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Discussion in 'Φ v.3 The GREAT AWAKENING' started by Rose, Oct 3, 2021.

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  1. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  2. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    “Old MacDonald had a farm, and it was taken away.

    With a WEF here, and a UN there, Here a bang, there a bang, everywhere a bang bang,

    Starvation eei-i-oh!”

    Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab wants us peons to eat bugs to help save ‘his’ planet.

    Yes, he and his super-duper über rich friends at the top of the pyramid own and control the planet. They see us humans as cancer. We are consuming too much ‘unsustainable’ food such as meat. Cows produce methane and that’s very bad for their planet. It furthers more ‘climate change.’ To be sure, the climate changes all the time. We have winter, spring, summer, and fall, but what Klaus is really talking about global warming. Why not just call it global warming, then? Perhaps because their previous predictions turned out wrong. Remember, Al Gore said in 2009 that we would lose the polar ice cap in five years. Didn’t happen. Many climate change alarmists have predicted the end of the world in only ten years. When those ten years roll past, they’ll give it another ten years.

    What this is really about is population reduction and sadism. Klaus Schwab is a sadist who wants us all to ‘eat ze bugs.’ They’re even funding cricket and cockroach farms even though insects carry a variety of parasites dangerous for human consumption. Cockroaches spread salmonella. No matter, they’re already adding bug protein to processed food. Better check those labels!

    Other sadists are pushing cannibalism as something trendy. The sadists love themselves, but they hate humanity. It’s too bad we turned over a money printing press to them and here we are, well over a century later, and they’ve used it fully to their advantage. They own and control just about everything and everyone and now they want to kill billions of human beings. The dangerous Covid jabs did not work as well as they expected. Many saw through the fraud. So now they’re going to starve us after the globalist oligarchy gains total control of our food.

    They’re doing this by cutting off fertilizer (bad for the climate) as well as burning down food processing plants and disrupting the supply chain. Inflation is another part of it—the oligarchs want to make people pay more and more for food while receiving smaller portions. Meanwhile, governments keep pushing their citizens and all they encounter is complaining and protests. They don’t care about that. They will soon shut down the bank accounts of the complainers. The globalist governments will eventually seize farms by force, much like Stalin did with the so-called “Kulaks.” Uncle Joe ended up starving millions in Ukraine while Walter Duranty from the New York Times lied about it and sung Joe’s praises. (He even won a Pulitzer Prize for his mendacity). Something similar is on the horizon today. Our compromised press will sing the praises of bug consumption and even the snarfing of humans (Soylent Green).

    Thomas Jefferson’s vision for America were free, independent, and prosperous citizen farmers throughout the country. They would hold the true power in our Democratic Republic. Jefferson did not agree with Federalists such as Hamilton who favored a strong central government and central banking. Jefferson favored de-centralization. Andrew Jackson represented farmers and rural folk and he was instantly hated in Washington DC. Even back then, there was a Deep State Swamp. Jackson was the first president from the Democrat Party from a time when they actually represented the working man. It took him two terms, but Jackson also ended central bank tyranny. Nowadays the Democrats represent globalist corporations and central bankers. The Republican Party isn’t much better—they also represent the interests of the super rich, not middle class America. It’s a ‘Uniparty’ and both parties work together to advance their own power and wealth as well as the wealth of the globalist bankers and Military Industrial Complex. President Trump tried to change things. He was really a populist president similar to Jackson. He too was hated by The Swamp.

    Bill Gates touts fake meat and GMO food. We all know he’s pushing depopulation. He’s been buying up millions of acres of farmland. So have the central bankers via BlackRock. China is even in on the act. What, we’re letting our arch enemy buy up American land? Even next to military bases? That’s because the vision of our Founding Fathers is now nearly totally lost. It has been replaced with a UN vision, which consists of an Agenda 30 plan to destroy America. Controlling our food is an important step—only they’ll call it a strategy for sustainability. ’Sustainability’ is a globalist worship word that many fear to challenge. Can’t be sacrilegious, ya know. They’re now telling us that we can’t let human beings grow their own food because it is not sustainable due to ‘climate change.’ It’s all bunk, but the narrative is locked in and they’ll use it to cull most of humanity.

