Discussion in 'Φ v.3 The GREAT AWAKENING' started by Rose, Feb 8, 2020.

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  1. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  2. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  3. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  4. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  5. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    • agree agree x 1
  6. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  7. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    It's about damn time you end your "Summer of Love" Dumb Puppet Bitch.

    ensane ensane ensane
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    Last edited: Jun 22, 2020
  8. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    The family of a Texas woman who once portrayed Aunt Jemima has called on the breakfast brand to reconsider its decision to scrap the ubiquitous portrait from its products.

    Vera Harris said the family takes pride in Quaker Oats scouting her second cousin Lillian Richard to become a brand representative in 1925, news station KLTV reported.

    “She was considered a hero in [her hometown of] Hawkins, and we are proud of that. We do not want that history erased,” Harris said.


    We all grew up thinking Aunt Jemima made the very best syrup.
    What the hell is wrong with that???
    So, this is somehow better???

    Damn Big Brother Deep State!!!!
    This has been Alien False Flags without the Aliens!!!
    Leave us alone!!!!

    My mother's closest friends were of color in her poor Texas childhood neighborhood.
    Her father was a tailor. The street was of dirt. Sidewalks were made of wood.
    I was not taught anything different than her feelings.
    Who do these Anarchists think they are preaching to?????
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    Last edited: Jun 22, 2020
  9. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    • Applause Applause x 1
  10. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    • insane insane x 1
  11. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  12. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  13. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator


    John Bolton, the neocon warhawk, has written a tell-all book that may tell too much. He may be releasing classified information illegally and the Trump administration wants it blocked.

    I was dismayed when Trump made Bolton his National Security Advisor, but thankfully the president didn’t listen to his suggestions of aggression. Thus we may have avoided a war with Iran, Syria, and perhaps Venezuela. Bolton never met a war he didn’t like—including the Vietnam War, which he endorsed but avoided personally. Bolton was a big cheerleader for George W. Bush’s Iraq war, which was based on lies. Both Bolton and Bush are war criminals.

    In an interview Bolton stated that it was OK for the government agencies to lie to the American people if national security is at stake. And it always seems to be at stake for dominant men who want secrecy and power. Bolton is a dangerous liar and his anti-Trump screed cannot be trusted.

    It’s time to slam the book shut on Bolton.

    —Ben Garrison
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  14. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  15. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator


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  16. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  17. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    WASHINGTON — Obama administration intelligence officials John Brennan and James Clapper must answer to the allegations that they blackmailed Supreme Court Justice John Roberts to get his vote for Obamacare in 2012.

    Attorneys for an NSA and CIA whistleblower in D.C. circuit court are trying to see to that.

    Roberts, who reportedly was investigated at one time for illegally adopting his sons, betrayed the Republican base that initially celebrated his Bush appointment when he confirmed the supposed constitutionality of Obamacare during Obama’s re-election campaign.

    Supreme Court Justice John Roberts was sharply critical of the FISA court as he came up for confirmation, before the Obama administration intelligence chiefs reportedly hacked his phone and electronic records.

    Read the full story from Big League Politics
    • thinking... thinking... x 1
  18. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  19. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator


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    Last edited: Jun 18, 2020
  20. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Hells Angels Road Trip?

    • Hmm Hmm x 1
  21. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    • thinking... thinking... x 1
  22. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    • Poignant Poignant x 1
  23. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  24. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  25. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  26. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  27. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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  28. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  29. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    • Winner Winner x 1
  30. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator


    President Trump threatened to quell the rebellion in Seattle and shut down what’s known as the ‘Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.” He must not do it. The Seattle Mayor and the Governor of Washington want him to intercede. It’s a trap. All violence will be blamed on Trump in order to dash his reelection bid.

    No, it would be better to let the little experiment in Seattle play out. If the citizens of that city and state like what they see, let them reelect their mayor and governor.

    Seattle has always been a left-leaning city. They have toyed with socialism since the early part of the 20th century, when the Industrial Workers of the World tried to exert their influence in the Puget Sound area. The result was the Everett massacre in 1916. Let’s hope another such massacre can be avoided as we watch the experiment unfold.

    Another group that threatens violence is the Black Lives Matter movement, largely funded by the billionaire George Soros, who loves to see America divided. His BLM operatives are pushing for the elimination of police forces in major cities across the country. The question is, the cities in question have been mostly run by Democrats for years. Many have and have had black mayors. Why wasn’t ‘systemic racism’ handled earlier? No, instead they all blame everything on Trump and white people. Whites are told they are 100 percent racist—even progressive white people. We are told nothing has been done to advance racial equality since the Civil War. Really? What about affirmative action and the quota system? What about civil rights legislation that has been passed?

    We are told we need to pay for the crimes of our ancestors in the form of trillions of dollars in reparations. This is nonsense. The bill has already been paid. It was called the Civil War and 620,000 people died in the battle to end slavery, including black soldiers. It’s time to stop kneeling from false guilt. Stop destroying statues and our history. Enough theatrics from Nancy Pelosi and her fellow kneelers. If she really felt guilty she’d be contributing her ill-gotten millions to poor back citizens.

    The police do need to reform. They need to do away with their militaristic black uniforms, intimidating equipment, civil forfeiture, and bullying tactics. American citizens are not foreign combatants. City Halls need to stop using the police force as revenue collectors. A $100 ticket for not waiting a full three seconds before turning right on red is absurd. Don’t they know how much that hurts the poor? A speeding ticket should be $20, not $200. Do away with the ridiculous war on drugs altogether and our prisons would be far less crowded. Have the police fight real crime, not mark time shaking down citizens. There needs to be equal justice under the law for all races. BLM would have all justice removed—some in the ‘CHAZ’ takeover even want to do away with the court system. If they get their way, everyone had better be armed, because human nature and history say it won’t be a pretty outcome.

    —Ben Garrison
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