I look forward to more releases from the J6 investigation. They keep giving us more proof that Trump was up to something behind the scenes as he was leaving office. Keep it coming!!
Click for Cates Substack Miller oversaw “something” significant enough he felt compelled to acknowledge it to Vice President Mike Pence during Space Force’s one year anniversary & if the US.Gov’s contingency plan(s) some refer to as devolution occurred & the office of the US Presidency was DEVOLVED into several specific TEAMS to ensure a continuity of governance that would have been overseen by Norquist. In essence, this last year of the Biden ASTERISK Presidency has been what General Michael Flynn has called the SELECTED (James O’Keefe calls them the UNELECTED Government in his new book AMERICAN MUCKRACKER) government playing at the apparatus left behind when the ELECTED Government, cheated of it’s victory, went into the Shadows.