    — Ben Garrison


    You can fight back against these evil people by learning to grow your own gardens and raise your own animals. Remember victory gardens in WW2? – Tina

    Further reading:

    No Farmers No Food = No Life

    WEF UN Behind War On Farmers
  3. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  4. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  5. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  6. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  7. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  8. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  9. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator


    This is a statement often seen on 4chan’s ‘/pol’ board whenever they talk about Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum. For some reason, the unelected Schwab thinks he can dictate how we are all going live. Oh, I almost forgot—his organization works with global corporations to fund his carefully groomed candidates. His ‘young leaders’ are then installed in ‘democracies’ around the world. Voters then unwittingly cast their ballots for Schwab. He pulls the strings on people such as Macron, Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern, and many politicians here in America. They are the ones who carry out Schwab’s globalist agenda.

    That agenda includes the end of fossil fuel energy. The globalists want it replaced with their failed ‘green’ energy. They also want mandatory vaccination even though those vaccines have been proven to be unsafe and ineffectual. Schwab said ‘’Nobody is safe until every last one of you is vaccinated!” Does that sound imperious or what? His statement is an absurdity and not based in science. Still, the globalists control science and they can make any outrageous claim they want in order to further their own power.

    That power includes controlling our food. Bill Gates has bought up 269,000 acres of farmland. The globalists are starting to outlaw fertilizer. They are disrupting the supply chain. They control water supplies. They want the end of real meat because they say cows emit too much methane—and that’s a threat to the climate. Yes, their climate change card is always played when they want to seize more power.

    So don’t be surprised to see the prices of real food skyrocket while at the same time there will be less and less of it on supermarket shelves. It will be replaced by insect protein and fake meat from Bill Gates.

    Klaus Schwab’s predictions for the future: “You will own nothing and be happy.” Also, “You vill eat ze bugs!”

    Schwab and his comrades are determined to inflict that dystopian future on us all.

    — Ben Garrison

  10. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  27. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    JP Sears and Jim Breuer on Bill Gates, Eugenics, and the Origins of Planned Parenthood


  28. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  29. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  30. norman

    norman Member

    Peace, Love and Justice [If You Want it]

    The letter from Albert Pike regarding the Illuminati plan plan for three world wars is largely considered a hoax, due to the use if the word “Nazism” in a letter dated 1871 but it is interesting to note the desired outcome of this alleged plan.

    According to the letter, the third war official started on 9/11 and was intended to leave people in a state of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economic exhaustion.

    They will then use Nihilists, Atheists and revolutionaries to create a cataclysm of social turmoil.

    And they will do this to force the people into exterminating the destroyers of civilization.

    According to this letter, this bloodbath would result in the destruction of both Christianity and Atheism and lead to the pure doctrine of Lucifer as the new world religion.

    And it does appear as if this is happening now, as if the Powers-that-Be are leading the people into a desperate corner, as if their main goal is to create mass chaos and violence.

    But they’ve been doing this all by decree, because they have no authority over God or the US Constitution.

    And so they’d be thrilled if we burned it all down for them, proving that we are inferior savages, in need of governance.

    They thought they’d have that on January 6th but the people were there for peace, love and justice, not a revolution. We don’t need one. We already have of Declaration of Independence.

    But without justice, the death cult remains free and continues on its path to kill us all.

    They’re going to shut us down again but this time, the United Nations will be in charge.

    Our government is giving them that authority at the end of this month, just in time for the next international health crisis.

    And with the leaked Supreme Court memo on Roe v. Wade, they can launch endless organized riots on us while we remain locked in our homes.

    Round Two is coming and this time, with food shortages and the crashing dollar.

    But it doesn’t have to be like this. Their authority is the biggest PSYOP, ever. You are not their slave unless you choose to be. They’re convincing you to do this to yourself.

    When they demanded that everyone wear a mask in 2020, the majority of us could have said, “No,” demanded justice and the true Renaissance would have then begun.

    The 2020 lockdown was a beta test to gauge how compliant the population was and we failed but we will soon have another chance.

    And 2020 was also a wake up call for millions of Americans and millions worldwide, who previously had no idea how corrupt our governments had become.

    So now, we are many and we must all prepare for the next lockdown. And we must remember that we are not savages, sheep or slaves. We are human beings with free will ad as lawful Americans, it is our responsibility to apprehend these traitors, exact justice and restore the Republic.

    But first, we must simply say, “No.”

    Say “No” to the masks. Say “No” to sheltering in place. Say “No” to vaccine passports. Say “No” to shutting down your business or your church.

    And if the police come to shut you down, make them commit treason. The law of the land is already in the hands of the people. All we have to do is wake up and take it back together.

    Peace, love and justice is ours if we want it.