Wretched RINO Traitors

Discussion in 'Φ v.3 The GREAT AWAKENING' started by Rose, Jan 8, 2022.

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  1. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Fox News RINO Game Show Overshadowed By President Trump

    Cartoon published 08/24/2023

    President Trump teamed up with Tucker Carlson and delivered a compelling interview on X, (the platform formerly known at Twitter.) By the time of this posting, Thursday morning, the Tucker Carlson/Trump interview had amassed 210 million views. Fox News’ RINO act didn’t even come close to that number. Even with the FOX stable of hacks hyping the first GOP debate all day.

    I watched the Trump interview on X and Ben got stuck watching the RINO uniparty losers on Fox. I got the better deal. President Trump answered most of Tucker’s questions honestly and only danced around a few. It was a great interview that touched on questions that Bret Baier would not have touched.

    The best Tucker questions were:

    “Do you think we’re moving towards civil war?”

    “Whatever happened and Mike Pence? He’s out there attacking you. What is that?”

    “Do you think Epstein killed himself, sincerely?”

    “It started with protests against you and then it moved to impeachment twice and now indictment. Are you worried that they’re gonna try and kill you? Why wouldn’t they try and kill you, honestly?”

    Questions you would NEVER hear on a Fox News debate.

    My favorite part of the interview occurred when Tucker called his former colleague Chris Wallace, a “bitchy little man.”

    Watch the Trump interview on X—it’s definitely worth the time!


    While Tina watched Trump’s interview with Tucker Carlson, I tuned into the debate hosted by FoxNews. They kept saying Trump was the missing elephant in the room. He still loomed large in everyone’s mind. He cast a huge shadow over the debate, hence our cartoon.

    I thought Vivek was the winner. Huge props to Vivek as he was the only one who spoke the words, “Climate change is a scam.” The Florida governor DeSantis was a weak 2nd place. DeSantis had a moment where he looked around on how to answer a question. Devisating. Who came in last place? Pence. Not only is Pence a traitorous backstabber, he’s also a terrible war monger who wants more blood as he wraps himself up in religiosity. Pence was aghast that Ramaswamy was against the war as well as the RINO establishment, of which Pence is a part.

    I have little tolerance for those who would like to keep the US entangled in another long, bloody, useless conflict that we drains lives and taxpayer money. Pence and Christie both railed against Putin and called him a murderer. Somehow it’s the job of America to be the world’s policeman and put down such tyrants and murderers. It doesn’t occur to many that America is at fault, having allowed the CIA to take out lawfully elected leaders. Our own leaders (Bush and Obama) are outright war criminals, but Pence isn’t worried about that.

    NATO was successful at bringing about an end to the Soviet Union. It’s past time we put an end to NATO and its warmongering and bullying. Nikki Haley would reject my argument and say I have no foreign policy experience. Well, sometimes those with plenty of so-called experience make the worst mistakes.

    Christie came in next to last place due to his war mongering and anti-Trump backstabbing. The audience booed Christie and Pence while cheering the non-RINOs—and that’s a good sign.

    — Ben Garrison
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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator


    Cartoon published 07/03/2023

    Let us celebrate a very special Independence Day this year with all of our friends and family gathered together.

    We are here today because of the foresight and wisdom of our Founding Fathers. The great American experiment starts its 248th year. It will be historic—we will have either have a republic or a communist police state at the end.

    We need to keep our Republic. The tyrants will not win. The people are growing more and more awake (not woke).

    We want to wish you a very Happy Independence Day from all of us at GrrrGraphics!

    –The GrrrTeam
  15. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator


    Cartoon published 07/02/2023

    Lindsey Graham loves war. He doesn’t beat around the bush about it, either. Regarding the financing of Zelensky’s Ukraine war, he bluntly makes statements such as:

    “Best money we’ve ever spent!”

    Graham also tweeted, “To those who believe that Russia’s unprovoked and barbaric invasion of Ukraine is not a priority for the United States – you are missing a lot.”

    Graham and his fellow warmongers always talk about how it’s a war for democracy in Ukraine. What democracy? Zelensky shut down elections in his country. He also shut down a free press, the Russian language, and has even targeted freedom of religion by shutting down Christian churches. Some democracy.

    As Blackrock likes to say, “War is good business,” and Lindsey is aboard with that.

    Lindsey is not alone. Other Neocon, RINO Republicans agree with him. Mitt Romney and Mike Pence, for example. Pence actually called for cutbacks in entitlement spending (Social Security) while in the same warmongering breath he called for throwing more billions of tax dollars into the corrupt dumpster fire that is Ukraine.

    Fortunately, more and more Americans are able to spot a neocon warmonger when they see one. At last night’s Trump rally in South Carolina, Lindsey Graham was thoroughly booed non-stop when he was introduced by President Trump. The booing went on throughout Graham’s speech and got louder as he spoke.

    It was glorious.

    It’s also very telling because Graham is a native son of South Carolina, but his constituents rained loud boos atop Lindsey’s befuddled head. How embarrassing and humiliating is that? It’s time for the warmongering neocon RINOs to be voted out of office.

    The American people are finished with the endless war-loving neocons. The RINOs are headed toward extinction. MAGA is the future of the Republican party.

    Useless, endless wars that benefit the globalists and the military industrial complex need to end once and for all.

    — The GrrrTeam
  16. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Last edited: Jul 1, 2023
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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  19. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Fools. They will not succeed.
  20. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

  22. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator


    Cartoon published 06/03/2023

    Like the Marxist ‘woke’ Democrat Party, the globalist establishment also controls a large segment of the Republican Party. It’s the ‘neo-con’ or RINO segment of the latter party that wants to make sure Donald Trump is not reelected in 2024. Their choice is Ron DeSantis.

    Fox News has been driving hard to the hoop to convince us of the superior merits of DeSantis. The usual Deep State Swamp establishment Republicans support him.

    Oh sure, there are other horses in the race and there will be more ready to throw their hoofs onto the track. Nikki Haley and Tim Scott are already running. Mike Pence, John Bolton, Chris Christie and even Liz Cheney might trot out their stuff because they all despise Donald Trump. They will be running on hate. None of these candidates and potential candidates have much of a chance against Trump. Only DeSantis presents a distant threat.

    We like everything the MAGA-minded Vivek Ramaswamy stands for. He’s our dark horse candidate. He might make a good vice presidential pick for Trump.

    Bear in mind we do applaud a lot of what DeSantis has accomplished. We especially like his proposal to end the IRS and replace it with a national sales tax. Of course, we don’t like any kind of tax that grows government, but removing the politicized and well-armed IRS would be a great first step. (Then dismantle the FBI and all the other corrupt security/police state agencies). Trump does not like the sales tax idea and is ridiculing it in his commercials, but they are not convincing.

    Regardless, Trump has a huge lead out of the starting gate. He remains the best “America First” candidate and he has something that DeSantis sorely lacks: A personality and experience as president.

    — The GrrrTeam
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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

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    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    So, you think there may be a connection?

  30. Rose

    Rose InPHInet Rose Φ Administrator

    Last edited: May 27, 2023