A MEDIA BLACKOUT OF THE PEOPLE’S CONVOY- LET FREEDOM ROLL! Last month the Canadian truckers held a peaceful protest in Quebec to draw attention to Castro Jr.’s (Trudeau) tyrannical vaccine mandates. The truckers unleashed a “freedom” variant that is sweeping across the globe. Now America has it’s own “People’s Convoy.” “The Great Honkening” started in Canada and swept south into the USA. Our steadfast US truckers are putting the pedal to the metal for an end to all covid mandates. Locally the covid mandates are starting to end, but Biden’s Federal mandates for the military, air travel, and health workers are still in place. Biden continues to play covid theater, wearing a useless mask in front of the cameras and taking it off when the filming has ended. The People’s Convoy set off from California sixteen days ago on a road trip to Washington DC. Across the country, countless people joined in with thousands of semis, RVs, pick ups and others making this the largest convoy in US history. The convoy was cheered by Americans lining the over passes and sides of the highway, waving flags and giving the truckers their full support. Our freedom truckers have learned well from their Canadian brothers. The truckers watched as Dictator Trudeau ignored the rule of law and went full Stalin on the truckers, unleashing his own RMCP Brownshirts to trample grandmas with their horses. The American truckers are not entering DC, but circling the beltway to announce their presence. Entering DC would be like walking into a trap set by Pelosi’s own Brownshirts, the Capital Police. Today the convoy was joined by Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, so the optics of having a sitting US senator riding along with you in the cab gives the convoy more credibility and makes the news. IF the media will cover it. Have you seen any mention of the convoy on the MSM? No. There is a media blackout as they are too busy trying to distract you by beating the Ukraine war drums. Biden will not acknowledge the existence of the convoy as he doesn’t even know where his bathroom is. VP Kamala “Hoe and Blow” Harris made a disparaging remark about how all the trucks are adding more pollution, completely and utterly missing the point of why they are doing this. Then she flew off to Poland in a carbon spewing jet plane. What’s next? Pete Buttigieg telling the truckers to drive electric trucks? The Biden regime is out of touch with the American people. The distractions will not work anymore, We The People are awake and pissed off. The truckers in the USA and Canada have awakened the sleeping giant, the People. “You’re either with the peaceful truckers or you are with the left-wing fascists..” President Trump HONK FOR FREEDOM! -GrrrTeam