Evening all, just a quick preface to this weeks TRANSLATER....
It's the latest double talk from the billy boy camp..
So,as it's bill ,it's boring and long winded...most people can be either ,or ,sometimes ,but he is an expert at being both all the time...
I had to break it up, don't get me wrong ,as double speak goes it's just nutz , but , there's a limit to how much "bill"(we all remember the Cairo story)an audience can take , I have a little mercy in my soul for you readers, I, do... .......
Apparently he has performed the usual manoeuvre of hanging someone out to dry...after making as much (mileage/donations/payments direct to him) he can before getting dragged down with the patsy ,when his crowd attack......
We have already spoke about the coaching stage and his paradigm alignment conversation , where he says stuff like"well, I , KNOW , there's a base on mars so we don't have to discuss that,as such.you can just tell us of your knowledge if any of it

mmmm" ....
Hee hee , he is so transparent ....
After he has fed the victim,sorry , whistleblower to his pets....
He stands back and watches the frenzie...keeping his hands and legs well back....
If as usual it's not going well, he steps further back...and ......further........and further....
Then off he goes like Dr Moreau ,into the undergrowth to get his little pets some more.....
More foood........
Like hungry chicks they wait for the return ....snarling at each other ,,, my theory shits on your theory, yes well you wouldn't understand my kind of contact because you aren't as connected as me, oh,sorry, it's not your fault you can't help it love...
(Rat spotters , keep an eye out in the end of this clip, you can just spot ili pandia bills main conspirator)
But this time ,a mistake is made....
Well not one....
A few...
You see how many people does he have to go thru , leave when spent ,used as food whichever is there fate....
The bones are piling up....
Now this one , this guy was a big mistake ,he was close up, a friend, I think he says...
He has the real dope...
It's gonna get sticky......really dirty......
So part one of the psychedelic world of billy boy Ryan and the project babbleon papers....
Bills introduction (remember your holding the two tongs and the meter is running)
Billy boy builds the mood...as he watches your needle flicker.....
GoodETxSG was sent a 70 page intel dossier on me from DHS/ Church of Scientology contacts, which I can be sure was not very complimentary.You all need to be aware that GoodETxSG has direct personal access to the FBI database (he told me this personally back in August) and has friends in the agencies who are prepared to give him info on any person he wants to find more about.
GoodETxSG was sent a 70 page intel dossier on me from DHS/ Church of Scientology contacts, which I can be sure was not very complimentary.
This was GoodETxSG's "in" with bills ego, bill likes the dossier is 70 pages, it makes him look important, not over the top , just seventy pages, not 279 or that would not be right, no seventy , that's ok with bill, he likes that, he will leave that in, it works for him.
And as for it not being complimentary, well , no one is complimentary after a period of time with bill, the mask slips , they slip shows....and out comes the megalomaniac..lol.
He blathers on to say...
You all need to be aware that GoodETxSG has direct personal access to the FBI database (he told me this personally back in August) and has friends in the agencies who are prepared to give him info on any person he wants to find more about.
You all need to be aware that I don't want you to have anything to do with this guy cos he has me by the gooleys.....
(He told me.................)......so it must be right..........it suits me ......so there......it is....cos I'm bill integrity Ryan...
He has friends in the agencies...........he will get info on you if you talk to him........ooooooooh please don't talk to him.........
So, our stage is set , (the inner sanctum) translated(to scared to show outside incase I get caught)
This is his tenuous link to his brethren's brains.
We can see the players , and we know there moves....
The minions wait,squawking for food...
The onlookers trying to discern who smells least.
Part two coming...
It gets juuuuuuuuuicy baby!!!
TRANSLATER .........says........later
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