Sociopaths / Psychopaths Sidebar Discussion

Discussion in 'Φ v.2 Who is a SOCIOPATH?' started by david, Aug 8, 2016.

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  1. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator



    Evidence that provides another angle to help transition empathic people past a common resistive, knee jerk cognitive dissonance just on the "idea" that we are globally led by "individual and group sociopathic" logic. I have found and observed that in many conversations empathic individuals appear wired to be unable to even consider, let alone investigate and contemplate strategies for removing individuals from positions of power based on examining and testing of psychological data.

    I don't find this to be true, Gemma. I believe it is much more prevalent than you might think. Just today in a regular broadcast Main Stream News Program, pundits were discussing the issue of Trump's recent challenge that he and Hillary both release full medical records to the public. One pundit stated we need to get results of a battery of tests on both of them and there is a test for Sociopathy available now we need to see. I have heard a lot of talk about sociopathy during this campaign. It is almost a buzz word.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2016
  2. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator


    "Like I told Rose several times, empathy is a serious handicap when dealing with a sociopath. The sociopath will manipulate you by turning your own empathy to his advantage. But that knowledge doesn't help Rose, because she can't put it into practice against the real sociopaths, like David. Instead, she is manipulated by David to put it into practice against me!"

    No matter how many times I may tell you this is not the case, you persist in your untruths. I am not, and have not been, manipulated by David whatsoever. Your insistance on this topic actually amounts to a bias bordering on ugly prejudice. It is the prejudice that you believe I am so much of an idiot that I am oblivious to what is happening around me. This is not the case!!! And, don't bring up Stephen again! That indicates an insulting bias that I was incapable of learning from that extreme learning experience, doesn't it
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2016
  3. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator


    "The best example of this I've run into recently is David at Inphinet. He pretends to be the great protector of normal people, the bully destroyer, the sociopath hunter, the knight in shining armor, yet he is in reality just the opposite. He cooperated with the schemes of Stephen at Atticus1 and Gypsy Woman at United People, but he never exposed them as sociopaths. Quite the opposite, he defended them as champions of righteousness! He has done the same now for Shadowself and Uncle Zook at Inphinet. He does this not because these people are righteous, but as a deliberate attack against me, precisely because I have pointed them out as sociopaths. Like all the other sociopaths, his goal is to discredit me. Like all the other sociopaths, he paints me as the sociopath, and the sociopaths as normal people."

    This is a lie, Chico.

    Just as your unfair browbeating of me due to adamancy you didn't say what I finally proved you, indeed, said constituted a lie. Turns out you said it didn't you? And, not remembering, or refusing to admit you said it did indicate a lack of self-reflection as I postulated, didn't it? And, what happened after I completely my assignment to provide the proof you had previously requested pronto? Did I receive an apology because it was you who was wrong? You just scurried away.

    My memory regarding statements and events that cause an impression upon me, for one reason or another, is acute in overall meaning. My intuitive perceptions have a high degree of accuracy factoring in time lag. In the past weeks, I was greatly surprised when it became apparent to me that you do not pay nearly enough attention to what is going on, especially in peripheral areas. Although you have insisted I NEED your help to navigate my world appropriately, I suggest you would have done well to heed some of my suggestions. Time is the great teacher, though, isn't it?

    Back to your recent lie:

    David/dsimon did not cooperate with "Stephen's schemes" at Atticus1. David/Icecold did. Could you have them mixed up? If David were so close to Stephen, why didn't they communicate and continue on with their insidious plans here after he joined? Why did David post a few friendly lines in the pub and leave it at that? Why did Stephen want him removed if they were such attuned colleagues?
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2016
  4. david

    david Member

    Im just glad that Chico has a safe space where he can debate sock puppet figurines and have the affirmative, unquestioned obedience he so craves from the boys down at United! That would be Chico 1, Chico 2 Chico 3, etc. it is a cowardly act, to say the least, to retreat to Members United, exposed, relying on the ban hammer to protect one ...given that a ban was instituted so one cannot defend oneself, but its to be expected actually from Chico who is a coward. The disinfo, such as me aiding a plan by Stephen I can live with, people who know me trust my judgement regarding whom I support and why I support them.

