9/12/22 Post from Shezbeth in PHI News
In Resonse To:
First off, what you said is inccurate. I ne9ther see the glass as half empty or full, I see the glass as full. That might sound like a cop out, but air is as much a substance as water. Destruction vs. Happiness, that seems a rather polarized position, and it seems premature for the individual to make any determination about 'their path' beyond doing their absolute best in their actions and dealings. I'm unfamiliar with Chris Langan, but the idea that we actively affect the universe is as old as time, and is fundamental to metaphysics; of COURSE that is the case. Having said, no individual is omnipotent, and the will of the aggregate is definitely a thing, which is expressly why the population(s) have been and are being deliberatrly dumbed down and subverted.
Let's look at the idea that 2020 will be overturned. Do I think it is appropriate? Yes. Do I think that there likely is sufficient evidence to warrant it, when properly adjudicated? Yes. Do I think thr left won't go into open revolt if it happens? No. And I also think that the right is TOO passive and avoidant of conflict to risk splitting the country over what will be (when all is said and done) the tail end of the Biden administration. Moreover, the fact that media can/will continue to gaslight and manipulate the population to degrees that legitimately should be illegal. To put it succinctly, society is far too dishonest - IMO - to ever approach the necessary mechanisms that would result in a redress of 2020, as one example. I mean ffs, the never-ending crusade against Trump continues. Howmany times are they gonna be allowed to try and dig up fucking ANYTHING on the man, to find nothing? Where are the retractions? Where are the admissions and recognition of foul? In order for society to develop consciously, people need to reject dishonesty on an individual and behavioral level, and that's not a mindset/direction that appears probable in my lifetime, let alone within say, 3 generations.
Dishonesty and dishonest people will never go away, and our structures are deliberately situated yo reward individuals who make a practice of dishonesty for personal/social manipulation and gain. As far as beliefs, the only 'beliefs' I maintain are axiomatic; either self evident, or philosophically/morally consistent with a mindset/purpose. I can't prove that my metaphysical practices cause a magical effect, for example, and I don't believe that the do (neither do I disbelieve). I am convinced however that: study and integration of archetypical images, forms, and constructs helps me to develop my mental capacities and ability to entertain increasingly abstract ideas and mentalities. I further find that applying the study of such material into a physical series of gestures and oration is both an expression and a celebration of everything from my abikity to reason, all the way up yo the ancient cultures and traditions that preserved the images since their inception. When I perform such acts, I get an unusual but tamgible experi3nce of a type of 'feeling' tha doesnt ordinarily occur, which I attribute (NOT 'believe') to being relative to the conscious generation of magic. There is no 'belief', it's a series of interconnected 'if/than' assumptions and hypotheses. And in the event tha I am wrong about the magic, I'm still functionally working on myself and my situation from a variety of secular-esoteric ways and means.
The problem with beliefs is that a person can readily - even knowingly - choose to believe things they know or can be shown to be false. As such, beliefs cannot be immediately ascribed any authority, yet people willfully do so, which is the source of authoritarianism.
This is why I am so on about evidence. Note, I never said the evidence I have/do refer to is either comprehensive nor conclusive. I will indicate what the evidence SUGGESTS to ME, but that's interpretive conjecture, not a statement of fact OR belief.
I'll use one of my favorite ounching bags: flat earth. I don't 'believe' the Earth is round, I rely on a series of tests and results that depict a round earth. Belief doesnt enter into it, unless one wants to semant9cally suggest that I 'believe' that the resultsof the tests indicate a round earth, and I havent been shown any models or tests that suggest to the contrary, in spite of many rhetorical/poorly-qualified attempts to do so that don't pass basic controls for error.
Politics, sociology/psychology, etc. are alot more difficult to suss out and find objective empirical evidence for, without appealing to one or more individual's biases, and are proportionatrly MORE subject to interpretation.
Tl;dr Metaphysics is the 'radical-centrism' of esoteric practice.
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