Chico said:
FA said:
(This started in one direction and somehow became autobiographical)
(I am going to post it anyway because I have, of late, been writing a lot and setting it aside for further organization)
(I never get back to it)
I have had quite a lot of experience in this area.
Never completely trust them and do not believe they are your friends.
In my particular case, I learned quickly, in the original 18, to observe without attachment as much as possible.
This is as a new muscle to be developed.
I had, if I remember correctly 4 episodes with Stephen.
(This will be a general outline and I may expand on each episode further)
The Original 18:
If you listen to the beginning of the earlier audio posted in this thread, you may agree the original concept was interesting?
All of the Avalon to do recorded in "The Experiment is On You" led to selection of 18 (more or less) participants.
I participated for 6 weeks. A large number, especially older members, were voted off the island so to speak.
I received a Skype call from Stephen informing me I was no longer a member of the 18.
This was a huge disappointment at the time and in my opinion helped to develop "muscle" for further experiences.
A week or two later he told me he would come back for me if I wanted him to.
I did not join Atticus 1 until some members who had voted me out departed.
I joined attempting to anger IceCold to prove he used "discouragement tactics" on participants.
Later, I became a staff member and created a radio station there.
Problems ensued. Stephen, Rhi, McQ, GirlFriday left.
I was ostracized, black balled, by the then, in my mind, megalomaniac ruling majority and removed from staff.
I remained as a member but not active.
Agora (Renamed Atticus1)
I participated as a thorn in the side mostly.
They thought I was a sociopath. 
Well I was - In relation to their society I suppose you could say I was.
Not Another Forum:
I was invited by Stephen.
Lasted a couple of months
Will definitely describe later.
Back to Agora:
Horse and I did podcast a few radio programs.
I was bored and out of the blue (wait I had a computer motherboard issue)
I took it apart and fixed it.
I found doing so to be an interesting puzzle that help my attention and calmed my mind.
I purchased and repaired 20 broken laptops with various and sundry symptoms or pieced them together from leftover parts.
Yes, A Horse With no Name, did think I had gone quite mad.
Back to Agora:
Further shifts had occurred. Wango Riley had installed herself as Queen.
This began to irk me.
She still had all of Atticus previous files because she had used what was referred to as a "mirror image" of Atticus1.
It was my position since I had contributed time and effort to all of the content there, my opinion should be considered.
That was not going to happen and I didn't like the direction in which she was taking it.
I posed the question, can just anyone have a mirror image, Mark?
Perhaps we should have a contest: Whyo can have a better site, Wango?
Soon after this, wild dogs came onto our property and viciously mauled and killed seven llamas.
This was a highly emotionally charged and traumatic event for me.
I needed a seriously complicated puzzle to hold my attention and dissuade my near nervous breakdown.
I had 20 laptops here after all. I purchased a Xenforo license and went to work creating a forum of my own.
JJL helped me at the beginning. Then, one day I invited Stephen and the rest is InPHInet Version I history.
My point to this is:
I was already well aware of what I was getting into associating with Stephen and willing to take the risk knowing the pitfalls.
Thanks x 1
Last edited: Jan 19, 2016