    Chico got that right actually. I try to live according to a higher standard and choose to defend people under unpopular circumstances, some of whom are unjustly accused. It enrages a meglomaniac like Chico and he cannot imagine that this defence is for any other reason other than to go after him...Jesus chick your not that important!! and if you did your research I have defended a LOT of PEOPLE lol! have a look at Bullshido Ralph Severe, ect. Its really nothing personal, hope you are ok, you sounded a bit enraged on the post I read:

    The best example of this I've run into recently is David at Inphinet. He pretends to be the great protector of normal people, the bully destroyer, the sociopath hunter, the knight in shining armor, yet he is in reality just the opposite. He cooperated with the schemes of Stephen at Atticus1 and Gypsy Woman at United People, but he never exposed them as sociopaths. Quite the opposite, he defended them as champions of righteousness! He has done the same now for Shadowself and Uncle Zook at Inphinet. He does this not because these people are righteous, but as a deliberate attack against me, precisely because I have pointed them out as sociopaths. Like all the other sociopaths, his goal is to discredit me. Like all the other sociopaths, he paints me as the sociopath, and the sociopaths as normal people

    Hey Gemma wants to bottle your essence bro! Thing is you have no reason to refer to anyone above as a sociopath with the possible exception of Stephen, and even then its hypocracy because you are as much so as any other! For the record? I have not had enough to do with Stephen to make a judgement... I simply don't know.

    And Zook? Why would I want to defend Zook? Think about it.... Im not going to overstate my case here...I don't hate Zooky, but I did find his actions in bad faith and there is no secret to this fact...Yet here I am defending him....JUST to get at some two bit poster who does not even know that Hitler is a textbook definition of a socio/psychopath? Really Chico? thats your argument? Who do you think you are lol? You can't even argue a point properly without resorting to ad hominem attacks, running back to the boys at UNited (Chico 1,2 and 3 hello hello hellllllooooo) and yet people are gunning to take you down? lol.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2016
  5. david

    david Member

    Listen...I am just dying to know one thing here and I asked it once, just thinking maybe I can ask one more time before Gemma takes all that essential Chico to greener pastures: According to chico there is about a 2% rate of sociopathology in the general population. Ive heard him post so at least...Yet on this site alone more than half the members are sociopaths, and there seems a direct correlation between those who Chico "despises" (his words for me at least) and the disease of sociopathology. Is this a mere coincidance? Is it an anomolie? Do you Rose and these other sites act as sociopath magnets?

    Chico may be on to something! Can you imagine? It would revolutionize criminal forensics and strategy! On the other hand Ockham's razor might suggest a bias here. A slight bias? ok...a not so slight bias?
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2016
  6. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    I have constantly stated, I would rather participate in nothing at all than in projects I do not fully support due either to those commanding them or missions promoted. Your missions have always been your own here. It was never my mission to "package up the essence of Chico and distribute it":


    Although I disagree with you in numerous ways, I was happy to provide to you a platform to promote your ideas and discuss whatever you wished in a spirit of friendship with no threat of banning. You obviously, judged by your attitude, have not placed any value upon InPHInet since you began to believe Gemma will be "packaging up the essence of Chico and distributing it". My intuitive perception leads me to believe, "good luck with that". May the grass be greener for you where you think it will be Chico. I often thought it was fun. The tape may now self-destruct if that is to be your choice.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2016
  7. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    Rose, by playing resolutely in Stephen's sandbox for nearly five years, you aided and abetted a sociopath. By repeatedly offering olive branches to Shadowself so that she can play on your empathy, you also play into a sociopath's hands. By falling for the deceptions and manipulations of a snake like David, you enable a dangerous sociopath. By refusing to consider "anti-capitalism" ideas, you provide comfort and support to a decidedly sociopathic system. By rejecting any "anti-Semitic" rhetoric, you close your eyes to the truth about one of the most sociopathic groups among humans.

    In effect, you and I are working at cross purposes, and this is generating noticeable conflict, something you clearly don't care for.

