I have heard the people, such as Lou, saying this is just a distraction for the Maxwell trial.
I disagree with that.
That is a tactic the Deep State uses inferring subjects are too unimportant to consider.
Personally, I can walk and chew gum at the same time if I so choose.
This would not be an unimportant subject if it were happening to you...
Someone going on Mockinbird media with a hit peice accusing you...
of a
crime you,
perhaps, did not commit???
Then, should you be thinking about the Ghislane Maxwell trial instead?
I seriously doubt anyone would do that and I believe is is an unfair suggestion.
There are elements of this strange occurence that do not make any sense.
Who but the deep state would arrange such a hit piece if this accusation is untrue?
Another thought.. could this have been entrapment to counter Rittenhouse's defamation suits against MSM?
If, he himself, has now committed defamation?
This is an odd element to the story.
When was the Rittenhouse Hit Piece taped that so conveniently aired immediately after the verdict?