Hello , good evening and welcome...
tonight we delve ever deeper into the web of deciet and lies we love to call babbleon..
We left it at the point bill was weaving a secret but semi public GoodETxSG proof pullover for all babbleonians to wear...
Light goes out a door slams.....
I am.....
Im gonna do it....
I am going to brave the certain lobotomisation for da nation..
I will with out care of pain or worse to myself dive off into the murky world of bill (sykes) ryan ....
yes...we will discover the inner workings of the scrambled egg brained egg head hidden by a hat..
I can feel the spirit taking me now....
yes i can smell the smell of pie n mash....
the chlorine of hackney baths....
yes , not long now i will be taken by the spirit of bow bells....
let the translation begin...
assistant pass the written babblings of the one known as ryan...quickly....
we must not miss the moment...
fare cop guvner....ten pound o apples........two pie n scrape......gord luv a duck......
as our translater falls into the cockney cabby trance....we chant the mantra to extend his journey under the sweaty hat with no hair...
come sing with me.....
If any of you, reading this, think you don't have a dossier, then you may be mistaken. Mine runs to over 70 pages... Name removed was at pains to make sure I knew. I should be proud.
Oi if any of you fucking people,reading this,dare to think that you aint got a dossier,then im here to tell you (scare you into thinking)you have.....right.....so listen up to me.....especially, if your stupid enough to buy this half melted puss..
GoodETxSG says mines seven inches and i should be proud of it...and i am ,look,im referring to MY dossier again and its lots of lovely people talking about ME pages....did i say , its seventy pages about meeeee,lovely meeee.
I've seen some of it (trailer: it contains a 'psych report', a court case I was once involved in, and every detail of my finances), and it's all invented, twisted, exaggerated, or out of context. It is of course skewed to make sure I look bad.
transglogrimated and then translated.
Ive seen some of it...its all more bollocks , that i may have made up ,or been told and used ,or true.
Who fuckin knows or cares,but if its bad about me its invented , if its about my new line of verbal dribbling then its true..anything else ,he is an agent...........montalk........time travel........philidelphia......etc..
finances , lol....i cant keep a straight face , his financial career is a list of lazy disasters paid for by selling everything his family had accumulated during there lives......being one of the famous five from enid blighton takes cash you know.....
Why do you think the agencies compile dossiers on everyone in the alternative media? It's specifically so they can be used if needed. Please be smart about this.
bollockographished and transglimmerated
they got a dossier on you,yeahhhhhh YOU,Im talking to you you babbleonian....YOU..they got a dossier on you.....its not as long as my dossier.....but they got it alright.....on...YOU>>>YOU.....so you remember just like the scientologists taught me,,you got things you aint proud off,,,,yeah and they gottem on ya....one word out of you.....you talk to GoodETxSG.....and.....and......down come ya knickers....with mine.....erm no not mine im cool.....but you..your bad...and they got ya..
so do as your told,im much clevererereerer than you ....so i now best....im actually assuming i do cos only a half wit would listen to me these days...
You also need to know this: GoodETxSG is re-writing history. I have all my Skype text chats with him still. He was positively delighted about the first interview, for instance.
hatflagerated while testiculizationising for translation..
GoodETxSG has nicked my trick,and im dead pissed off about it...i have some of my own edited and out of context stuff too..and he looked a twat in the interview didn't he ....yeah.....he thought was good,and we know it was shit don't we...
To go into long lists of nit-picking detail seems petty. But 95% of what he's now saying about me is defamatory — seriously so. I've already made inquiries about legal action for libel. And it IS libelous.
I cant be bothered to actualy look again cos i dont like it but its crap and i said so...and im right...im qualified...
i will admit that 95% is true...seriously true..
i have spoken to anyone who says things i like the way i likes em and they say it is not very nice.....but dont want to comment further on the grounds it may incriminate them....
The intention is to smear, discredit, turn others against me, and to find (or invent) as much dirt as possible. If I had $3,000 to start legal action, I would. I'd be awarded $100,000 in damages or more, and GoodETxSG's blog and TOT would both be shut down.
He has copied my strategy for whistleblower blowing up...exactly....fuckin cheak...
Again weirdly i findi need three grand or there abouts...funny i always need three grand ....never more or less...the websites that cost 100 bucks that i say is three grand......i wish my hat would fetch three grand on ebay...three grand....oooooh.....three grand...anyway this time the excuse is to defend the honour of babbleoniar.....and by shear coincidence my saggy flabby wringworm eaten arse...
And the cockney spirit leaves the room....
ok,boys n girls...
a word from me ..
can you beleiven this arsehole...i mean....look....he threatens legal action....lol...he doesn't agree with the machine????now he uses it..
whats more he reveals peoples details as a matter of course.....but ....whoever and however he does it,,he always makes sure its a moderator carrying the can...
u ntil a little while ago the law couldnt do much about this....
guess what.....it can now...
and i have been trying to get bills details for a while...all i get is silence...no one will answer...because he is hiding.....he knows that what he does and has done is already in breach of several laws...and in fact in my case led to actual physical altercations....pictures of people addresses and actual pictures of peoples homes....
he left those up on his site for months....witchunted and emailed lies to third parties (which i have)about me and my family,my woman....
Accused me of varying statements i did not make(witness )
and generally lied his fucking arse off...
And i aint skint.....and i want him in court.......so come on bill.......threaten again...but this time do it to me .....in the open......and we will all get our dirty washing out.....im game.....im not conning and scaring old lady's and half wits..for a living....i fucking pay my way with skills.....
GoodETxSG, if he does it again....
with his stupid face...why not give me a call..you will find im a very lovely charming chap....just ask anyone....lol
ok im off to wash off the slime....
see you here for anuver episode of toad of toad hall next week ...


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