    Rather than butt heads with you and face continued accusations of "painting you with a muddied brush", I feel your best chance to learn is to let you take my place. I started the Sociopath thread eight months ago and gave it substance, as you requested, and now I would like to pass you the baton and let you run with it. Show us how serious you are about solving the problem of sociopaths. You have a wonderful opportunity to do exactly that, with so many Atticus1 supporters showing up to recreate their alliances and mischief here. I leave it in your potentially capable hands.

    This tape will self-destruct in 5 seconds. Good luck, Rose.

    Mission Impossible Self Destruct message with Peter Graves wmv
  8. david

    david Member

    Hello all,
    I just want to make an observation on the subject at hand. This is for consideration. When one looks at a superficial diagnosis that lists traits of a sociopath, or psychopath, and when individuals...and I don't mean to come down on Chico in this case, hes not necessarily the only one to do this, state that they are in the midst of sociopaths...or consider a percentage of a group sociopaths, psychopaths, one should remember that by its very nature these individuals are a small percentage of the population.

    Its funny because Chico you say as much in posts...i.e. you seem to recognize that sociopaths are according to your post 2% or so of the population? and then suddenly so many sociopaths just seem to interact with you? lol? I mean Im not being silly you really do contradict yourself on this point.

    Now I happen to agree with Chico that we live in a society suffering from sociopathological conditions, but even with these conditions and even with the fucked up shit kids growing up in this society have to deal with...most people are not bona fide sociopaths. Also, in society's infatuation with deviancy, you know, the acceptable kinds! like the guy who gets all the girls, or gratuotious violence for its own sake, and the other horrendous shit the media programs....People are amazingly healthy and resistant to being sociopaths.

    I saw the most hardened kids when teaching High School, and at the end of the day? many of these kids would in fact, act compulsively and do incredibly stupid, bad, dangerous things, but they were kids, kids who cried when teachers died (long story) and kids who were warm and affectionate given a chance. Its easier for society to claim that many young people are not redeemable. That way Hillary's prison buddies, the real sociopaths, can justify torturing locking them up for 23 hours a day.

    People...the human brain does not mature enough to make adult decisions neurologically speaking until most human beings are in their thirties! So when we talk about compulsive, violent, individuals, we are still talking about people who often enough have empathy, can understand consequences eventually, and who actually want to be decent people.

    My point is that its hard to imagine any place, including jail! where there are a majority of sociopaths/psychopaths. I would also like to address the myth of the intelligent psychopath/sociopath.

    Yes a lot of sociopaths have that kind of IQ like thinking when it comes to seeing life like a Chess game, but the media, and society likes sociopathology...Sociopaths are useful, productive! Hey!! If i can convince you to make more widgets, trip the widget makers next to you to get ahead, and do what the fuck your told for more money and power, a managers position maybe, my widget production will rise! For example, Japan where if one does Meth or Coke, its a bit of a problem...if they drink as long as its social (talking to clients) its cool, but do Heroine and you are an outcast! because your production suffers. Consequentially Society has no problem describing Sociopaths as "charming creatures" Just just...superficial beautiful sexy butterfly's, who can make others act, and are great communicators and and and above average intelligence!!!

    There is nothing intelligent about many socio/psychopaths. Many go on instinct frankly. if you listen to interviews with some of these guys they simply know how to hurt and harm...its compulsive...And when we hear someone like a Mob guy describe his psychopathic actions, like the ice man Klusinsky for example, I guess because he is white he is street smart, yet a black guy who gets caught raping or killing many is just as much a psychopath and society doesn't describe him that way, they usually call him an animal.

