
    • agree agree x 1
  3. it was clear this was not a question, but a statement

    study the word "puzzle"

    it was making a statement in numbers

    but how to get to the numbers?

    how do you transfer a letter into a number
    without a cipher?

    wouldn't it make sense if the letters corresponded to their natural values in such a case then?

    a is 1
    b is 2
    ...and so on
  4. "always be first to be second"

    what does that mean?

    sometimes the best place to mine for gold is at a site where someone already mined unsuccessfully

    haven given up

    only to left two inches from the gold

    when solving a puzzle, first define the word, and then let others fail preemptively

    ok...... now that the red herrings are exposed, i know where to begin looking

    answering questions that aren't questions?


    projecting what i wish the answer to be onto the blank space in front of me?

  5. ok, ya lazy bums, are you ready?

    it is pi day after all
    • listening listening x 1
  6. []

  7. please don't have nightcrows

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2015
  8. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey see monkey do

    If a =1 then does b=2?
    Is this a full or just a half clue?
    Are vowels included in the set?
    Or does the clock strike ? and get reset?
  9. To join the fun I will fire the start gun a=1
    And that's how they run...
  10. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey see monkey do

    I suspect there is an infinite number,
    and no I don't know them all,
    maybe you do,
    and by leaning into that mean,
    I, could learn a thing or
    or none or none

    but the math is fun
  11. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey see monkey do

    For a man with a thirst for knowledge,
    There isn't a school or college,
    He turns over the same old stone
    Again makes the same mistakes
    What should he do?
    As a man with a thirst for knowledge?
  12. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey see monkey do

    I ...have to confess I am ,
    a billion years off the mark,
    But I think, and I try....
    • agree agree x 1
  13. Fame is the last thing from my mind,
    I am sure you are inclined , to be weak of mind
    And furthest from my ambition,
    But you always make the same decision
    I am just trying hard to find,
    In the box or in
    the meaning of the tradition.
    There is treating a man with your condition .
  14. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey see monkey do

    Fame is the last thing from my mind,
    And furthest from my ambition,
    I am just trying hard to find,
    the meaning of the tradition.
  15. You have been scribbling long enough..
  16. Dale, your turn....
  17. I can't take a Turing test
  18. Then take comfort in the thought, that,

    I must have prepared it, but I didn't,
    You know I didn't.
  19. Then look at the time
  20. Now add them up
  21. Lol

    Your playing a game to achieve glamour and fame,
    With only the toys of your father,
    look down within , For original sin,
    The mean will provide some sort of answer
    • love it! love it! x 1
  22. The gibbon that plays wiv a tiger...
    Will never live to grow wiser.
    Put down your sword , before you get mauled...
    Your turn for some fertiliser.
  23. So now we start the clock, as if to measure our cock...
    Don't look down with your definite frown ,
    Your only a sweaty sock.:)

    Seven six nine twelvety six
  24. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey see monkey do

    No, I just used your number as an example, it could have been any number.

    I am playing with code 4 2
    To make numbers alive 2 4
    a little odd, my mode 4 2
    but I, must try to strive 2 4
  25. []
    • Like Like x 1
    • love it! love it! x 1
  26. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey see monkey do

    No, that was just an example of pattern. I clarified a bit more, with what I am trying to say.
    • Like Like x 1
  27. So, you counted the lines and say my forwards and backwards number
    • Puzzled Puzzled x 1
  28. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey see monkey do

    Each line has a natural flow of numbers to it based on phonemic sounds.

    These numbers are expressed in harmony with the preceding line or in a pattern that relates to other parts of the text.

    Like in poetry...
    It is easy to do, if you try it for yourself 67
    so do not worry at all, it is all just a joke 76
    and there is nothing to lose except maybe yourself 67
    another trick to catch minds, of ordinary folk 7 6

    The pattern can emphasis , correlate , turn, diminish or manipulate meaning.

    An example might be like a stylistic device in rhetoric:
    " I have a dream"
    My Fellow Americans 3 4
    ask not what your country can do for you, 3 3 4
    ask what you can do for your country 3 2 4
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2015