Discussion in 'Φ v.3 The GREAT AWAKENING' started by Rose, Feb 5, 2018.

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  1. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Last edited: May 31, 2018
  2. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  3. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  4. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Just listening to 2nd vid above again.Yes, Obama was aware of Hillary's server! He had an alias to message her on it!hidee
  5. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Yes. It's real...
  6. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  7. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    95% of all media accounts of "Spygate" today consider the possibility ludicrous.
    Don't forget 95% of all media accounts prior to the 2016 election promoted the possibility Trump would become president as totally ludicrous and impossible.
    What IS ludicrous is the majority of democrats and their puppet media.

    Click above for link to report.​
  8. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  9. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  10. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Why does CNN - Clinton News Network & MSNBC - Main Stream News Bull**** Cabal have 24 hour talking heads bombasting every logical fallacy in the book regarding the treatment Trump has received to their public they regard as gullible kindergarteners? And, don't get me started on Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer! : https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/659/03/
    Here's the answer:
  11. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  12. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  13. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  14. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  15. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  16. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  17. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  18. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  19. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  20. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    A New Search Engine that Doesn't Censor Conservatives? Yes please!
  21. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    The wheels of justice turn very slowly.
    Still waiting for the Inspector General's Report
  22. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  23. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    When I returned from my home project unwound I was of a mind to focus only on circumstances and situations within my control. But, this Fisa Abuse issue opened an old wound of anger that our country has been ultimately controlled via both parties by the same group of controllers for my lifetime.

    When I was a child we actually had a high degree of governmental autonomy (freedom from external control or influence; independence). Oh, I know they controlled school curriculum and such things, but we were free from feeling monitored. We never felt the stifling repressive inhibiting claws of a technological Big Brother breathing down our necks.

    We are in danger of monitored to the point of losing our rights to any privacy. Possessing privacy is necessary for our continuing human evolution and not devolving to a race of cookie cutter social issue stereotypes.

    So, that is why this particular issue is so important and must be addressed. It is my feeling our Government, previously run by the above mentioned machine, now struggling desperately to regain their power, has for some time have illegally used our intelligence agencies to spy on us and much worse.

    Just think about it. If they can so easily use a few easy little tricks to illegally surveils a billionaire running for president who is not one of them, how many times have they used these tricks on any individual American they felt like using it on???!!! The Fisa Court ok's 99+% of every Fisa application. Whatever FBI wants FBI gets. Does anyone think these handfuls of rouge agents and groups of top management are out of the ordinary throughout the years???!!!

    Remember the recent proof that the IRS illegally targeted Tea Party members? I feel very fortunate as an American now because I believe we actually now have a president in power who is not one of them. He has vowed to drain the swamp and actually seems to have the ability and intellect to get things done. I also believe he has the necessary intuition to succeed. I couldn't care less about anything he has done in his past. That means absolutely nothing to me. What he does now means something to me and I am liking what I see.

    That said, an example must be made for those who committed this Fisa Abuse. Everyone involved! And, all they needed was to get a Fisa application ok'd for ONE person he was barely involved with accompanied by a bunch of lies written in fake dossier to trap him up in their surveillance. Carter Page? Oh, please. Could they find one questionable person you or I have ever been associated with and fabricate evidence to hook us into their web if they so desired?

    I certainly hope Jeff Sessions appoints a second special counsel and make an example of all involved.

    Perhaps following video report is a first step:
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2018
  24. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Did you hear about Hillary speaking in India explaining she lost because "White Married Women's" husbands, sons, and bosses told them not to vote for her? She apparently believes we have no minds of our own. Yeah, it was because Comey reopened the investigation. All our husbands, sons and bosses told us she was going to jail so we didn't vote for her even though we all really wanted to. Her blinding ambition, arrogance, condescension and stupidity knows no bounds. I guess she had to go to India to push that little gem of an idea? Indian women in the audience were nodding in agreement. What is she doing in India rewriting the history of her election defeat anyway? Clinton Foundation donations? This story made me angry enough I had a good laugh.
  25. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    So the House Intelligence committee has closed their investigation determining their was no evidence of collusion. Feels to me like a breath of fresh air in the house. But, there's still big swamp stink elsewhere, isn't there?

    Hillary, with the assistance of the Obama administration, used highly placed individuals in the FBI. CIA, and Department of Justice as arms of her campaign to illegaly authorize surveillance on Trump as her "insurance policy" in case he won the election. The Obama administration illegally unmasked Trump's name in classified documents stemming from that surveilance coupled with a fictional dossier paid for by the DNC. This situation allowed them to leak a continual stream of negative stories to "fake" media outlets to promote her fake Russia Collusion" story that threw a cloud on the Trump administration for the first year and a half of his presidency.

    Great Article by Michael Doran:

  26. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Last edited: Mar 13, 2018
  27. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  28. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    #3 at DOJ Rachel Brand Resigns
  29. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    NYT Story About American Spies Paying Russians for Trump Info
  30. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    NSA Paid $100K to Russians for Fake Dirt on Trump