    So I don't buy the argument that compulsive anti empathy, anti social behavior, in and of itself correlates to intelligence capability. Some sociopaths are intelligent and are schemers. Was JD Salinger a sociopath? because Holden Caufield in Catcher in the Rye was semi autobiographical lol.
  9. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    There's a lot of good information in this thread, and plenty more on the similar thread at United People. Using that information, people should be able to recognize a sociopath. David makes the claim that he has exposed me as a sociopath, and I make the claim that David exposes himself as a sociopath. Both of us have plenty of posts in this forum, and both of us have posts at United People. So armed with all this useful information about identifying sociopaths, and with so many posts available by David and me to examine, it is my hope that people can readily identify the sociopaths that operate in our midsts. They are quite common in the forums, and I have had the good fortune and misfortune to be in their cross hairs often enough. Shezbeth, Shadowself, and Uncle Zook have all taken aim at me in this forum, and now David is taking his shot. I can tell you who I recognize as a sociopath, but then so can David. And if one or both of us is a sociopath, then one or both of us is almost guaranteed to be lying. So ultimately, it's up to you, the forum readers, to determine the truth.

    I started this thread for that very reason, to help people determine the truth. You don't have to take my word or David's word for who's a sociopath, because one of us is sure to be lying. You can figure it out on your own with the information and tools found in this thread and the one at United People, or by doing your own independent research. And if you don't care about who around you is a sociopath, well, that's your option. Ignorance is bliss, they say, and while I think this is a lie, you are certainly free to believe it.
  10. david

    david Member

    These little presentations mean well but really make a leak of logic. If one superficially looks at something like this there appears to be a correlation between verbal intelligence and psychopathology. Especially when considering the amount, percentage wise, of supposed psychopaths and people who display outstanding verbal reasoning skills. What often goes hand in hand is an observable lack of social skills. Even "charming individuals" often show a real problem with emotional catharsis. There is even speculation that many psychopathologies are part of the autism spectrum.
    • agree agree x 1
  11. david

    david Member

    I will also give Chico the last word again.... Is that sort of like quitting smoking again? I have no problem with doing this I do have a problem with being attacked repeatedly and not responding.
  12. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    No, because I didn't say I thought you were a troll, I said you were thought a troll everywhere. I was not around in any of those forums during the banning incidents you have referred to except for your banning at Atticus1. I have previously stated I disagreed with what happened there.

    ,.... the opinions of those you have previously stated to be unqualified (Richard & Celline) who deemed David to be a troll are a moot point. Their, assessed by you, to be "unqualified to run a forum" status cancels out the assumed correctness of any administrative or moderation decisions they may have made that you wish to use as a proof in my opinion.

    Now.... I really want to cease and desist from participation in this loop of back and forth "yes it is-no it isn't;s" on these subjects and move forward in some way? Might we stop wasting our time with this futile process and get back to sociopathy? You may have whatever last words you feel appropriate and wish to publish about any of this. I will refrain from further participation in the looping of these topics.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2016
  13. david

    david Member

    Chico you claiming something is a lie does not make it so...sorry. You made comments to Rose before I started posting, and it is to those I was responding. You will just lie about them like you do everything else and claim the other person is a many times has Rose had to correct one of your lies already Chic? Hillary always has to be corrected you have been. Not me.

    I am sure I could drum up the post where you talk about how you will take it easy on me and other provocative statements when you hear I have come back...and then on my thread when I made my initial point, you stated that trying to do something about the election while believing the process is corrupt is a non sequitor...fine, I agreed to disagree with you after explaining my reasons, but you could not let this drop. It is what you do put on your kill face and attack private!!! Because its not an exchange of ideas to you, you are not here to make friends! and you need individuals to be under your control or you will not stop attacking.

    You attacked Shadow this way, and would have attacked me if I had not exposed you. You were totally exposed when it was shown that your bahavoir is the behavoir of a sociopath. Truthfully the only behavior I display this way is being Glib. And you know what? yes I can be glib at times...But you? you are basically a nasty piece of work! You bully, try to get the sympathy of those in power...its interesting that you are always an administrator Chick... What great qualities do you have that fufill this position? Because computer programers are all around these forums. You work your way in and then? you try to hit the ban hammer!!! You louse!!! lol. Of course when people call you on it then you backtrack and twist like a gooooooooood sociopath does "I didn't really mean David should be banned, I was just saying that hypothetically...." Bullshit!!!

    ahow me your warface chico!!!! Is that your warface in your avatar? Show me your kill face.
  14. david

    david Member

    Here Chico: "things will get better for chico and the man." Feliciano.

