“YOU’RE GONNA NEED A BIGGER BOAT” “We’ve got Trump this time! The walls are closing in! It’s a matter of time before he’s indicted and prosecuted for being the crook he is. Yippee!” This is the usual rhetoric that we’ve grown accustomed to hearing during previous Trump witch hunts, which were conducted by the socialist Democrats. They are again convinced that they have Trump cornered and never-Trump RINOs in the Republican party are piling on. Their end game? Stopping Trump from running again. Bill Maher had Rob Reiner on his show recently and ‘meathead’ gleefully pronounced that Trump was guilty of stealing papers that belonged to the White House. Not only that, he said Trump ‘led’ an armed insurrection on January 6. Maher’s other guest, Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar, repeated Reiner’s words with her usual pasted-on, perpetual smile. She said Trump had led an armed insurrection. Only it’s not true. It was the FBI who led people into the Capitol Dome. None of the Trump supporters were armed. It was more of a parade of ‘selfie’ takers than an insurrection. No matter. The left has already convicted Trump supporters just like they are now convicting Trump of a major crime. Truth be damned, the Democrat campaign of anti-Trump lawfare must continue to distract from Biden’s disastrous performance (which Reiner praised as ‘great.’) All of this could backfire on the corrupt Democrats big time if MAGA Republicans can win House and Senate majorities in Congress. Trump’s allies can then attempt to extract justice from those who abused the justice system. That remains to be seen, but the real criminals are Biden and his cronies. They are using the FBI and the justice infrastructure to take out a political enemy. They’re the ones who need to be raided and prosecuted. Let’s hope they justly face the jaws of justice. — Ben Garrison https://grrrgraphics.com/
IT HAS BECOME PAINFULLY CLEAR THAT THE FBI HAS BECOME A CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION. They should arrest themselves. The heavily redacted Trump affidavit only underlines the criminal connection between the DOJ and the FBI. Both are doing their best to destroy president Trump. Their hope is they can land a criminal indictment that will prohibit President Trump from running again. In fact, they would completely redact Trump’s presidency and his accomplishments if they could. They would love to ‘memory hole’ Trump if they could, similar to the censorship in Orwell’s ‘1984.’ In fact, Biden and his handlers would love to redact all of Trump’s followers. That’s why Traitor Joe has labeled all us MAGA-minded Trump supporters as ‘fascists.’ That’s right, patriots who want the best for America are now viewed as fascists in the eyes of Democrats and their muscle, the FBI. The corruption will continue until the Democrat Party is soundly defeated in the midterms. That might not happen if they’re allowed to steal another election. If that happens, their banana Republic will become a rotten banana Republic. It’s time to redact the criminals who are trying to redact Trump, a lawfully-elected president. — Ben Garrison