Peace, Love and Justice [If You Want it]
The letter from Albert Pike regarding the Illuminati plan plan for three world wars is largely considered a hoax, due to the use if the word “Nazism” in a letter dated 1871 but it is interesting to note the desired outcome of this alleged plan.
According to the letter, the third war official started on 9/11 and was intended to leave people in a state of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economic exhaustion.
They will then use Nihilists, Atheists and revolutionaries to create a cataclysm of social turmoil.
And they will do this to force the people into exterminating the destroyers of civilization.
According to this letter, this bloodbath would result in the destruction of both Christianity and Atheism and lead to the pure doctrine of Lucifer as the new world religion.
And it does appear as if this is happening now, as if the Powers-that-Be are leading the people into a desperate corner, as if their main goal is to create mass chaos and violence.
But they’ve been doing this all by decree, because they have no authority over God or the US Constitution.
And so they’d be thrilled if we burned it all down for them, proving that we are inferior savages, in need of governance.
They thought they’d have that on January 6th but the people were there for peace, love and justice, not a revolution. We don’t need one. We already have of Declaration of Independence.
But without justice, the death cult remains free and continues on its path to kill us all.
They’re going to shut us down again but this time, the United Nations will be in charge.
Our government is giving them that authority at the end of this month, just in time for the next international health crisis.
And with the leaked Supreme Court memo on Roe v. Wade, they can launch endless organized riots on us while we remain locked in our homes.
Round Two is coming and this time, with food shortages and the crashing dollar.
But it doesn’t have to be like this. Their authority is the biggest PSYOP, ever. You are not their slave unless you choose to be. They’re convincing you to do this to yourself.
When they demanded that everyone wear a mask in 2020, the majority of us could have said, “No,” demanded justice and the true Renaissance would have then begun.
The 2020 lockdown was a beta test to gauge how compliant the population was and we failed but we will soon have another chance.
And 2020 was also a wake up call for millions of Americans and millions worldwide, who previously had no idea how corrupt our governments had become.
So now, we are many and we must all prepare for the next lockdown. And we must remember that we are not savages, sheep or slaves. We are human beings with free will ad as lawful Americans, it is our responsibility to apprehend these traitors, exact justice and restore the Republic.
But first, we must simply say, “No.”
Say “No” to the masks. Say “No” to sheltering in place. Say “No” to vaccine passports. Say “No” to shutting down your business or your church.
And if the police come to shut you down, make them commit treason. The law of the land is already in the hands of the people. All we have to do is wake up and take it back together.
Peace, love and justice is ours if we want it.