    Sociopaths are indeed a devious lot. For example it would indeed appear that I had started my time here attacking you... except that the keen observer would notice that upon hearing I might post here from Rose, you made some very provocative comments. comments like your distorted comments about the past, and comments that were lies about how you had handled the situation with me in the past. I only do not go into the past because there are civilized people who do not want to dredge up those issues and they do not serve a purpose. So in fact you started it as usual Chico, giving every indication you would be in attack mode.

    I put all my cards on the table to set a few boundaries. I did this simply to see if Rose would want me to contribute, I gave her an opportunity to say "DAvid no" for whatever reason and I would have obliged. One will notice that when Rose commented back, I simply dropped the issue, and started posting. Its all there on that thread so you cannot lie about this...well you can because it is compulsive with you (I forgot). When I came back here I did have to put you back in line, ...You ruin threads, take over all communications with your tin foil hat agenda of socio jargon. Then you get nasty quickly and go after people that don't want to deal with your BS. You chased off many members yet accuse me of not being liked on another forum. I never chased off a member, actually my behavior in the past was to defend members.

    One can see the results of a sociopath in any given social situation:
    for example, since I have come to the site, all the members are fighting, people are leaving, I am in a power struggle as an administrator right? Well...not exactly lol. Actually we have a few good discussions going on. And again for the keen observer: your mistaken accusations have all been corrected, and as usual you have made it about the person making the observation instead of owning up... Rose has become guillable now lol. You see Chico I actually have a history of making contributions to the web sites I am a member of, you had to create your own site with half the members being sock puppets of you lol, because your only mode is to be a nuisance. I can point to web sites where I have a body of work on display, I am also a professional author which is why I love watching you try to get at me about the spelling:

    Would you care about your spelling if you won an entire West Coast Regional paper out of thousands? If you had published cover stories for the most widely circulated Martial Arts Magazine in the world? Etc? Like most sociopaths you probe and try to see diffrent ways to get under someone's skin. Notice that behavior Chico? thats what sociopaths do lol. Unfortunately for you I know this.

    Finally? who keeps dredging this issue up? I learned a long time ago that new rules apply on line. Often idiots who put stern faced (kill face) avatars, and constantly attack cannot be ignored. You do have to be given a thrashing now and then...yes its sad but true. Because you are a bully. And you can quote anything you want out of context, whether people see me as odd, maybe over killing at the moment in dealing with you... many are glad you are being called on your BS. You are so desperate that you have stopped doing anything here but trying to figure out how to deal with getting a bloody nose.

    So once again show me your warface Chico!!!!! Are you an internet killer?!! cause you don't scare me!
  15. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    The boldness with which you lie is remarkable, David. You do it without the slightest indication of shame, and with complete cockiness. You take absolutely no responsibility for your lies, even when they are deconstructed in public view. You reflect every characteristic of a sociopath back onto me without any valid justification, effectively accusing me of your own very real malfeasance. You are truly a worthy study, exhibiting a majority of the traits attributed to sociopaths, and you have displayed these traits clearly and consistently to me at multiple forums (Atticus1, Nexus, United People, and Inphinet confirmed, Avalon unconfirmed). At the same time, you are so vile and repulsive to me that if I were to only consider my own personal comfort, I wouldn't bother to study you or expose your dirty game to others. I sure as hell wouldn't follow you around from forum to forum, as you have done with me.

    You may remember saying this in your very first post at Inphinet, "I do not intend to battle Chick..." It was your true intent right from the beginning, and anyone can easily see it by rereading that post and noticing your sociopathic mind projecting your own sick thought processes onto me:

    It is you that exposes himself as a sociopath right from the word "Go", David. And there is no way I would even think to ask you to stop lying, because I know from studying sociopaths over the last ten years that people like you (and Hillary Clinton) cannot ever stop lying. It is as natural to you as breathing is to the rest of us.
  16. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    Sociopaths always are with people they are not targeting. Those not targeted typically describe the sociopath as "charming", while those that are targeted call them vile monsters.

    "But get out of hand again and you get it again..." Sorry, Rose, but I disagree. Those are the words of a bully.

