Discussion in 'Φ v.3 The GREAT AWAKENING' started by Rose, Feb 8, 2020.

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  1. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Lock Them Up The Sequel!
    Cartoon published 12/03/2024

    There are a great many figures that could have been added to this cartoon. Bill Gates could certainly be added next to Fauci. Judge Merchan and Jack Smith could be interchangeable with Letitia James. We could have added the 50 security agency officials who swore that the Hunter laptop was ‘Russia disinformation.” I should have added Merrick Garland for sure. My bad. The entire Biden crime family including Joe himself could be added with Hunter, but alas, space is limited.

    Let’s go through the lineup, shall we?
    1. Christopher Wray sent dozens of agents to raid Mar-a-Lago. It was completely unnecessary because Trump was already cooperating, but Biden wanted to make Trump look like a criminal. Trump was entitled to the documents there and was fully willing to cooperate with the FBI, but no—they wanted to make a show and rifle through Melania’s underwear drawer. Merrick Garland even authorized the FBI to use deadly force. Meanwhile, Joe Biden got off the hook for illegally having top secret files in his garage and at his Pennsylvania office—ostensibly to sell to the communist Chinese who funded the office and the University there. This is outrageous and they all need to be investigated and locked up!

    2. Anthony Fauci is a criminal who is responsible for the injuries and deaths of millions. He allowed the funding of the Chinese bioweapons lab in Wuhan. He tried to cover up his trail. His Remdesivir drug killed thousands in hospitals and he profited from it. He suppressed alternative Covid remedies while recommending lockdowns and two masks. Now the diminutive Fauci draws the largest government pension in US history. He even got a medal for his ‘service.’ That service included sending taxpayer money to fund the torture of beagles. Corrupt big Pharma raked in billions for vaccines that did not stop Covid or its spread. Their vaccines ended up being clot shots that did great harm. Bill Gates is an arch criminal who wants to purge humanity. Lock them up!
    3. Hillary Clinton is another arch criminal who should have been locked up after 2016 as Trump promised. Instead, he got a soft heart and let her off the hook. What did she do when she spotted such mercy? She upped her criminal activity by purchasing the Steele Dossier—full of lies that prompted Trump to get harassed during his entire term. The Russia Collusion Hoax was finally revealed to be gigantic lie that cost taxpayers nearly $50 million. Hillary received a slap on the wrist. She deserves more than that—she needs to be locked up!

    3. Alexander Vindman was a US Army colonel in Ukraine. He’s now retired, but while in Ukraine he monitored and then leaked the transcript on Trump’s call with Ukraine’s president. There was nothing wrong with the call, but Vindman and the Democrats in Congress contorted it into an impeachment circus. Vindman needs to be investigated for his connection to Ukrainian oligarchs—the same oligarchs who funded Hunter and ‘The Big Guy.’ They bought Joe Biden’s support for endless billions of taxpayer bucks sent to a war we should not be involved in by any means. Musk wants Vindman executed for treason. I wouldn’t go that far, but we definitely need to see Vindman locked up!
    4. General Millie is another traitor who decided he was in charge—not President Trump—and therefore went ahead and made phone calls with his counterparts in communist China. This is treason of the highest order and he got away with it. A message needs to be sent. Lock him up!

    5. Letitia James is one of many corrupt figures of ‘justice’ out to get Trump. Other 3rd world lawfare practitioners I could have included were Judge Merchan, Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, and Fani Willis. James ran for Attorney on the platform of ‘getting Trump.’ She had no case, so she invented one. She lied and cheated to create a ridiculous case and then hoped to seize his assets and buildings in New York City. She needs to be locked up!

    6. Alejandro Mayorkas is Biden’s Homeland Security Chief who claimed our southern border was secure even as millions of illegal aliens were streaming through. He actually tried to stop Texas from securing the border. Even worse, he was also the head of FEMA, which declared it had no funds when a terrible hurricane wiped out a lot of rural areas in the southeast. All the FEMA money went to house illegals in fancy hotels while being plied with taxpayer money. As an additional slap in the face, FEMA would not help homeowners who supported Trump. Mayorkas was born in Cuba. We should send him back there—to Guantanamo and lock him up!

    7. Hunter Biden is last and one of the lowest of the low. He was sent out by his pop, the ‘Big Guy’ to shake down pay for play money while Joe was Vice President. Hunter raked in millions from Burisma in Ukraine in exchange for Joe’s support when he became president—and they certainly got it. Over $100 billion in taxpayer dollars have been sent to the grist milli in Ukraine and plenty of kickbacks were had by all. US citizens paid for it by means of inflation. After the Democrats lost in November, Joe ramped up the war by sending Ukraine ballistic missiles to fire at Russia. Apparently Joe hates the US and wants us all blown to smithereens, but he LOVES his family and gave his son, a convicted felon, an unconditional pardon going back to 2014 to get them both off the hook for their crimes. Lock them both up!
    — Ben Garrison
  2. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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