    Not in the case of Popeye / David. Plenty of members were complaining about him. You had to be there, and you weren't.

    If I was "a troll everywhere", why did you and Lightestson invite me here? Does that make your judgement a moot point?

    Noting that this is at least the third time that David has joined a new forum specifically to target me is "an incredibly megalomanical comment"? That's quite a stretch, Rose. I suppose you haven't noticed an arrogant and condescending attitude in any of David's posts, like "But get out of hand again and you get it again..." No, he is quite civilized and cordial...
  17. david

    david Member

    This is the quote you are responding to Rose:
    1. It's been tried multiple times now, Rose. You are far too accommodating when interacting with sociopaths. Shezbeth, Shadowself, Zook, and David all started with clean slates, but then filled them with constant deception and manipulation. At some point, you have to stop forgiving, stop wiping the slate clean, and hold sociopaths accountable. Turning the other cheek with a sociopath just results in another blow.
    I just had to respond to this: Its unbelievable. When requesting a peace from all of us Chico just ignores the post and acts as though others have been acting aggressively towards you. Its amazing to me how easy it is for him to simply ignore a request, lie about past events and not think twice about it. It never even occures to him that he is the one engaging and harassing, so doing using you. You see through this which is great, he really has to know better, but just in case:

    Chic this is David speaking. the unclean slates, the conflict you describe has a lot to do with you, your behavior and actions. Some one has to keep hammering this point home because you are lying about events which is not very nice! I will use a few examples ok? When asked Zookie "took his football and left" Shadow also left because of your harassing her on her thread AFTER you started bothering her. This was confirmed by Rose. And I have also not been the juggernaught destroying Rose either as confirmed by her, I do not know about ShezBeth. Rose has told you this but you still persist in spreading misinformation chick.

    Please stop lying Chick. Thank you Chick.

    full metal jacket show me your war face Chick

  18. david

    david Member

    I was never a member of Bill Ryan's forum, You had stated that I was in one of your posts. I was not hostile to you intially at United. And even if I had what? I also don't remember targeting you as Popeye... Rehashing drama from an old forum means little. I don't have a history of being a hostile poster and that includes Atticus. Your searching for straws along with spelling chicoooo! Nice try. Your behavior is the issue not my posting history. were exposed. Live with it. You are fighting with the wrong enemy, desperately lashing out with your war faced avatar (lol) but ultimately if you would just stop fucking with people you might learn that there are no outstanding agendas from the people you accuse, no grand scemes.... Your problem is that you are not used to being challenged when you bully. Your nose is bloody Chico. Stop being a bully and attacking people, for your own good.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
  19. david

    david Member

    There it is: the third person reference to self prized by self respecting sociopaths everywhere. If Chico only knew what a give away that was. Then again I wonder if he can help it.
  20. david

    david Member

    Yeah Rose whats yer problem? When I read this post looking at the stern chico avatar I about shot coffee out of my nose. Sociopaths believe an avatar is a fine place for a nice austere pic to show who is boss lol... Chic you are a crack up... was that the most intense pic of the bunch? and is that your war face? your killer face? show me your killer face Chico arrrrrrrrghhhh! Full Metal jacket lol. Yes David and Shadow's constant manipulation, providing material, while Chic's contribution is to accuse most members of being social deviants. Chico's role is to protect Rose from the members.

    Interesting aside: I heard from one of Chic's threads that only about 2% of the population are sociopaths according to his tinfoil hat demographics: that must make Shezbeth, Shadowself, Zook, and myself some pretty rare birds! Show me your war face Chico!!! arrrrrghhhhhh.
  21. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    That impresses me as an incredibly megalomanical comment. To my knowledge, you have not been appointed the center of the world.
  22. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    You have previously stated the owner/operators of that forum were unqualified and should never have been running any forum, so doesn't that make their judgments a moot point? You have been thought a troll everywhere, does that make the determination correct?
  23. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Those are not the words of a bully, Chico. David is merely handling the current situation with you in exactly the manner I have suggested: "ignoring" what goes on in another member's "aisle" when it gets to a certain point.
  24. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    I had PM communications with David at Atticus1. He was always quite civilized and cordial. He volunteered to participate in a radio program with Core, as I recall. If I am recalling correctly, he also volunteered to contribute funds when Brook was needing to get to California to bury her son. David never caused any type of problem in that forum, whatsoever.

    He, also, joined here last year in V1 and participated in a friendly chat at the Pub. Then, Stephen wanted him, along with others, removed for some reason I am not aware of.
  25. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    It's "forums", David, with a "u". You like to "lol" when you lie, don't you. We shall see shortly by your own admission that you were indeed at Atticus1, Nexus, and United People.

    Spoken like a true bully.

    Since you are a sociopath, David, it is no surprise that you are a fake and a fraud, and have been for a long time. I have already pointed out multiple times at Inphinet how you lie in the most devious ways. Like most sociopaths, you can't help yourself. It's your nature.

    Your first post at Inphinet is very similar to your first post at United People. Both are chock full of false platitudes and other hallmarks of sociopaths, like deception and manipulation. Five days before joining UP and making that first post, you blogged about getting even with Chicodoodoo for having exposed Stephen as a sociopath at the Atticus1 website.

    You clearly targeted me as Popeye at Nexus, but you were quickly recognized as a troll by the membership and thrown out. By joining UP, you were beginning the next phase of your stalking activity. Your mischief at UP was tolerated for over two months, but you were also tossed out as a troll with the removal of GW and her wrecking crew. For someone repeatedly claiming to hate bullies and not hold a grudge, your duplicity becomes obvious. And what a coincidence, here you are at Inphinet, back again for another psy-op against your nemesis, Chicodoodoo, spinning your lies with impunity. Maybe no one else here can recognize your true nature, but I sure do -- liar, fraud, fake, deceiver, controller, manipulator, bully... in a word, sociopath.
  26. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    I am well aware of your opinions on this now. I request that you let me take care of myself here. You may have noticed I am still standing? I have not enlisted your help in this area and feel you really do not understand a lot of things on some levels, but that is ok. I would like you to be who you are and for you to allow me, and others, to be who they are without so much criticism and interference if I had my preference.
  27. Chicodoodoo

    Chicodoodoo Truth-seeker

    It's been tried multiple times now, Rose. You are far too accommodating when interacting with sociopaths. Shezbeth, Shadowself, Zook, and David all started with clean slates, but then filled them with constant deception and manipulation. At some point, you have to stop forgiving, stop wiping the slate clean, and hold sociopaths accountable. Turning the other cheek with a sociopath just results in another blow.
  28. david

    david Member

    I'll ignore for a while. I laid out all my info and points on the socio thread and there is no reason at this point to continue. I have to be aware that the purpose here is not to score points.
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  29. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    [​IMG] I see this too, and I did hope we might move forward on the original track of your thread toting satchels of clean slates and benefits of doubts discovering what might transpire along the way, Chico. Could we try it? [​IMG]
  30. david

    david Member

    You would be hard pressed to show one example of the behavoir you accuse me of. BTW I couldn't have attacked you in some of the forms mentioned because I was not a We do both agree you are not too smart sigh. And by the way you liked me as a poster before you started attacking people on your forum which is when I went after you. Its all on record.

    So agaon: show me deception and manipulation. Just saying it does not make it true. One usually needs proof of dishonesty, though not with a sociopath like Chic...just believe him! He knows take his word for it! Yes the same guy who would stoop so low as to use a trajedy to gain traction in an argument but who is not anti-social....

    Lol, you wish you could hold that spelling over me to bully me don't you Chic lol. It shows how desperate you are after having been basically put in the dunce corner: You keep trying to pick a fight again, you are on to such pathetic ad hominums as "spelling" because you ain't got nothin' else lol. You have been caught lying, scheming and put down... Chic has been handled!!! and he will desperately try to dredge all he can. Exposed...dealt with....

    At some point I will start ignoring you again so keep at it ok Chicky? But get out of hand again and you get it again... sociopaths can occasionally respond to very clear boundaries consider this my attempt to operate boundaries.

    With affection
    Your favorite sociopath David.